Category Archives: Uncategorized

P1-3 Learning Journals Additional Contacts

We are delighted with the response to the use of Learning Journals by parents/carers. The children really enjoy uploading their work to share.

Our approach to using this reporting format is…

  • 2 stories will be uploaded each week – this is an overview of what has been happening in class. Therefore this may not be your child’s individual work.
  • 1 observation of your child’s own work will be uploaded once in a three week rota as the classes are set in small focus groups to have that detailed focus time. Therefore every 3 weeks your child will have a personal observation uploaded. This will be on the subject of literacy – writing, as we are aiming to raise attainment in this particular area through our school improvement plan.

Parental Contributions

  • Please use the parental contributions area to share learning from home, be it learning to tie shoe laces, baking a cake and following the recipe, certificates for dancing, gymnastics, karate etc. Anything that shares the fantastic learning opportunities in the home and beyond. We want to know and these can then support with their Wider Achievements awards.

Adding more parents/carers/family members to be able to view your child’s profile is an option that is available. If you wish others in your family to have this access, please complete the contact form below.

Thank you, Mrs Johnstone


Cumnock Rugby Club

Interested in Rugby?

Cumnock Rugby Club are looking to get YOU playing rugby, GIRL or BOY no matter your ability.

Training is on THURSDAY evenings at 6pm- 7pm at the new BARONY CAMPUS and MATCHES on SUNDAYS.

The things we work on developing and focus most on is:

  • YOU having Fun – Your discipline and respect
  • Your self- confidence – Making friends
  • Your fitness – Your knowledge of the game
  • Your teamwork – Your skills to play the game!

All coaches are qualified and PVG registered

For more information contact us at: or 01290 420292

So come along and give it a try!

PATHS Programme



Barnardo’s PATHS® Programme for Schools

Privacy Notice

 Dear parent / carer

Barnardo’s is working in partnership with your child’s school delivering The PATHS® Programme for Schools (UK Version).  Throughout their time at school, your child’s class will participate in PATHS® lessons which are delivered to meet the statutory guidelines for the Health and Wellbeing curriculum.  The PATHS® Programme aims to develop children’s social and emotional skills, and is delivered by class teachers as part of the school day.

To make sure the work we are delivering is being effective we collect a range of information.  This includes teacher and pupil surveys, training evaluation forms, feedback from parents, teachers, pupils and Headteachers.  This information is used to improve the service and may be shared with funders, your child’s school and used anonymously in reports or materials to describe the service.

This information will be used in broad statements such as;

  • 89% of pupils stated that PATHS® has helped them understand their own emotions
  • Teacher surveys highlight a 60% improvement in social and emotional competence

Barnardo’s is the controller of this information and as such is legally accountable for keeping your data secure, acting within the law and ensuring your rights are maintained.

As your child is participating in the PATHS® Programme they may be asked to complete an evaluation form.  Teachers will also be asked to randomly select a small number of children to complete surveys on.

In accordance with programme funding requirements the surveys / feedback are held for 5 years and then securely deleted.

If you would prefer that your child does not complete an evaluation form please let us know by contacting your child’s teacher.

Barnardo’s fully complies with the new GDPR legislation, and a full copy of Barnardo’s privacy notice ( is available should you wish to read it. You may also contact us using the details below should you have any questions or wish to see the information we hold.

 Barnardo’s Scotland Service Manager

Alison McIntyre

Unit 10,000, Academy Park

Gower Street,


G51 1DR


Barnardo’s Data Protection Officer

Martine King


Tanners Lane






Stars of the Week 10/09/21

Well done to our first  Stars of the Week  for this session, who have all demonstrated one of our school VALUES this week! We are extremely proud of you all for working hard to display our school values.

Primary 1A – Megan M for DETERMINATION 

Primary 1B – Darcie H for DETERMINATION 

Primary 2 – Ivan D for DETERMINATION 

Primary 2/3 –  Belle R for MUTUAL RESPECT 

Primary 3 – Aurelia K for RESPONSIBLITY

Primary 4 – Riley B for RESPONSIBILITY 

Primary 5 –  Skye D for MUTUAL RESPECT

Primary 6 –  Lucy S for DETERMINATION 

Primary 7 –  Emma Y for AMBITION

Back Lane Closure

As part of the communities flood prevention scheme, works will be taking place starting Monday 6th September in the access road at the back of the school. While this takes place, this area will be shut to the public.

The gate at the ECC lane will still be accessible during this time and will continue to be used by our P2-3 classes to enter/ exit the school.


Primary 6 and Primary 7 Swimming Lessons

Primary 6 and Primary 7 have had great fun over the past two days completing two of their six planned swimming lessons. A massive thank you to the staff at the pool for making this a fabulous experience and also to our Parent Council for securing the funding to make this happen! We look forward to taking the rest of the school across for their lessons at the end of the session 👍🏊‍♀️🤿