P6 – Term update

This term we will be experiencing a broad range of activities and learning experiences.



We will be focusing on our multiplication and division strategies this term. We will be using our strategies during our numbers talks and applying our strategies to more challenging problems, applying our knowledge in real life contexts. Being able to apply knowledge of times tables facts is important as we progress through our strategies and problem solving. Please encourage your child to choose a times table and to work on their chosen times table each week.

In our beyond number topic, we will be revising shape and then moving on to angles.



We will be looking at Ted Hughes’ Iron Man for our novel study this term. We will be applying our comprehension strategies, prediction, metalinguistics, summarising and visualising to help our comprehension of the text. We will also use our novel study as a basis for our knowledge of language learning and will look at figurative language features as metaphors, similes and personification.

To continue to consolidate comprehension strategies, P6 will continue to work on ‘Bug Club’ texts within our own level. All books are allocated online, please let me know if you are having problems accessing them.

We will be looking at the skill of note-taking. We will be applying this skill across the curriculum; taking notes and then creating our own texts from these notes.

In writing, we will be focussing on report writing and will link this to our topic work.



P6 will continue to work with our active spelling strategies, working on a weekly phoneme as well as common words.



Religious Education.

P6 are continuing to work through their Pope Francis Faith Award, we are currently working on and thinking about the gift of piety.

We are also looking at Palestine at the time of Jesus, the geography of the region and daily life in 1st century Palestine.


Health and Well-being and PE

We are enjoying our swimming lessons on Monday morning.

We will be learning the skills of badminton and later in the term we will complete our Play Lead Award which we started towards the end of last term.

We are continuing to follow our PATHs programme and are looking at different emotions, and how these can be described as comfortable or uncomfortable.


This term, our topic is Scottish Landscapes, Rivers, Coasts and Mountains. We will be looking at the physical features of Scotland’s landscape and how these have been formed.

Homework will be distributed on a Wednesday and should be returned the following Wednesday.

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs MacKinnon and Mrs Crawford.

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