A wee reminder for children attending Fireskills training at New Cumnock Fire Station Tuesday and Wednesday this week.
Children will be leaving from school and returning to school so drop off and pick up arrangements do not need to change.
If you have requested for your child to take their own packed lunch, please ensure they bring this with them. Orders are in for those receiving one from school. Children will collect these from the kitchen before leaving.
If your child is responsible for carrying their own inhaler and does not keep one in school, please ensure they have this with them.
Children are NOT required to wear school uniform, they are encouraged to wear jogging bottoms/leggings and a t-shirt and thick socks (to ensure the kit boots are comfortable when on)
Parents/carers are invited to attend a ceremony at the end of their training block at 1.30pm on Wednesday. Invites for this will be sent home from the station tomorrow.