Author: Mr McGurn

Children’s Mental Health Week Activity 3

Hello and welcome your Wednesday! I am sure we managed to get some great love songs, or some teenage angst rapping going on yesterday. Mine was a bit Sinead O’ Connor. Today’s activity has been inspired by our lovely Art department who are working their socks off at the moment. The importance of expressing yourself not just through words but through all creative mediums. This task is going to get you to really look at yourself! Rembrandt or Picasso you choose.


Mrs Burgoyne

SDS Message for Parents S2 to S3 Options Choices

Update from Skills Development Scotland

As schools across Scotland are closed to the majority of pupils, Skills Development Scotland Careers Advisers will continue to provide careers information and advice by phone and digitally.

Our advisers will contact pupils who were scheduled to have a face-to-face appointments to make alternative arrangements.

Subject Choices

If your child is in S2 they may be preparing over the coming weeks to choose their subjects for S3. If you, or your child, feel that they would like more support in this process your child may be able to have a one-to-one conversation with the school Careers Adviser. There’s also the opportunity for you – as a parent or carer – to join the conversation and discuss where their options might take them in the future. As current government guidelines don’t permit these conversations to take place in person, we’ll seek to make alternative arrangements by phone or video conference.


You’ll also find lots of helpful tools and information to help with subject choices, on the careers service website, My World of Work. Visit


Please contact your school Careers Adviser (details below) if you wish to arrange an appointment:


For S2 pupils in Caledonia, Ellisland or Maxwell:

For S2 pupils in Alloway, Dumfries or Hamilton:


Please be aware that career information and advice is available online for anyone who needs it at My World of Work.  You can also contact your local centre on 01563527165 to speak to an adviser or call the SDS helpline on 0800 917 8000


Children’s Mental Health Week- Activity 2

Good morning! How did the dancing go?😂 Bet you were all amazing! In the words of Taytay it’s good to ‘shake it off, shake it off, oo oo oo ooooooo’. Today’s activity has been put together by our fabulous Mrs Brook and team. As music is another very important way we can express ourselves, bring out your inner pop/rock/rap star! Music influences our lives that we can’t quite explain, we just feel it. Whatever we feel I am sure we all can find a song/piece of music to match that mood. So enjoy today listening to all your favourites. 🙂👂🗣🎹🎤🎧🎼🎷🎺🎸🎻


Let it Out 1 Music

Children’s Mental Health Week

‘A very good morning to you all! It’s Children’s Mental Health Week and every day we will post an activity for you and your family to take part in! ❤️ The theme is “EXPRESS YOURSELF”- so all activities will be centered around this. It’s all about having as much fun as possible to highlight a very important issue by removing judgment and embracing the amazing people we are!

Today is all about expressing ourselves through movement! It’s Dance Day! You can post your efforts here to let us see or keep them for yourself!’

Move it Dance

Remote Learning- We want to hear from you!

In light of the First Minister’s announcement today that remote learning will be extended until mid-February, we would like to hear from our parents, carers and pupils to see what barriers they are experiencing when working at home. We are keen to see what is working well and what suggestions you have for improvement so we can put these in place at the earliest opportunity. Please spend a few minutes sharing your thoughts with us by completing the relevant Glow Form at the links below:

Parent Carers



New SCHOLAR video- Information for Parents and Carers

The video link below may be of interest to the parents of our S3-6 pupils.

Remote Learning and Free Resources

As we move towards another period of remote learning we feel it would be beneficial for pupils and parents to have a look over the attached document that contains guidance on using Microsoft Teams to access live lessons and other curricular content.

Parental and Pupil Guidance for Remote Learning

We will also be publishing a weekly planner for all year groups every Sunday evening via our school blog and app.

In preparation for remote learning the following resources may be of interest to you.


Free Microsoft Office Tools

  1. Log in to Glow
  2. Go to Scotland Launch Pad
  3. Click on the ‘Download Office Now’ tile
  4. Get free Word, Excel, Power Point, Publisher, Access and more


Accessing Glow via your console

Follow the YouTube links below to see how you can access Glow via your console


Xbox One-


Free Mobile Data Increases

A number of network providers are providing additional data allowance free of charge to support online learning. More details can be found here:


Please check back on Sunday evening for details on the work set for next week.

Christmas @ RBA

2020 has been a difficult year but our talented young people are still getting in the festive spirit!

Below are links to our Virtual Christmas Concert and another short festive message from us all at Barony Campus.

Our thanks go out to all who took part and an extra special thanks to Mr Parker who put it all together!

Merry Christmas!


HT Update

Dear parent/carer.

In response to the reported high prevalence of Covid-19 in our area at the moment, all pupils in The Robert Burns Academy, including those in S1-S3 will now be asked to wear face coverings for the duration of their indoor lessons as well as in corridors and communal spaces. This will offer an additional layer of protection for pupils, teaching staff and classroom assistants and assist our efforts to suppress the spread of the virus. Whilst this is a school-level request and not national guidance, I would really appreciate your support in encouraging your child to comply with this request unless they have a medical exemption.

Many Thanks

Stay safe and well

Peter Gilchrist