Category Archives: YPI

YPI Finals

Last Tuesday our YPI winning group attended the YPI National Event at Perth Concert Hall. The theme of this year’s event was #YPI15 to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the initiative in Scotland. Over 1000 pupils, staff, funding partners and charities attended to celebrate pupil achievements. Our pupils enjoyed a range of presentations from schools across Scotland, motivational speeches from Sir Ian Wood, Dee Bleakley and Rosalind Main from the ‘I Am More’ campaign and musical performances from Ben Walker and Callum Beattie. The event was a fantastic opportunity for Ava, Beth, Elizabeth, Joscelyn and Ruby to reflect on their philanthropic journeys and to consider how we as a school can continue to make a difference and promote rights for all. The pupils were are credit to the school and demonstrated our school values. A great day was had by all!