Tag Archives: Reading

‘AI’ HOMEWORK WB: 01.11.21


  • Complete allocated Bug Club book(s) and activities.


  • Complete any allocated Heinemann Active Maths games within Bug Club.


This week in class we are all learning and using “ai”.

  • Say your alphabet/joined phoneme sounds flashcards.
  • Watch this video



  • Use the space at the top of the page in your homework jotter to draw and label 4 pictures of “ai” words you know or remember from the video.
  • Use your alphabet and joined phonemes flashcards to make the following words.
  • Use the strategy LOOK, SAY, COVER, WRITE, CHECK to copy the words you made above onto the lines at the bottom of your homework jotter and write them 3 times.


  • Use the sheet handout from last week to draw quarters into the space at the top of your jotter. Label it ‘c’,  ‘k’,  ‘ck’ and an empty box. Draw and label a picture that begins with ‘c’ or ‘k’ and a word that contains ‘ck’ (remember none of our words ever start ‘ck’.)
  • Use your alphabet cards to make short 3 letter words – you could try pin, set, men, sap and make up some more of your own. Be sure that they are real words.
  • Use five of the 3 letter words you made to write on each line at the bottom of your jotter. Use the strategy LOOK, SAY, COVER, WRITE & CHECK to write those words 3 times. Remember finger spaces between the words so watch the size of your writing.

Any questions or log in issues, please contact your child’s class teacher ASAP.

Primary Three Preparation


As Primary Two draws to a close after what has been a challenging year, the teachers would like to say a HUGE THANK YOU to all of our pupils and Homework Buddies who have tried out something new by engaging almost exclusively online!

We have worked hard together to provide lessons, homework and feedback in a way we just haven’t had to before. So thank you for your patience and well done for sending in lots of great work; the improvements in confidence and skill have been wonderful to see!

Homework for Primary 2 is NOW COMPLETE, however, after speaking with some parents/carers at Parent’s Night we have collated a list of suggestions to help support our pupils and to give you an idea of the core skills required for Primary 3. Please be reassured that these are just suggestions and we would fully encourage you to enjoy your time off!

A pack of support resources for your child will be sent home in preparation for Primary 3 and can be referred to at any time to help maintain or build further confidence prior to returning in August 2021. Aside from these suggestions, we would always advocate providing a good model of reading so that your child can enjoy a story and talk about what they have read/noticed within a book. We will also signpost you to the USEFUL WEBSITES tab on the menu at the top of the P2 page for appropriate Literacy and Numeracy games.

All P2 pupils have worked on and should continue to develop: –

  • Reading and writing initial sounds (all alphabet single sounds)

  • Reading and writing stage 1 common words

  • Handwriting all lowercase and uppercase letters of the alphabet

  • Writing and counting out items to show the value of numbers to 10 

  • How to add groups of items together to make a larger total within 10

  • How to take away groups of items to make a smaller total within 10

  • If a number is ODD (1, 3, 5, 7 or 9) or EVEN (0, 2, 4, 6 or 8)

  • How to identify the number BEFORE/AFTER/BETWEEN given numbers

  • How to count up and down in 1s, 2s and 10s.


If your child has been working within FIRST LEVEL, they should know:-

  • All of the above

  • All joined phonemes within Active Literacy Stage 1, (sh, th, ch, ng, wh, ph, ee, oo, ck, ai, oy, oa & qu) and use these to spell words

  • Some joined phonemes within Active Literacy Stage 2, (ay, ea {leaf}, ow {snow}, ue, aw, oi, au, ew, ow {owl}, ou & igh) and use these to spell words

  • Reading and writing Active Literacy Stage 2 words up to and including the word “right” on the grid

  • The place value of numbers to 100 – use the language tens and ones and explain, for example, that 18 is 1 ten and 8 ones which equals 10 + 8, or 25 is 2 tens and 5 ones  which equals 20 + 5 etc

  • How to add groups of items together to make a larger total within 20

  • How to take away groups of items to make a smaller total within 20

  • How to count up and down in 5s.

To all our Primary 2 pupils, we will miss you, work hard in P3 and if in doubt, sound it out!

Sending our best wishes for the future,

Miss Baillie, Mrs Banks, Mrs Easter, Mrs Kidd, Mrs Saxelby and Miss Telford.

Homework 01.06.21


We are having a week of lovely weather so the teachers would like you to stay sun safe and get out for fresh air if you can.

Ensure that you read your online Bug Club books this week and your library book if you have one.

Positive Choices Week

Mrs Findlay issued some jobs this week as part of Positive Choices Week and you could try some of these, if you like, instead of the weekly homework that you have been used to on our P2 page.

Check out the list below.


June Article 29:  Your right to become the best you can be.

Please choose some activities you would like to try this week.

  • Create a Positive Thinking Poster with your friends or family.

  • Catch up with friends and chat about what makes you happy.

  • Read our Be the Nice Kid Poster – discuss this with your family.

  • Take it in turns to mime and act out an occupation. Try to guess the jobs.

  • Think of a different job for every letter of the alphabet.

  • What job would you like to do in Onthank Primary? Tell us why?

On Friday you can come dressed up as what job you would like to have when you are older or who you would like to be.






***** Please continue to use the homework jotter that was provided and if you need another, then ensure you email your teacher. *****

Homework tasks have been categorised using a Chilli Challenge format. You should pick ONE of the three challenges in Literacy and Numeracy to complete in your jotter. If pupils would like to complete more than this, that is their choice.


– Bug Club book allocation.

– Library book. Remember to RETURN LIBRARY BOOKS on FRIDAY and new books will be PROVIDED ON MONDAY to be enjoyed throughout the week.

– This week we will be learning the joined phoneme “ow” for “owl”.

Read the following spelling words. 












Use the activity RAINBOW WRITING to write the “ow” words above into your jotter three times.

– You  need to know the following common words:-





– Use the activity RAINBOW WRITING to write the “common” words above into your jotter three times too.

Make cards and write each of the spelling and common words on them. Can you say each of the words when your Homework Buddy shows them to you?

Write a sentence for three of your common words and any of the “ow” for “owl” words above. (Remember a capital letter, finger spaces, sensible spelling and a full stop or other punctuation to complete good sentences please.)


Ask your Homework Buddy to challenge you to spell out each of the “ow” and common words out loud without writing them down. How many did you get correct?



– Revise counting in 1s and 2s to 20.

– Revise counting in 5s and 10s to 100.



– Get 10 small toys, crayons or stones to help you.

– Complete the following take-away calculations.

9 – 3 =                    7 – 1 =

8 – 5 =                    4 – 2 =

6 – 4 =                    8 – 8 =


– Copy and complete these subtraction calculations. Which strategy did you use to work them out?

14 – 3 =                    12 – 0 =

28 – 4 =                    25 – 1 =

36 – 5 =                    37 – 4 =

47 – 5 =                    44 – 4 =


– Ask your Homework Buddy to ask you these calculations. Can you calculate the answers in your head without writing them down? Think carefully about what you HEAR and THINK what to do. How many did you get correct?

19 – 2 =                    16 – 4 =

15 + 3 =                    18 + 7 =

27 – 4 =                     29 – 7 =

32 – 2 =                    36 + 1 =

37 + 2 =                   31 + 3 =

40 – 1 =                    49 – 3 =

42 + 6 =                   47 – 6 =

66 + 3 =                   72 + 4 =

87 – 5 =                    99 – 6 =



– It’ll be Sports Week soon – do you remember which House you’re in? Your teacher will remind you this week. Try in your garden or by going to the park to run a flat race from one marker or tree to the next. Time yourself doing it a few times. What was your best time?

– The last activity was about time and speed as well as fitness and health. This next activity is fun maths too. Try it out.

– Go on a hunt around your house and find the following (remember where you found them because you’ll need to put them back after you’re done.) :-

  • shoe

  • spoon

  • remote control

  • toy

  • pillow

  • book

– Now collect small objects to measure with, you could try:-

  • stones

  • seeds

  • blocks

  • pasta

– Using the small objects above to measure with or your feet/hands/fingers, measure each of the items you found around your house. Which one is longest? Which one is shortest? Record your findings in your jotter.


Send photos of the good work you have completed in an email to your class teacher please. Remember to lay your work out neatly and try really hard with your handwriting and presentation.

Team P2 

HOMEWORK 10.5.21

***** Please continue to use the homework jotter that was provided and if you need another, then ensure you email your teacher. *****

Homework tasks have been categorised using a Chilli Challenge format. You should pick ONE of the three challenges in Literacy and Numeracy to complete in your jotter. If pupils would like to complete more than this, that is their choice.


– Bug Club book allocation.

– Library book. Remember to RETURN LIBRARY BOOKS on FRIDAY and new books will be PROVIDED ON MONDAY to be enjoyed throughout the week.

– This week, revise the joined phonemes “au” and “ew“.

Read the following spelling words. Sort them into “au” words and “ew” words like this.


















Use the activity RAINBOW WRITING to write the following common words into your jotter three times.










Make cards and write each of the spelling and common words on them. Can you say each of the words when your Homework Buddy shows them to you.

Write a sentence for three of your common words and any of the “au” or “ew” words above. (Remember a capital letter, finger spaces, sensible spelling and a full stop or other punctuation to complete good sentences please.)


Ask your Homework Buddy to challenge you to spell out each of the “au“, “ew” and common words out loud without writing them down. How many did you get correct?


– Revise counting in 1s and 2s to 20.

– Revise counting in 5s and 10s to 100.


– Revise the following number bonds to 10 – write them in your jotter.

0 + 10

1 + 9

2 + 8

3 + 7

4 + 6

5 + 5

6 + 4

7 + 3

8 + 2

9 + 1

10 + 0

– Write and learn the following number doubles.

0 + 0 = 0

1 + 1 = 2

2 + 2 = 4

3 + 3 = 6

4 + 4 = 8

5 + 5 = 10

6 + 6 = 12

7 + 7 = 14

8 + 8 = 16

9 + 9 = 18

10 + 10 = 20


– Copy and complete these calculations. Which strategy did you use to work them out?

14 + 3 =                    12 + 6 =

21 + 9 =                    25 + 1 =

36 + 5 =                    31 + 4 =

47 + 6 =                    44 + 4 =


– Ask your Homework Buddy to ask you these calculations. Can you calculate the answers in your head without writing them down? How many did you get correct?

13 + 3 =                    16 + 5 =

25 + 3 =                    28 + 7 =

32 + 2 =                    36 + 4 =

40 + 8 =                    49 + 3 =



– It’s time to think about getting ready for Sports Week. Let’s work on your fitness.

– Watch this video and do it as many times as you like this week.


– Watch this video, try finding the pulse (the beat) of this music and follow the instructions on screen to show that you found the beat.


– Choose a favourite song you sing and dance along to. Can you find the beat and show it with your body? You could try your own ideas or you can tap your foot, clap your hands, pat your thighs, nod your head…

If you’re not sure of a song to pick, I like to feel the beat with this song and I know a lot of you do too! Click the following link.


Send photos of the work you have completed in an email with your good work attached please. Remember to lay your work out well and try really hard with your handwriting and presentation.
Team P2 

HOMEWORK WB: 26.04.21

***** Please continue to use the homework jotter that was provided and if you need another, then ensure you email your teacher. *****

Homework tasks have been categorised using a Chilli Challenge format. You should pick ONE of the three challenges in Literacy and Numeracy to complete in your jotter. If pupils would like to complete more than this, that is their choice.


– Bug Club book allocation.

– Library book. Remember to RETURN LIBRARY BOOKS on FRIDAY and new books will be PROVIDED ON MONDAY to be enjoyed throughout the week.

– New weekly joined phoneme. This week’s joined phoneme is “au”.
Use the activity RAINBOW WRITING to write the following spelling and common words into your jotter three times.













Make cards and write each of the spelling and common words on them. Can you say each of the words when your Homework Buddy shows them to you.

Write a sentence for three of your “au” words – try to include any common words you know from previous homework tasks too. (Remember a capital letter, finger spaces, sensible spelling and a full stop or other punctuation to complete good sentences please.)


You can order words in the same order as the alphabet, this is called Alphabetical Order. You can do it in Ascending order which means starting from the beginning of the alphabet and writing each word in the same order as the alphabet. You can do it in Descending order which means starting from the word closest to the end of the alphabet then writing each word in the order of the alphabet returning down to A.

Write the spelling and common words in Ascending alphabetical order.


We know a lot about Place Value now and we can use this knowledge to put numbers that don’t normally sit next to each other into an order. Ascending order means starting with small numbers then ordering them to a higher number. Descending order means starting with the highest number and writing the other numbers counting down to the smallest number. Try some of these activities out.


Write these numbers in ascending order in your jotter.

  •     4    1    7    3    8   

  •     6    3    9    7    2

  •     17    2    13    5    3 

  •     11    6    18    4    16

Write the same numbers in descending order in your jotter.


Write these numbers in ascending order in your jotter.

  •     14    11    17    13    18   

  •     16    13    19    17    12

  •     17    12    13    15    19 

  •     11    16    18    14    16

Write the same numbers in descending order in your jotter.


Write these numbers in ascending order in your jotter.

  •     44    51    72    36    18   

  •     63    36    90    76    22

  •     17    23    39    52    37 

  •     11    64    18    48    76

Write the same numbers in descending order in your jotter.


Make a poster to help children keep safe with medicines and dangerous bottles in the home. Remember to make your poster BOLD and eye-catching, make important information STAND OUT!


Is the weather nice outside? If you are allowed, go outside and try to make a piece of art using natural items like leaves, stones, twigs etc.

Get creative, can you think of other arty ideas? Share them in school and perhaps your friends might try them out too.

Well done for completing your homework this week!
Class teachers want to see photos of the work you have completed so send an email with your good work attached please. Remember to lay your work out well and try really hard with your handwriting and presentation.
Team P2 

Welcome back to Term 4

We hope you have all had a wonderful holiday and enjoyed getting out into the fresh air with this nicer weather we’ve had. ☀️

This is the final term of Primary 2 and we will have lots of lovely activities and even more things for us to learn before we start our Summer holidays.

This week, because we are just back from our Easter holiday, the teachers would like you to use your time at home after school to catch up on any Bug Club books or maths games that you didn’t get round to before. We would also like you to think about all the joined phonemes (oi, aw, ue {oo} , ow {snow}, ea {leaf} ay) and number skills that have been issued for homework last term.

  • Work with your Homework Buddy to test yourself to try and write some spelling words in your jotter.

  • Listen to your Homework Buddy read out some simple sentences with common words and spelling words and write them into your jotter.

  • What do you like to write stories about? If you’d like a challenge, pick a topic to write a short story for your teacher to read and enjoy.

  • Work with your Homework Buddy to count. Can you count up in 1s, 2s, 5s, 10s to 100? Can you count down in 1s, 2, 5s, 10s from 100 to 0? Can you start at any number and do both of these things?

  • Revise how to make two-digit numbers. You should know calculations like 10 + 4 makes 14. How many different numbers can you make? If you are feeling confident, you can challenge yourself to do this for three-digit numbers.  

  • Revise adding within 20. Which strategy did you use? Again, if you’re feeling confident you can go beyond 20. 

Try these activities out, even if you just speak them through with your Homework Buddy, and you’ll realise that you remember a lot! We can use all of this learning to help us with our work this term.

Keep trying hard! We can’t wait to welcome you all back and hope you are all feeling fresh and ready for our learning in school.

Homework WB 22.03.21

***** Please continue to use the homework jotter that was provided and if you need another, then ensure you email your teacher. *****

Homework tasks have been categorised using a Chilli Challenge format. You should pick ONE of the three challenges in Literacy and Numeracy to complete in your jotter. If pupils would like to complete more than this, that is their choice.


– Bug Club book allocation. 

– Library book. Remember to RETURN LIBRARY BOOKS on FRIDAY and new books will be PROVIDED ON MONDAY to be enjoyed throughout the week. 

– New weekly joined phoneme. This week’s joined phoneme is “oi“.
Use the activity LOOK, SAY, COVER, WRITE, CHECK to write the following
spelling and common words into your jotter.













  • Make cards and write each of the spelling and common words on them. Can you say each of the words when your Homework Buddy shows them to you. 


  • Write a sentence for three of your “oi” words – try to include any common words you know from previous homework tasks too. (Remember a capital letter, finger spaces, sensible spelling and a full stop or other punctuation to complete good sentences please.)


  • Write the meanings for two of your words and illustrate with a picture if you can.


Analogue and Digital Time: O’Clock

The answers are all mixed up!

Correctly  match the different ways of representing the same time.   

Five O’Clock                12.00
Ten O’clock                   4:00
One O’clock                  6.00
Eleven O’clock              7:00
Four O’Clock                5:00            
Twelve O’Clock           10:00
Seven O’Clock               1:00
Six O’clock                   11:00  

Analogue and Digital Time: O’Clock


The answers are all mixed up! 

Correctly match the different ways of representing the same time.   

Half past one                    4.30
Half past ten                     2:30
Half past nine                   8:30
Half past two                    9:30           
Half past four                   1.30                     
Half past eight               10:30


Your Homework Buddy could solve your mix and match and you can be the teacher and mark their work!


Task 1:

Click on the Sway below to watch the video of Miss Baillie demonstrating the ‘Highland Fling’ and practise this in preparation for our upcoming Onthank Highland Games.

Go to this Sway

Task 2:

Click on the Sway below to watch the video of your Scottish song to learn for our Onthank Highland Games.

Go to this Sway

Task 3:

Click on the Sway below to watch Miss Telford reminding us how to warm up our bodies in preparation for taking part in our Highland games activities. Spend some time practising our warm ups.

Go to this Sway

That’s your homework complete this week!

Class teachers want to see photos of the work you have completed please so send an email with your good work attached. Remember to lay your work out well and try really hard with your handwriting and presentation.

Team P2 


Homework WB 15.03.21

***** Please continue to use the homework jotter that was provided and if you need another, then ensure you email your teacher. *****

Homework tasks have been categorised using a Chilli Challenge format. You should pick ONE of the three challenges in Literacy and Numeracy to complete in your jotter. If pupils would like to complete more than this, that is their choice.


– Bug Club book allocation. 

– Library book. Remember to RETURN LIBRARY BOOKS on FRIDAY and new books will be PROVIDED ON MONDAY to be enjoyed throughout the week. 

– New weekly joined phoneme. This week’s joined phoneme is “aw“.
Use the activity LOOK, SAY, COVER, WRITE, CHECK to write the following spelling and common words into your jotter.












  • Make cards and write each of the spelling and common words on them. Can you say each of the words when your Homework Buddy shows them to you. 


  • Write a sentence for three of your “aw” words – try to include any common words you know from previous homework tasks too. (Remember a capital letter, finger spaces, sensible spelling and a full stop or other punctuation to complete good sentences please.)


  • Write the meanings for two of your words and illustrate with a picture if you can.


MILD CHALLENGE (within 20)

Task 1: Place Value Scavenger Hunt

Find a number which includes the place value clue. You can do this by cutting numbers out of a magazine, newspaper, taking a photo or any other imaginative way!

Place Value Clue


3 in the ones place

1 in the tens place

9 in the ones place

0 in the ones place

Task 2: Underline the digit with the value… 

  1. 10 in 18

  2. 1 in 11

  3. 6 in 16

  4. 20 in 21

Task 3: Write the value of the underlined digit

  1. 13 =

  2. 07 =

  3. 20 =

  4. 17 =

Task 4: Daily 10

Click on the link to try out the Daily 10 challenge to write down the values of the highlighted digits. Choose level 2 and click partitioning. If you would like to put a time limit on each question, select your time, otherwise click manual. Good luck!



SPICY CHALLENGE (within 100)

Task 1: Place Value Scavenger Hunt

Find a number which includes the place value clue. You can do this by cutting numbers out of a magazine, newspaper, taking a photo or any other imaginative way!

Place Value Clue


7 in the ones place

4 in the tens place

6 in the ones place

8 in the tens place

Task 2: Underline the digit with the value…

  1. 40 in 44

  2. 7 in 57

  3. 9 in 99

  4. 70 in 79

Task 3: Write the value of the underlined digit

  1. 82 =

  2. 66 =

  3. 35 =

  4. 93 =

Task 4: Daily 10

Click on the link to try out the Daily 10 challenge to write down the values of the highlighted digits. Choose the level you wish to try (2 or 3) and click partitioning. If you would like to put a time limit on each question, select your time, otherwise click manual. Good luck!



HOT CHALLENGE (within 999)

Task 1: Place Value Scavenger Hunt

Find a number which includes the place value clue. You can do this by cutting numbers out of a magazine, newspaper, taking a photo or any other imaginative way!

Place Value Clue


3 in the tens place

6 in the hundreds place

2 in the ones place

1 in the hundreds and ones places

Task 2: Underline the digit with the value…

  1. 800 in 808

  2. 70 in 375

  3. 2 in 122

  4. 500 in 550

Task 3: Write the value of the underlined digit

  1. 184 =

  2. 406 =

  3. 215 =

  4. 393 =

Task 4: Daily 10

Click on the link to try out the Daily 10 challenge to write down the values of the highlighted digits. Choose level 3 and click partitioning. If you would like to put a time limit on each question, select your time, otherwise click manual. Good luck!



Task 1:

Click on the Sway below to watch the video of Miss Baillie demonstrating the ‘Highland Fling’ and practise this in preparation for our upcoming Onthank Highland Games.


Task 2:

Learn and practise tying your shoelaces. We would like you to try this every day. Watch the video below to help you.


That’s your homework complete this week!

Class teachers want to see photos of the work you have completed please so send an email with your good work attached. Remember to lay your work out well and try really hard with your handwriting and presentation.

Team P2 

HOMEWORK WB 08.03.21

It has been lovely having everyone back in class these past two weeks! We’ve been busy getting everyone settled back into our P2 routine and revising the work that had been produced during the January Lockdown to ensure that everyone has had some experience of the main concepts taught. Elements of these will continue to be revised/taught in the next few weeks.

Once again, thank you for your support whilst we were away from school. Several pupils really have made leaps forward in their learning and self confidence which has been delightful to see back in class. We wish to capitalise on the progress made and would ask that you continue to help support your child by completing the weekly homework activities.

***** Please continue to use the homework jotter that was provided and if you need another, then ensure you email your teacher. *****

Homework tasks have been categorised using a Chilli Challenge format. You should pick ONE of the three challenges in Literacy and Numeracy to complete in your jotter. If pupils would like to complete more than this, that is their choice.

This week, please complete the following:


– Bug Club book allocation. (This is vital to ensure your child is practising sounding out and identifying the phonemes being taught in class. This should help improve reading confidence in class too as we have noticed this week that some pupils are unsure on how to decode the texts.)

– Library book. Regularly choose books for enjoyment to read and have read to you by an adult. (These can be your own books or a library book will be provided on a MONDAY to be enjoyed throughout the week. Please ensure it is returned each FRIDAY so it can be quarantined over the weekend before being returned to the school library.)

– New weekly joined phoneme. This week’s joined phoneme is “ue“. Use the activity LOOK, SAY, COVER, WRITE, CHECK to write the following spelling and common words into your jotter.












  • Make cards and write each of the spelling and common words on them. Can you say each of the words when your Homework Buddy shows them to you. 


  • Write a sentence for three of your “ue” words – try to include any common words you know from previous homework tasks too. (Remember a capital letter, finger spaces, sensible spelling and a full stop or other punctuation to complete good sentences please.)


  • Write the meanings for two of your words and illustrate with a picture if you can.


– Heinemann Active Maths on Bug Club (Complete the maths games assigned by your teacher. For games to be complete, enough points have to be achieved or games completed within the time limit.)


  • Write the following numbers indicating the tens number and ones number like this.

    15 is 1 ten and 5 ones = 10 + 5

18     13     19     16

10     17     11     12


  • Write the following numbers indicating the tens number and ones number like MILD CHALLENGE.

26      28      31     37

44     45     51     59


  • Write the following numbers using the tens and ones like this

    1 ten and 4 ones = 14

1 ten and 8 ones     1 ten and 3 ones     1 ten and 5 ones

2 tens and 2 ones     3 tens and 7 ones     4 tens and 3 ones


– Research and write one interesting fact about a CHAMELEON into your jotter.

That’s your homework complete this week!

Class teachers want to see photos of the work you have completed please so send an email with your good work attached. Remember to lay your work out well and try really hard with your handwriting and presentation.