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Village Defibrillator!


We are delighted that the community within New Cumnock has recently benefitted from the installation of a life-saving defibrillator being installed at New Cumnock Primary School.

Around 70 people each week in Scotland have a cardiac arrest, but currently, only one in ten survive.  The use of a defibrillator, particularly within the early stages of a cardiac arrest, dramatically increases the chances of survival.

Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, in collaboration with East Ayrshire Council, New Cumnock Primary School and Parent Council gained funding and assisted with the installation of the device as part of their drive to improve survival rates from cardiac arrest within the local area.

The device has been installed within one of the special cabinets on the outside of the New Cumnock Primary School building, meaning it can now be accessed 24/7 by any member of the public in an emergency.

As well as helping to provide the defibrillator, the local fire station at New Cumnock will also be providing a training input on the use of this vital life saving equipment. This will be undertaken on a Wednesday evening at 7pm over the next two weeks.  Members of the public will learn what to do in an emergency and see a demonstration of the defibrillator in use.

Another way to save a life is by becoming an ‘On Call Firefighter’ within Scottish Fire and Rescue Service.  We would urge anyone interested to contact their local stations or even visit a station drill night and see what the role is all about.  New Cumnock drill night is every Wednesday, with Cumnock on a Tuesday, both running from 18:30 until 21:30hrs.

Further information is also available within the link below:


Learning Journal Support

Please complete the following form if you have ANY issues with using Learning Journals and we will do our best to resolve the issue for you.

Mrs Johnstone

P7 Residential Trip- Lockerbie Manor

Thank you to all our parents who were able to come along on Wednesday evening to our Residential Information Session.  I hope everyone found it useful and are excited about our P7 adventure!

For those who were unable to make it, I have attached the PowerPoint that was shown on Wednesday to this post.  All P7 pupils have been shown this PowerPoint and should be able to talk their adults through it.

All P7’s have also received a letter today outlining details of the trip.  If you have any questions or would like further information, please contact Mrs Clarke at the school.

The Parent Pay link has gone LIVE today.  the link is for the MAXIMUM COST, but only £50 is needed as a non-refundable deposit to secure a spot on the residential.  Deposits must be paid by WEDNESDAY 14th SEPTEMBER.  If you have any questions around this please contact the school.

We are hoping to keep the cost as low as possible, but as I’m sure you will understand, we are obligated to tell you what the maximum cost is in case we cannot secure additional funding.

We are all looking forward to this amazing trip to make memories that will last a lifetime!

PLEASE CLICK ON THIS LINK- Residential trip PowerPoint

Learning Journals – Parent/Carer Logins & Additional Parent/Carer Logins

***All parents who have provided an email address to be linked to their child’s learning journal have now been emailed with a link to create a password and PIN number.***

If you have yet to provide an email that you wish to link your child’s Learning Journal to please complete the form below and this will be actioned ASAP.  

Also adding  more parents/carers/family members to be able to view your child’s profile is an option that is available. If you wish others in your family to have this access, please complete the form and this will be actioned ASAP

Once added to the system, Learning Journals will then send you the link to get logged in.

For further information, please visit the Learning Journals website by clicking the link below. 

The P4-7 Learning Journals are very basic at the moment and once the children are in school and classes are up and running these will develop.  More information as to how we as a school intend using the journals will be shared and drop in sessions for trouble shooting and helping with issues will be in place.  

Back to School!

Good Afternoon,

Not long now everyone!  Myself and all the staff can’t wait to see you on Thursday morning!  I hope you have all had a well earned rest with your families.

Please see below new entrance and exit points for you to make yourself familiar with.  There will be an adult at each of these points to help you if needed.

New P1’s start at the later time of 9.30am and finish at 12.30pm on Thursday only.  Could you please enter the gate identified above instead of the community entrance, as identified in earlier correspondence.  P1’s can then gather with parents in the back playground before class teachers lead them into their classes.

Should you wish to speak to a member of staff before Thursday, the school will be open for our in-service day on Wednesday 17th August.

See you soon,

Mrs McMurdo

P7 Transition

Good afternoon

I am delighted to inform you that we had two very positive, and productive, induction days for our new S1 pupils last week. As a year group they have made a good first impression on our staff and we are looking forward to welcoming them back officially as pupils of The Robert Burns Academy in August.

Over the summer you will receive a letter confirming your child’s Principal Teacher of Guidance and their PLP and practical class details. On their first day of school, I have asked all S1 pupils to make their way to Barony Hall, where they will be met by their senior guides and organised into their class groupings. Our staff will be stationed at the entrances to the building and at various points across the walkway to the school to assist anyone who needs help.

Please remember that there is information on our school blog that may be of interest to you.

I wish you all a safe and relaxing summer.

P McGurn

Depute Head Teacher

The Robert Burns Academy