While We Can’t Hug

Hello Everyone,

We know that having to socially distance from your family and friends can be really tough. We feel this way too. When you see your favourite people from a distance all you want to do is give them the biggest hug. Sadly, we can’t hug right now and while we can’t hug, Owl has some super ideas for Hedgehog and Tortoise to show someone how much they care. Maybe you could try some of Owl’s ideas too.

Below is a link to the story “While We Can’t Hug”

Enjoy the story boys and girls! xox

Come Dine with Me!

Like the popular TV show, but with a twist, create a ‘Come Dine with Me’ experience at home, with your family. Choose a day and set the table for a meal. Allow the children to make lunch, parents providing the ingredients and foods children will need to make a snack. Children will prepare and serve lunch to the rest of the family. Like the TV show, you will give the children a mark out of 10 for their efforts.

In the evening, parents can then make a family meal and serve the children in the same way as lunch was served. Likewise, children will also get to score the meal out of 10. Who will win in the battle of the meals?

Use this time to have a chat with your children too. It is very likely, with talk of schools returning, your child will have some anxieties or concerns about how this is all going to look as we transition into a new school routine given the governments guidance.

Watch the our PATHs video story about Tamera, who is worried.  It helps children to understand if we share our worries with someone, it helps us to feel better.

Make a list of your child’s worries and talk about each point, discussing what the reality may be like. Reassure your child, that staff will work together to keep them safe and happy.

Stay safe, together we are Team MC

A new month!

June has arrived! And it has brought with it lots of sunny weather! Everyone at MCPS hopes that all our families are enjoying the sunshine and making happy memories. We understand that some days are easier than others and always tell the children that all feelings are ok and all feelings are temporary. Remember…

We are already making great progress! That is because of everyone coming together as a huge community. This poster explains Phase 1 to children in child friendly language:

And finally some Monday Motivation…

Stay Safe. Together we are Team MC.

Home Learning Packs

Home Learning stationery  packs will be available for collection (for children who require them ) at the front of the school from tomorrow morning ( Tuesday 2nd June).

One pack will be allocated per child and contains 1 x maths jotter, 1 literacy jotter and one blank paged jotter, also pencils, a rubber, a sharpener and a small bundle of coloured pencils or crayons all for completing  home learning tasks.

Please remember to respect social distancing measures if you do require to come and collect a pack. Thank you !

Primary 3 home learning for week beginning 1st June 2020

Hello boys and girls,

What a beautiful weekend we are having. I hope you are all enjoying the sunshine.  I am very proud of you all for all of the hard work that you have completed this week and i love photos that you are sending me. Keep up the hard work.

I have attached your home learning work for the week; however, remember there is no expectation that you should complete all of the tasks. There are core tasks and a mix of online and written works that can be completed. Remember that you can also complete some of the tasks we used to do in class.

I am missing you all very much and hope to speak to you soon. Keep yourself and your family safe, Sending lots of Mount Carmel hugs.

Love from Mrs McCreadie

8:00 – 9:30 Get up/Get Dressed/Eat Breakfast

9:30 – 10:00 Cosmic Yoga

10:00 – 10:30 Literacy/Numeracy Task (Choose 1)

10:30 – 10:45 Outside Play/Snacktime

10:45 – 12:00 Literacy/Numeracy Task (Choose 1)

12:00 – 12:30 Lunchtime

12:30 – 1:30 IDL Task (Choose 1)

1:30 – 2:00 Outside Play

2:00 – 2:30 Literacy/Numeracy Task (Choose 1)

2:30 Free Time!!


Literacy mat primary 3 1.6.20



blue Spelling word for the week beginning 1.6.20

green Spelling word for the week beginning 1.6.20

red Spelling word for the week beginning 1.6.20


P3 Numeracy Learning Grid 1.6.20

8 times table wheel

friendship (1)


P1 to 3 IDL grid 1st June

Elmer colour by number French-1

P5 Home Learning Grids WB 1st June

Hi everyone,

I hope you’ve enjoyed the short week.  a longer week next week so back to the larger grids.  But remember to only do what you can.  You don’t have to become anxious and worry if you can’t fit in everything.


P5 Numeracy Grid June 1st

Algebra Puzzle


P5 Literacy grid June 1st

Wildlife similes


Rainbow IDL Part 2 Grid P4-7

Breakin Rainbows

Colours 2 P4-7

Here is a suggested timetable to help plan your week’s work.

Suggested Timetable
8:00am Get up and get dressed.  Have a healthy breakfast
9:00am Some exercise Joe Wicks or Cosmic Yoga
10:00am Sumdog or a maths activity
11.00am Break/snack
11.30am Literacy activity or read a book
12.30pm Help make some lunch and try to get outside
1.30pm IDL task

The weather is fab so enjoy your weekend and try get outside to soak up those beautiful rays!

Look after yourselves,

Mr Bertoncini & Mrs McIntyre

Primary 4 – Home Learning 1.6.20

Good afternoon primary four!

I hope you are all getting the chance to go outside and enjoy the beautiful warm weather! Remember to stay hydrated by drinking lots of water and wearing sun cream and a hat and sun glasses if you have them too! Perfect weather for the paddling pool, a BBQ or a water fight!

Thanks again for all of the work that you have been doing online, you are all doing a wonderful job and i am very proud of you. Remember just to do what you can and making sure that you are happy,  that is the main thing just now. Enjoy your weekend with your families!

Stay safe,

Mrs Strachan x


Numeracy- P4 WB 1.6.20

Rectangles – money

Squares – money

Triangles – money



Literacy – P4 WB 1.6.20

Rainforests Differentiated Reading Comprehension Activity

Character Description – Option 5


Breakin Rainbows(1)

Colours 2 4-7

Rainbow Part 2 4-7

P6 Learning Grids – Week Beginning 1st June

Hello P6,

It’s been a shorter week this week, but I have  really enjoyed your updates on how you are getting on and the photographs of your fabulous work, well done 🙂

There is a Numeracy, Literacy and an IDL (topic) grid based on Rainbows.


Numeracy Grid


Literacy Grid

IDL ( Topic)

IDL Grid (Rainbows)

Colours 2

Breakin Rainbows

Remember to try to complete the 3 core tasks and some of the additional tasks. There is no expectation that all tasks should be completed.

Here is a possible daily routine but remember to do what suits you and your family.

8.00-9.00                  Breakfast, play outside
9.00-10.00               Exercise time: You could do some Joe Wicks on YouTube/ Just Dance/ Cosmic Yoga.
10.00-11.00            Home Learning – Literacy task
11.00-11.30            Snack and play outside
11.30-12.30            Home Learning- Numeracy tasks
12.30 – 1.30             Lunch and play outside
1.30-2.30                   Walk or exercise
2.30-3.00                   Home Learning –Rainbow grid.

Take care,
Mrs MacKinnon 🙂

Primary 2 Home Learning Grids WB 1.06.20

Hello Primary 2!

It has been a shorter week but I have been so impressed by how many of you have been logging in and completing your tasks! You are all so amazing and I am so proud of you! Keep up the wonderful work Primary 2, you are SUPERSTARS!! I hope you have been enjoying the glorious weather, spending lots of time with your lovely families. Don’t forget your sun cream!

Below you will find your home learning grids for next week WB 1.06.20. I have sent out your literacy and numeracy task sheets to your individual email accounts. Remember, core tasks are in red and there is no expectation that all tasks should be completed. Just do what you can!

P2 Literacy Learning Grid 1.6.20

P2 Numeracy Learning Grid 1.6.20

P1 to P3 IDL grid 1.6.20

Elmer colour by number French

Suggested Timetable:

8:00 – 9:30 Get up/Get Dressed/Eat Breakfast

9:30 – 10:00  Cosmic Yoga

10:00 – 10:30 Literacy/Numeracy Task (Choose 1)

10:30 – 10:45 Outside Play/Snacktime

10:45 – 12:00 Literacy/Numeracy Task (Choose 1)

12:00 – 12:30 Lunchtime

12:30 – 1:30 IDL Task (Choose 1)

1:30 – 2:00 Outside Play

2:00 – 2:30 Literacy/Numeracy Task (Choose 1)

2:30 Free Time!!

I am missing you all very much and can’t wait to see you again soon!

Take care everyone,

Mrs Dunsmore xox

Primary 1 Learning Grids 1st June

Hello Boys and Girls!!

I hope you have all had a fabulous week in the sunshine! It has been a very short and quick week but once again a huge well done to all of the wonderful emails and photos I have been sent! You are all superstars!!

Your learning grids for next week are below. Please just do what you can and make sure you find time to get outdoors and have fun in the sun!!!

On your literacy grid there is a SPECIAL MISSION that I would love you to accept!! Have a look and see if you can help!!

Missing you lots and I look forward to hearing from you!!

Lots of love

Mrs Duff

Primary 1 Numeracy Grid 1st June

Primary 1 Literacy grid 1st June

Special Mission

o word pictures

Elmer colour by number French

P1 to 3 IDL grid 1st June

Here is an idea of how your day could look:

9am – Joe Wicks PE on Youtube

9.30am – 1 or 2 Literacy tasks from grid

10.30 am – Snack and play/walk outside

11am – 1 or 2 Numeracy tasks from grid

12 noon – Lunch and family time

1pm – Activity from IDL grid

2pm – Story time (cosy up with a book from home or online)

2.30pm – Cosmic Yoga/Go Noodle Pizza Song (YouTube)

3pm – Free Time!!!!!

Have fun everyone! xx




P7 Learning Grids w/b 1st June

Hello Primary 7,

It’s June – how did that happen? I hope you all had a lovely weekend enjoying the sunshine and hot weather. Hopefully, you were able to see family that you hadn’t seen for a while – sticking to the outdoors rule of course.

Here are the learning grids for this week. As always – do what you can, when you can!

Again thank you for sending over completed work.

Miss Mudge


Primary 7 Literacy Grid wb 1st June

Transition Talking and Listening Task

Writing Task – all groups 


Primary 7 Numeracy Grid wb 1st June

Circles Challenge – Equations

Circles – Equations

Triangles – Function Machines

Blank Line Graph

Blank Bar Graph


Rainbow Part 2 4-7

Colours 2 4-7

Breakin Rainbows

Bitmoji Image

Miss Mudge

Pupil Proud Clouds!

Pupil Proud Clouds!        claire.crawford@eastayrshire.org.uk

Thursday again! So many reasons to feel proud.

Here are this weeks super Proud Clouds!

Carrie-Ann P3

May P6

Ella P2

Emily P4

Well done to everyone that got in touch to share their Proud Clouds! They are fabulous! If you would like one on the blog please send to Mrs Crawford (see above).

 Stay Safe. Together we are Team MC.

Support from the team at PATHS – consult the coach

We realise that the current situation can be challenging for everyone, both adults and children and we are eager to support you as best we can as we face these challenges together.

As part of our Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) our coach from Barnardo’s Scotland, who supports the implementation of the PATHS® programme in school will be taking questions relating to the Social and Emotional Health and Wellbeing of parents, children and family members.

If you or your child have any questions regarding challenges you are currently experiencing, perhaps dealing with difficult feelings or behaviours in your home or dealing with new challenges presented by staying at home, you can send us your question and our coach from Barnardo’s will respond. As always, if you have a particular concern regarding your child that you want to discuss please contact the school directly.

Discussion with class teacher regarding pupil reports

Written pupil reports will be issued in June.  If you would like to discuss this report with the class teacher please complete the form below.

Story Time with Mrs Dunsmore

Hello boys and girls,

We hope you enjoyed today’s story.

Cody the caterpillar felt a bit unsure about becoming a butterfly, she wanted to stay a caterpillar forever. Her friends told her it would be great and they were right. Marty knows you might be feeling a bit unsure about becoming a big P1 but he also knows you will be great too!!

Now that you have finished the story, do you think you could make your very own butterfly?? Use the butterfly template to make the most bright and beautiful butterfly ever!! Keep your butterfly safe and on our very first day together in school, bring it with you.

We can’t wait to see you all becoming beautiful P1 butterflies!

 Lots of Love

Mrs Duff and Mrs Dunsmore xxx

Meet the Team

Hi boys and girls. I am Mrs Rodger and I work in the office with Mrs Gallacher. I hope you are exited about coming to Mount Carmel in August. I can’t wait to meet you!

Hello. My name is Mrs Gallacher and I work in the school office with Mrs Rodger. I’m really looking forward to meeting you all when you start in August. x

Hello boys and girls. My name is Mrs Templeton and you will see me in your playground at break and lunchtime. I will look after you if you hurt yourself or if you aren’t feeling very well. I am looking forward to seeing you all very soon. x

You are a hero too!

Taking Control

In life there are things that we can control and things that are out with our control. It can be hard to put negative thoughts out of our heads, particularly when we worry about what others think of us. It’s good to remember those things we do have control over and focus on what we can do, to make ourselves feel better.


When times are tough and it feels like a struggle, remember the quote above. The river cuts through rock, not because of power but because of its persistence, it doesn’t give up. When you are having a tough time, what helps you keep going? Where do you find your strengths?


What are your superhero strengths? What helps you keep going when times get tough? Try drawing yourself as a superhero and think about your superhero strengths. Are you hard working, persistent, good at problem solving? Whatever it might be, try to list at least three superpowers you have. It’s because of these powers, you can achieve anything!!

As always, take care, stay safe, together we are Team MC!

P5 Home Learning Grids WB 25th May

Hi everyone, below you’ll find the grids and worksheets for next week.  But, good news…it’s only a short week!! So each grid has only 5 tasks since Monday and Tuesday are holidays for you!


P5 Numeracy Grid  WB 25th May


P5 Literacy Grid WB 25th May

Onomatopoeia task 25th May


IDL WB 25th May P4-7

Les Couleurs worksheet

Remember, not all tasks need to be completed.  Do what you can and have fun doing it.  Here’s an idea of how you can timetable your day.

Suggested Timetable
8:00am Get up and get dressed.  Have a healthy breakfast
9:00am Some exercise Joe Wicks or Cosmic Yoga
10:00am Sumdog or a maths activity
11.00am Break/snack
11.30am Literacy activity or read a book
12.30pm Help make some lunch and try to get outside
1.30pm IDL task

Mr Bertoncini & Mrs McIntyre


Sunday Mass with Father Martin

This Sunday, the 24th May is the day Primary 4 boys and girls have been looking forward to all year. This was the day those who have been preparing for their sacraments, would have celebrated their First Holy Communion. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your families, boys and girls.
There will be a special Mass streamed live by Father Martin from St Matthew’s Church at 10:00am. Mrs McGahon has recorded the psalm and Mr Bertoncini one of the readings. To be part of this special Mass:
Go online and search You Tube for ‘Kilmarnock, St Matthew’

P6 Home Learning Grids – Week Beginning 25th May

Hello P6,

I have enjoyed your updates on how you are getting on and the photographs of your fabulous work. You are all fabulous!

There is a Numeracy, Literacy and an IDL  (topic) grid based on Rainbows.  This is a shorter week, you are on holiday from school on Monday 25th  and Tuesday 26th so you will see that there are only 5 tasks on each grid.


Numeracy Home Learning Grid


Literacy Home Learning Grid

IDL ( Topic)

Rainbow Grid

Les Couleurs

Remember to try to complete the 3 core tasks and some of the additional tasks. There is no expectation that all tasks should be completed.

Here is a possible daily routine but remember to do what suits you and your family.

8.00-9.00      Breakfast, play outside

9.00-10.00    Exercise time: You could do some Joe Wicks on YouTube/ Just Dance/ Cosmic Yoga.

10.00-11.00  Home Learning – Literacy task

11.00-11.30  Snack and play outside

11.30-12.30 Home Learning- Numeracy tasks

12.30 – 1.30 Lunch and play outside

1.30-2.30 Walk or exercise

2.30-3.00 Home Learning –Rainbow grid.

Enjoy the long weekend! I will look forward to hearing from you all.

Take care,
Mrs MacKinnon 🙂

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