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Curriculum Planners – Week Beginning 20th April (all year groups)

Good evening,

Please click on the appropriate year group link below to find collated instructions for the work pupils should seek to complete between the 20th April and the 27th April.

(Note: This grids have been updated with Maths and Science work)




S5-6 20 April 2020  (This work is for CURRENT S4 & S5 pupils based on next year’s options choices)


Kind Regards

Ryan Miller

Head Teacher

Arrangements for Monday 23/3: URGENT update for pupils, parents and staff

Good afternoon.

You will most likely have seen the letter from Linda McAulay Griffiths to all parents via the app this afternoon. This came in the wake of the First Minister announcing a national position that no senior pupils should be attending school next week to complete SQA coursework.

I am relieved by this news as it guarantees that health and safety is paramount and also creates equality of provision across the country. The SQA were consulted on this decision and are expected to give further guidance to schools in the coming days that will help us ensure that every single young person achieves the qualifications their hard work has merited. Could I please urge patience from pupils and parents on this front? As soon as we have the news, I will share it with you and outline our next steps. Once again, please do your best to reassure your child that we will do everything in our power to ensure they are not disadvantaged.

In the meantime, please note the following information and actions that will support us as a staff over the coming days:

  • Staff will continue to support learning at home and directing senior phase pupils to continue with portfolio and coursework that can be completed at home.
  • We do not expect you to become teachers or to recreate the school day. Learning is important, but it comes in many different formats and is secondary to health and wellbeing at the moment. Do your best to enjoy time together as a family and do not let the work set become a source of contention…it is not worth it!
  • The school will operate on a vastly reduced skeleton staff on Monday to limit the potential for transmission of the virus while providing care for children of keyworkers as outlined in previous communications from the Head of Education.
  • To our pupils directly – please observe the government’s guidance on social distancing and, wherever possible, stay at home; you have such a crucial role to play in limiting the spread of the virus.
  • Our capacity to receive and respond to parental communication will be limited over the course of the week but we will endeavour to do the best we can with the resources we have.
  • I will continue to update you on a regular basis as the situation develops over the coming days. It has evolved at rapid pace over the last week and there is little to suggest that we will not have to continue being flexible and nimble in our planning moving forward.

Finally, thank you again for the many messages of support that continue to come in by phone and e-mail. They reflect my own pride and admiration for the way pupils, staff and parents have dealt with this unprecedented situation.

Be safe and well,

Ryan Miller
Head Teacher

FAO All Senior Phase Pupils and Parents: access to school next week

There seems to be a bit of confusion at national and local level about access to school next week for Senior Phase pupils requiring to complete SQA coursework, portfolio work or practical assessments.

Our current position is:

  • Principal Teachers are working with staff to identify pupils that have SQA work to complete, which work can be completed at home, which pupils will require access to the building to complete work and, finally, which pupils require additional support.
  • Where this work can be completed at home without pupils being disadvantaged, that will be the preferred option – health and safety remains paramount and we must limit gatherings of significant numbers of pupils.
  • Where pupils require to be in school due to resources or course requirements, we will contact them and families directly to arrange when this will happen next week. This will allow us to plan for social distancing measures, health and safety requirements and ensure that we have the correct staff on hand to support pupils.
  •  Where pupils require and are entitled to additional support for assessments and/or coursework, we will factor this in to ensure that these entitlements are met and will communicate this with individual families and pupils.

I am aware that this is a slight shift on my communication last night that school will be open as normal for senior pupils to complete work and am now in a position to clarify what this will look like.

Whilst it remains the case that we will be open next week for Senior Phase pupils requiring access to complete SQA coursework, portfolio work and assessments, we are going to co-ordinate this from school level and make contact with pupils and families as and when we require them to be at school over the course of next week and the following week. Where work can be completed from home, departments will guide pupils through the platforms shared with you yesterday. Please do not send your child or young person to school next week if we have not directly contacted them/you. Depute Head Teachers are currently clarifying this with pupils that are present and I would appreciate if you could share the message with Senior Phase pupils currently at home.

Once again, I can re-assure you that no pupil will be disadvantaged throughout this process. We had a brilliant meeting with Mr Johnston and Principal Teachers to co-ordinate our plans for SQA Processes this morning and I have every confidence that pupils will come through this with the qualifications their work and endeavour merits.      
I know you will be anxious about this. Please just keep following our guidance and having confidence in our processes whilst reassuring your child and keeping them focused on controlling what they can control. I have received a high volume of communication over the last couple of days and appreciate all the kind words about the staff and the school. We are very much pulling through this together.

I trust that this gives you clarity on our current position. As in previous days, I will keep you updated and communicate any changes to guidance as we proceed.

Thank you
Ryan Miller
Head Teacher

Supporting Learning at Home for S1-S3: Guidance for Pupils and Parents

The BGE Guidance has been updated below with additions/correction to Teams codes for Science:




Supporting Learning at Home for S1-S3: Guidance for Pupils and Parents

Good evening BGE pupils and parents (again),

Until this point, the emphasis has been on contingency planning for pupils in the Senior Phase and making arrangements for SQA-driven deadlines. However, we are acutely aware that our pupils in S1-S3 might also be feeling unsettled and anxious at the change to their daily routine. Our amazing staff have been working to pull together resources that will allow all S1-3 pupils to continue with their learning at home with support from their teachers and online sources where possible.

Again, we know this is not normal. However, all pupils are aware of their current timetable and should be able to split their time approximately as guided by that each day, using the guidance below to access instructions from teachers where appropriate or to guide their own learning using the online resources. We will continue to add to this over the coming weeks as it is essential that our pupils continue to learn and hone their skills in preparation for returning to school.

We also have developing plans to support the mental health and wellbeing of our pupils and parents over this unsettling time and will share these with you as soon as we have them ready.

You have been amazing S1-S3 and I am so proud of you. Keep working hard and taking care of or helping the people around you. That’s worth more learning than anything else right now.

Take care
Mr Miller
Head Teacher




Please be aware that Microsoft Teams can be accessed via pupil GLOW accounts.

GLOW can be accessed via an APP on smartphones but it can also be accessed via Google.

Occasionally the resources display quicker if you log in via the internet.


Art Microsoft Teams pages for all year groups with resources available. Pupils have been logged on to these Teams.


BBC Bitesize resources –

YouTube is a good source of information for particular subject areas


S1/2/3 Microsoft Teams available with all resources.

S1 Team Code – rstd75w

S2 Team Code – tntyz6o

S3 Team Code – dsxqi8h


Home Economics Online resources for all year groups available on the following websites:


Maths The Maths department will be using their website ( as a primary source of resources and communication. Some pages on the site may require a password. The password is: triangle.


Class teachers will communicate with individual classes using Show My Homework and/or Microsoft Teams.


Some additional resources can be accessed from the following websites: – select Level 2, Level 3 and if in S3 then Level 4+

Transum Maths – Topic revision and challenges

Mr Barton Maths Topics – Videos, practice worksheets, lessons, interactive resources

S1/2 Course website – scroll down to for Startersand Homeworks

Nrich:  – select Secondary Students (blue) then Open for Solutions

Various tasks: – select Starters or Activities

Modern Languages Detailed instructions for all year groups on ‘Show My Homework’

Teams available for all classes

Music Quizzes and revision materials


Practice musical instruments – resources are available on Teams for all classes

Personal and Social Education help resource for anxiety, phobias, panic, anger, sexual health and parenting resources on careers and courses. – Information about staying safe on the internet Information for young people and parents on tackling bullying Resources and tips on bullying, Learn how to protect yourself.

Safer Schools App – download to smart phones

Physical Education – Active 8 workout from the Body Coach

Pupils should be supervised when exercising – parents can of course join in!

Science The Team code for S1 BGE is a1kdtyn

The Team code for S2 BGE is bzaisq3

The Teams code for S3:

·      Physics is 1azlsdu

·      Chemistry is e50jf46

·      Biology is ewbn9f5

All materials will be available in these groups

Username: student@stewartonacademy33918

Password: 0vaa6eutg

Social Subjects Microsoft Teams available for all year groups S1 – S3

Tasks will also be issued on ‘Show My Homework’

Generic resources for all curricular areas: Twinkl –

BBC Website –


Senior Phase Learning at Home Support for Pupils and Parents

Supporting Learning at Home

Dear pupils and parents,

You will have seen from prior communications that we have been working on bolstering our online resources to support learning at home for Senior Phase pupils during the school closure. Today’s announcement that the SQA exam diet has been cancelled obviously throws learning at home into a very different light for our Senior Phase pupils, but the information below remains crucial.

For all pupils in the Senior Phase, the focus at home must now turn to completing any outstanding SQA coursework, portfolio work or assessments as directed by the class teacher. These will still be taken into account by the SQA in arriving at final SQA grades for the year and, as such, is the only aspect that pupils are still capable of impacting at this point.

We are also looking at plans and arrangements to get pupils into school over the next two weeks to complete any practical assessment work that has still to be completed, taking into account social distancing measures and health and safety advice. We will advise of arrangements for this as soon as we possibly can and communicate what it will look like as it will have to be managed on a pupil-by-pupil basis to avoid large groupings.

Below, each department has provided a summary for pupils and parents to help them navigate the support and resources on offer while they are working at home. We will continue to revise and add to this as the weeks go. For pupils in S4 and S5 planning to stay on at school, there is an expectation that you continue with revision and learning at home using the guidance below after you have completed your SQA coursework, portfolios and assessments. It is essential that you continue to hone and build your skills and knowledge with a view to progressing to S5 or S6 next session or preparing yourself for further/higher education or training/employment.

Staff have been working tirelessly to populate the online resources and will be at their computers ready to support you wherever possible pending their own health and wellbeing. We know this is not normal; we also know that it will not be easy. Most of all, though, we know how resilient, capable and brilliant you are. Do as much as you can to the best of your ability and let us have your back to ensure that you come out of this experience stronger for it and ready for whatever is next in your academic or professional career. I have so much admiration for how pupils, staff and parents of Stewarton Academy have handled adversity over course of the last week.

Additional guidance and communication will follow in the coming days as we refine our SQA plan and processes. In the meantime, keep taking care of yourselves and each other.

Ryan Miller

Head Teacher


Department: Art & Design


How do pupils access resources? Individual class resources, revision notes, useful websites and timelines are available on Show My Homework and will be updated regularly. All of the above will also be available to download from the Art & Design section of the school website should any pupil struggle to access Show My Homework.


How do pupils receive instructions/tasks? Specific class instructions and tasks will be communicated to pupils via Show My Homework by individual class teachers. Updates and reminders will also be issued on the Art Department webpage.


How do pupils communicate with staff? Pupils are encouraged to email their Art & Design teacher(s) directly with specific queries.
How do pupils submit work and/or receive feedback? Show My Homework will be our main source of correspondence with pupils. Work can also be emailed directly to teachers.


Do pupils require additional passwords/logins/links? No.
Additional information for pupils and parents All senior phase pupils should regularly check SMH/Art & Design website page for revision resources and tasks. Focus will now be on revising for the Art & Design exam using their critical studies notes and practice questions. Pupils should also ensure portfolio evaluations are typed and submitted via Show My Homework (these will be set as a homework task).



Department: Modern Languages


How do pupils access resources? Pupils in the senior phase will receive work on Teams by their teacher at the beginning of each period they would normally be taught.



How do pupils receive instructions/tasks? The material will be on Teams in the files. Pupils use those files every week.
How do pupils communicate with staff? Pupils will be able ask for explanations during the period they would normally have their teachers in addition to outside those normal hours.
How do pupils submit work and/or receive feedback? Pupils will email their work or upload on Teams or SMHW.
Do pupils require additional passwords or logins? No.
Additional information for pupils and parents Mrs Conlan has emailed and given attachments to all Modern Languages staff so that on Friday they will put all the information on SMHW for their own classes for parents to see.




Department: Business and Administration


How do pupils access resources? Show My Homework and Teams


How do pupils receive instructions/tasks? Business Management Higher – course complete. All coursework has been taken home and has been uploaded to Teams. All Past Papers and Solutions have been distributed.


Administration & IT S4 Nat 5 – course completed. All coursework has been taken home and uploaded to Teams. Past Papers and Solutions will be accessed from SQA website.

How do pupils communicate with staff? Teams
How do pupils submit work and/or receive feedback? Teams
Do pupils require additional passwords/logins/links? No
Additional information for pupils and parents N/A




Department: Computing


How do pupils access resources? Show My Homework


Pupils are also encouraged to upload work and notes onto their OneDrive


How do pupils receive instructions/tasks? Show My Homework and Teams
How do pupils communicate with staff? Teams/Glow Mail
How do pupils submit work and/or receive feedback? Teams/Glow Mail
Do pupils require additional passwords/logins/links? No
Additional information for pupils and parents N/A



Department: English


How do pupils access resources? Glow


Individual Class Teacher

How do pupils receive instructions/tasks? Glow and Teams


How do pupils communicate with staff? Teams/Glow Mail
How do pupils submit work and/or receive feedback? Teams/Glow Mail
Do pupils require additional passwords/logins/links? N/A
Additional information for pupils and parents N/A




Department: Maths


How do pupils access resources?

Teams (codes on website above)

Show My Homework

How do pupils receive instructions/tasks? Teams and Show My Homework

Website will also contain information

How do pupils communicate with staff? Teams/Show My Homework
How do pupils submit work and/or receive feedback? Teams/Show My Homework
Do pupils require additional passwords/logins/links? Yes – Website password is: triangle
Additional information for pupils and parents N/A




Department: Modern Languages


How do pupils access resources? Teams
How do pupils receive instructions/tasks? Teams


How do pupils communicate with staff? Teams/Show My Homework
How do pupils submit work and/or receive feedback? Teams/Show My Homework
Do pupils require additional passwords/logins/links? No
Additional information for pupils and parents Pupils in the senior phase will receive work on Teams by their teacher at the beginning of each period they would normally be taught.




Department: Music


How do pupils access resources? Teams
How do pupils receive instructions/tasks? Teams


How do pupils communicate with staff? Teams/Show My Homework
How do pupils submit work and/or receive feedback? Teams
Do pupils require additional passwords/logins/links? No
Additional information for pupils and parents All pupils who have access to one of their instruments at home should continue practising. Class materials are already uploaded on the department website – details on Teams.





Department: P.E.



How do pupils access resources? Microsoft Teams

Show My Homework

Glow Email

How do pupils receive instructions/tasks? Microsoft Teams

Show My Homework


How do pupils communicate with staff? Microsoft Teams

Show My Homework

How do pupils submit work and/or receive feedback? Microsoft Teams

Show My Homework

Do pupils require additional passwords/logins/links? No
Additional information for pupils and parents N/A – Assessment deadline advice may follow pending updated national guidance and contingency plans as it becomes available.




Department: Pupil Support



How do pupils access resources? Online resource leaflet sent via Show My Homework
How do pupils receive instructions/tasks? N/A


How do pupils communicate with staff? Glow email

Show My Homework

How do pupils submit work and/or receive feedback? N/A


Do pupils require additional passwords/logins/links? No
Additional information for pupils and parents We have used SMHW to communicate to all S1 – S6 Stewarton Academy pupils. They have been sent a copy of our Pastoral and Personal Support leaflet to read. The leaflet gives a list of online resources to support their wellbeing and a list of emergency numbers should they ever be required.




Department: Science



How do pupils access resources? Microsoft TEAMS

Class Note & Sharepoint

Show My Homework

Scholar (requires Glow login)

BBC Bitesize and other online resources to be published through the above channels

How do pupils receive instructions/tasks? As above


How do pupils communicate with staff? GLOW mail


Show My Homework for group and individual messages


How do pupils submit work and/or receive feedback? Glow mail


Show My Homework

Marking schemes will be included with resources and made available for use

Do pupils require additional passwords/logins/links? No
Additional information for pupils and parents Pupils to access GLOW mail/TEAMS/SMHW/School App regularly




Department: Support for Learning



How do pupils access resources? Information, along with study sheets and online links to be published on TEAMS.


How do pupils receive instructions/tasks? N/A


How do pupils communicate with staff? E-mail
How do pupils submit work and/or receive feedback? E-mail


Do pupils require additional passwords/logins/links? No
Additional information for pupils and parents We will update guidance on additional assessment arrangements in line with national guidance and contingency measures as it is released. Please wait for individual enquires until this information is released and communicated via the school app. Thank you.




Department: Technical and Design



How do pupils access resources? Class notes jotters


Glow blogs (school website)


How do pupils receive instructions/tasks? As above


How do pupils communicate with staff? Teams


How do pupils submit work and/or receive feedback? Teams


Show My Homework

Do pupils require additional passwords/logins/links? FocusElearning: :


Additional information for pupils and parents Pupils can download Autodesk Inventor to continue to develop their 3D modelling skills, instructions to this can be found on the GLOW Technical Department blog.




Department: Home Economics



How do pupils access resources? TEAMS

Show My Homework


How do pupils receive instructions/tasks? TEAMS

Show My Homework


How do pupils communicate with staff? TEAMS

Show My Homework


How do pupils submit work and/or receive feedback? E-mail

Show My Homework

Do pupils require additional passwords/logins/links? N/A
Additional information for pupils and parents Assessment deadline advice may follow pending updated national guidance and contingency plans as it becomes available.




Department: Social Subjects and RMPS



How do pupils access resources? All pupils have been allocated, via SMHW, a Microsoft TEAMS code. This code will then allow them to access learning materials, which will be posted on TEAMS to support their learning. This material will include PowerPoints, clips, workbooks, research tasks appropriate to their curricular area.


How do pupils receive instructions/tasks? Senior phase classes will continue to work through the revision programme of materials and will receive messages on a period by period basis as per their timetable to direct their learning.
How do pupils communicate with staff? Pupils will be given their teacher’s email address and communicate via mail, they will also be able to message through TEAMS.


How do pupils submit work and/or receive feedback? The assignment function on TEAMS will be used to allow pupil work to be assessed/feedback to be given.

Email returns are also being sought from senior phase pupils for timed ppq’s and assessments which will be set during the school closure.


Do pupils require additional passwords/logins/links? Senior phase pupils are already on existing TEAMS so no passwords required.
Additional information for pupils and parents Parents should be aware that across Social Subjects and RMPS a comprehensive programme of work will be posted on a weekly basis to the appropriate TEAMS group. The work will contain the learning which should be undertaken during that week. There will be a requirement for pupils to submit work for assessing at various stages and feedback will be given once assessed by their child’s class teacher.


You can open a copy of this information above to save to your computer or device by clicking Here

Update for Staff, Pupils and Parents – School open tomorrow (18/03/20)

Good evening,

I am writing to bring staff, pupils and parents up to speed with the COVID-19 situation and its impact on our school as it stands on Tuesday evening.

We have had another immensely challenging day and I could not be more grateful for the work of our teaching and non teaching staff in maintaining a calm, purposeful learning environment for our young people today. The office staff have been under severe pressure taking calls and recording absence and have been absolutely appreciative of the wide support they have received from parents during a very unsettling period.

Like every other school, we have a significant number of pupils and staff now self-isolating either because they are exhibiting symptoms (isolating for 7 days), living in a household with someone exhibiting symptoms (isolating for 14 days unless they exhibit symptoms, at which point they should isolate for 7 days from the day the symptoms present) or because they have an underlying health condition or are pregnant, as specified by government guidance (isolating until further notice).

We have looked at the attendance statistics from the end of today and our expected staffing levels for tomorrow. With additional supply staff booked in for tomorrow, we are in a position to open the school as normal for pupils not self-isolating for any of the reasons stated above. It is essential that pupils and staff already self-isolating continue to do so for the appropriate number of days.

The First Minister has tonight stated that “it is highly possible we will see a more blanket approach to school closures in the coming days”. We are continuing to prepare for this potential outcome by placing as many resources as possible online for pupils in the Senior Phase (S4-6) through Glow, Teams, Sharepoint and Show My Homework. We are also working on our contingency plans for S1-3 and collating an extensive bank of resources to support them with meaningful work in the event of a school closure.

Ultimately, our main job for now remains to look after the health and wellbeing of pupils, staff and parents, deliver high quality learning to our pupils in school and do as much as we can to support self-directed learning at home. As the situation progresses, so to will our ability to support the later and more guidance will follow in due course to help parents understand what this looks like as it takes shape.

This really is an unprecedented situation and one that is presenting monumental challenges not only to school, but to wider society. First and foremost, I urge you to take care of yourselves, your family and those around you and continue to exhibit the resilience, compassion and understanding that makes me proud to lead and be associated with Stewarton Academy. We will continue striving to do the best we can in every situation with the information we have available at the time.

Take care

Ryan Miller
Head Teacher

URGENT: Update to COVID-19 self-isolation advice for pupils, staff and parents

With updated national guidance announced late this afternoon, there have been important changes that come into play with immediate effect. In the short term, I have included the most important points in the text below, but this is just an extract lifted directly from the most up-to-date government guidance, which can be viewed in full here

Extract from text about self isolation

Stay at home advice

If you have a new continuous cough and/or a fever/high temperature, however mild, stay at home for 7 days from the day your symptoms started. This will help to protect others in your community while you’re infectious.
This advice is for:

  • people with symptoms that may be caused by coronavirus (COVID-19), and who do not require hospital treatment, who must remain at home until they are well
  • those living in households with someone who shows symptoms that may be caused by coronavirus (COVID-19)

Why staying at home is very important
It is very important that individuals with symptoms that may be due to coronavirus (COVID-19) and their household members stay at home. Staying at home will help control the spread of the virus to friends and others.

Those with symptoms who live alone should remain at home for 7 days after the onset of their symptoms (see “ending self-isolation” below). This will reduce the risk of you infecting others.

If you live with others, then the person who has symptoms of COVID-19 (new continuous cough and/or fever/high temperature) should stay at home for 7 days from the start of their symptoms and all other household members who don’t develop any symptoms should stay at home for 14 days. The 14-day period starts from the day illness began in the first person to become ill. If others in the household develop symptoms within the 14 days, then they will need to stay at home for 7 days from the day their symptoms began, even if this takes them over the 14 day isolation period.

It is likely that people living within a household will infect each other or may already be infected. Staying at home for 14 days will greatly reduce the overall amount of infection the household could pass on to others in the community. Staying at home may be difficult and frustrating, but there are things that you can do to help make it easier.

What to consider
If you have to stay at home:

  • plan ahead and ask others for help to make sure you can stay at home successfully
  • ask your employer, friends and family to help you get the things you need to stay at home
  • stay at least 2 metres (about 3 steps) away from other people in your home whenever possible
  • sleep alone if possible
  • wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds regularly
  • stay away from the elderly and those with underlying health conditions as much as possible
  • consider whether older people and those with underlying health conditions can stay in another house while you need to stay at home
  • make sure that you keep in touch with friends and family over the phone or through social media

What we mean by staying at home (self-isolating)
If you have to stay at home for you shouldn’t go to work, school or public areas.
Avoid close contact with others by:

  • avoiding having visitors
  • not using taxis or public transport
  • asking a friend or neighbour to get your shopping or arranging for a delivery to be left at your door
  • not sharing towels, clothes, toothbrushes or razors

Summary – What does this mean for Stewarton Academy?
As mentioned at the beginning of this post, this is just an extract from the full guidance, which you can view from the link at the top of the post. The most essential aspects in the short term are:

  • Pupils and staff who entered self-isolation today or previously should self-isolate for 7 days
  • Family members living in the same household as pupils or staff who entered self-isolation today or previously must isolate for 14 days from today or from the date the first member of the household self-isolated
  • If during that 14-day period, you or anyone in the household display symptoms of the virus, they should self-isolate for 7 days from the date the symptoms present before ending self-isolation.

I understand that this is a lot to take in and want to reassure you that we are at the other end of the phone to re-assure you or clarify anything above. However, could I please ask that you observe the guidelines fully as it will have a substantial impact in slowing down the transmission of the virus in our school and wider community. Your support has been nothing short of incredible and I hugely value it at this challenging time for our school and local community.

Kind regards, and please take care.

Ryan Miller
Head Teacher

COVID-19 – Important Update for Parents and Pupils

Good afternoon,

I am aware that there is a lot of speculation and anxiety around the school community as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak. I want to share this communication to ensure that all parents have a clear, up-to-date view of the situation from a school perspective.

As things stand, there is no imminent news of school closure either locally or nationally. This situation is constantly under review at national, local and school level and, should that situation change, it will be communicated to parents through the school’s app, website and twitter feed. Please ensure that you rely on these school communication channels and East Ayrshire Council’s official accounts for updates and the latest advice. This will minimise the kind of speculation that only serves to cause distress and anxiety for pupils, parents and the wider school community.

As a school, we will continue to develop contingency and resilience measures to be as prepared as possible for the deepening of the COVID-19 outbreak both from a health and safety and an educational point of view. We will communicate with you at appropriate junctures about how you can support us with this and will ensure that pupils and parents are kept fully informed.

Our immediate priority is to ensure that we act responsibly to contribute to nationwide efforts to delay the spread of the virus. With this is mind, all pupils and staff are expected to follow the most recent national guidance and self-isolate for seven days if they present any symptoms of COVID-19. Please refer to the national guidance if you are unsure. If your child is self-isolating, it is crucial that you contact the school office to report the absence in the normal manner and inform them that your child is self-isolating for seven days. We are recording these figures for reporting purposes at council and national level. If teachers see pupils exhibiting the symptoms, we will ask the child to report to the school office and we will contact home to gather more information and agree an appropriate course of action with parents.

The SQA has issued a statement on their contingency plans, and we will work to supporting our senior phase pupils through any actions taken. I would like to reassure you that we will do everything in our power to prevent pupils being disadvantaged by the current situation and that, where possible, you continue to encourage them to focus on their learning and revision as we head towards a very important stage of their education. Again, plans around supporting pupils will be communicated in due course depending on what the situation requires.

Finally for now, I would like to thank you for your support. I have had several messages and offers of help and support today and parents have shown great understanding at what is undoubtedly an unsettling time. We will absolutely draw on the strength of our school community and come out of this period all the stronger for it.

Kind regards

Ryan Miller
Head Teacher
Stewarton Academy