Month: February 2021

Timetable for Practical Lessons w/b 1st March

Today we had over 90% attendance from our young people in S4-6 who were expected in school to continue with their practical work. This is a big improvement from yesterday and we thank our parents and pupils for their commitment to their qualifications.

The attachment below has the timetable for the week beginning 1st March. It is essential that pupils only attend school if they have been notified by their teacher on their class Team, even if their subject and class are on this timetable.

Pupil Timetable 1 March – 5 March

A webinar for parents: Helping your child with S2/3 subject choices


 Helping your child with S2-3 subject choices – support for parents and carers

 I’m pleased to be able provide information about the above forthcoming webinar for parents starting at 6.30pm on Thursday 25th of February.

This event is open to parents and carers across Scotland who have young people in S2/3 making their Senior Phase course choices.

A copy of the approved press release is shown below and contains further details of the event as well as a link to Eventbrite where parents can register to attend (here.)


Ken Edwards

Education Programme Lead

Senior Phase Pupils Returning to School w/b 22nd February

Please find attached documents containing more information for Senior Phase pupils returning to school next week.  The first document is general information and guidance on how the school day will operate, please take time to read this before returning to school.


The second document is a timetable showing which subjects will be in each day to allow pupils to plan in advance what days they will be in school. Pupils should look for their subject and the time that they usually attend that subject (right hand column) to see what date applies to their class. However, it is important that pupils check their class Teams page and only attend on this day if their class teacher has confirmed this with them.


We urge pupils to take part in the voluntary testing programme. These tests are available from the school. See previous communications for details of the testing programme and how to give your consent.


RBA Phased Return

Pupil Timetable 22 Feb – 26 Feb (1)

Senior Phase Pupils Phased Return- 22nd February

We are delighted to have received confirmation from the First Minister that Senior Phase pupils (S4-6) can begin a phased return to school from Monday 22nd February.

As previously indicated the purpose of this phased return is to support learning and teaching in subjects where there are the highest levels of practical work that require in-school facilities and cannot be undertaken remotely. Pupils will not return to school to immediately begin work on assessments, this will be a resumption of normal learning and teaching to ensure that they have a secure foundation and course coverage prior to formal assessment taking place in the later stages of the 2020/21 academic session.

Remote learning will continue for all BGE pupils and Senior Phase pupils.

As we are only permitted to include 5-8% of the school roll on the premises for these purposes it is important that your child checks their class Teams page for information from their teacher regarding which day(s) they will be in school. In order to ensure pupils across all practical subjects are given an opportunity to come into school to carry out their work, a rota will be created spanning the next three weeks. Pupils should not attend school unless they have been notified by their class teacher or PTG. 


Senior Phase pupils who will be attending school are invited to take part in the voluntary NHS COVID-19 testing programme. A letter detailing what is required is attached. You can confirm your child’s participation by completing the Glow Form attached below. 



Children’s Mental Health Week Activity 3

Hello and welcome your Wednesday! I am sure we managed to get some great love songs, or some teenage angst rapping going on yesterday. Mine was a bit Sinead O’ Connor. Today’s activity has been inspired by our lovely Art department who are working their socks off at the moment. The importance of expressing yourself not just through words but through all creative mediums. This task is going to get you to really look at yourself! Rembrandt or Picasso you choose.


Mrs Burgoyne

SDS Message for Parents S2 to S3 Options Choices

Update from Skills Development Scotland

As schools across Scotland are closed to the majority of pupils, Skills Development Scotland Careers Advisers will continue to provide careers information and advice by phone and digitally.

Our advisers will contact pupils who were scheduled to have a face-to-face appointments to make alternative arrangements.

Subject Choices

If your child is in S2 they may be preparing over the coming weeks to choose their subjects for S3. If you, or your child, feel that they would like more support in this process your child may be able to have a one-to-one conversation with the school Careers Adviser. There’s also the opportunity for you – as a parent or carer – to join the conversation and discuss where their options might take them in the future. As current government guidelines don’t permit these conversations to take place in person, we’ll seek to make alternative arrangements by phone or video conference.


You’ll also find lots of helpful tools and information to help with subject choices, on the careers service website, My World of Work. Visit


Please contact your school Careers Adviser (details below) if you wish to arrange an appointment:


For S2 pupils in Caledonia, Ellisland or Maxwell:

For S2 pupils in Alloway, Dumfries or Hamilton:


Please be aware that career information and advice is available online for anyone who needs it at My World of Work.  You can also contact your local centre on 01563527165 to speak to an adviser or call the SDS helpline on 0800 917 8000


Children’s Mental Health Week- Activity 2

Good morning! How did the dancing go?😂 Bet you were all amazing! In the words of Taytay it’s good to ‘shake it off, shake it off, oo oo oo ooooooo’. Today’s activity has been put together by our fabulous Mrs Brook and team. As music is another very important way we can express ourselves, bring out your inner pop/rock/rap star! Music influences our lives that we can’t quite explain, we just feel it. Whatever we feel I am sure we all can find a song/piece of music to match that mood. So enjoy today listening to all your favourites. 🙂👂🗣✍🎹🎤🎧🎼🎷🎺🎸🎻


Let it Out 1 Music

Children’s Mental Health Week

‘A very good morning to you all! It’s Children’s Mental Health Week and every day we will post an activity for you and your family to take part in! ❤️ The theme is “EXPRESS YOURSELF”- so all activities will be centered around this. It’s all about having as much fun as possible to highlight a very important issue by removing judgment and embracing the amazing people we are!

Today is all about expressing ourselves through movement! It’s Dance Day! You can post your efforts here to let us see or keep them for yourself!’

Move it Dance