Class P.E Days

Below is a list of individual class P.E days; On the days that children have P.E, they may come to school wearing comfortable trousers/joggers along with school polo shirt and school jumber/cardigan. 

  • P1- Monday and Wednesday
  • P1/2- Tuesday and Friday
  • P3- Tuesday and Thursday
  • P4- Monday and Wednesday
  • P5- Wednesday and Thursday
  • P6-  Tuesday and Wednesday 
  • P6/7-Tuesday and Thursday

P6/7 Outdoor Art

We have been doing outdoor art and created designs inspired by Andy Goldsworthy.  Also our topic is the Wilderness War and is linked to participating in activities outside and we are trying to feel like the characters in the book.  We have created unique structures using natural resources including things that you can see from far away, faces, towers and pyramids and spirals.

It was good fun making our own designs and working as a team.  We also demonstrated patience as the weather played havoc with our designs!

Primary 6 Playground Leaders

Mr. Devlin from Active Schools has been coming to support Primary 6 to becoming Playground Leaders. They have been focussing on athletics and team games that can be done safely outside. Mr. Devlin has commented on how hard the pupils work during these sessions and how sweaty they are at the end (proof of hard work!).

I delighted at how well the pupils support and encourage each other during these sessions.

Well done Primary 6!

Miss Mudge

Reminder- Friday is Superheroes Day!

Reminder :

On Friday 11th September we will celebrate our first Magic Mount Carmel Time since returning to school. This will be a special day of celebration for all our Superheroes! We have been so impressed with how our children became Superheroes during times when the school building was closed and how they have continued to be Superheroes since their return. On this day children can come to school dressed in their favourite Superhero costumes – please do not purchase anything new for this day, Superheroes can also wear school uniform or other normal clothes if they wish. In school they will have a special day with Superhero activities in their own class and using our school grounds.



Primary 4 September Update

Hello and welcome to our very first blog post of the new session. Primary 4 have been very busy settling into our new classroom and our new routines. Children have been working hard to become familiarised with their class groupings, recapping previous learning and are enhancing this through our outdoor learning activities.


Our class novel is ‘Horton Hears a Who’ and through this text, the context and the discovery of Who-Ville, pupils have explored our outdoor area, looking for ‘tiny’ living things, whilst finding natural resources to create scenes from ‘Who-Ville’. Pupils have also enjoyed some imaginative writing, describing their visit to Who-Ville with Horton and giving detailed descriptions of their time on the tiny speck of dust! Some of their ideas on how they shrunk small enough to be able to visit Who-Ville, were very exciting!

Our reading and spelling activities are now underway, and children have been working within groups to revisit previous sounds and texts, ready to use their skills and strategies to tackle new and unfamiliar spelling sounds and reading books. Our focus in writing currently is imaginative and report writing, and ideas will be developed from our class novel and mini topic!

Homework will be sent today so please check your children’s bags for a plastic wallet.  Reading books will be from our ‘Independent Readers’ section of our Bug Club Online for the first week, there after a hard copy of a banded reading book will be issued in their homework wallet. These will be issued on a Monday and should be returned to school on a Thursday.


Our focus in maths will be multiplication and division, however we will regularly revisit addition and subtraction as well as word problems to consolidate our strategies within the 4 operations of number. Children will regularly use their ‘Thinking It Through’ jotters to develop problem solving skills, applying knowledge of number to new contexts and develop strategies for any number problems. We will also encourage these skills through our daily number challenges and number target board!

Health & Wellbeing

Our Paths Pupil of the Day has now begun, and our Pupil of the Day has been receiving lots of compliments and special jobs around the classroom. All children will have the opportunity to be pupil of the day. We have been exploring emotions, comfortable and uncomfortable and how we recognise these emotions within ourselves and in others.

In P.E, our sessions will happen outside, and our focus will be on team games and small ball skills. Children will have the opportunity to partake in some fun activities which support teamwork whilst focusing on developing their racquet and small ball skills.


Our focus during R.E sessions will be on prayer, their meaning, the routines of the church and the celebration of Mass. As we will soon be beginning our preparation for Confirmation and First Communion, the Sacraments will be discussed in depth, so children fully understand each of the Sacraments and their importance in their relationship with God.


As the children chose animals as the focus of our Class Charter, their interest in the animal kingdom has developed into a new mini topic! We have been researching animal classifications, looking at the 6 different animal classes and finding out some interesting facts about each of these categories. This has led to how we can look after our environment to keep animals in our community safe. We discussed and further explored how trees are the earth’s lifeline, and   pupils have been learning about the impact of deforestation and harmful plastics that pollute our seas.

We hope this is the start of a very successful term and that the pupils are enjoying their return to school, despite the environment being a little different to how it was before we closed in March.

Take care,

Mrs Travers

Homework Primary 2-7

Dear Parents/Carers,


In Mount Carmel we are following a new homework procedure in line with our current restrictions. On a Monday your child will receive their personal Homework folder. In this you will find a login card with details of all logins and passwords that may be required over the coming months. The folder will also contain a Homework Task Grid and for some classes there may be a copy of a reading book. To begin with homework will focus on reading and active literacy. Over the coming months there will be a variety of tasks from different areas of the curriculum.

The Homework Task Grid will provide details of a core reading task which must be completed, a selection of Active Literacy Tasks and an additional Sumdog task. Please help your child to choose two of the Active Literacy Tasks. There is no expectation that all tasks will be completed.

We ask that all homework folders are returned to the school on the Thursday to allow for items to be quarantined appropriately. New homework grids and reading books will then be provided on the following Monday.

We thank you for your continued co-operation and support at this time.


Kind regards,


Mrs McConville

Rag Bag Collection

Mount Carmel will this year again be participating in The Rag Bag Collection . Bags will be sent home with pupils in the few days. They should be returned to the school no later than 9am on 24th September. Please ensure all bags are secured at the top and left in the vestibule outside the front door of the school, as we are unable to allow parents/carers access to the school at present. Please do not block the front door .

Thank you for your co-operation. 

P6/7 Curriculum Update – Term 1

Welcome back everyone and welcome to the P6/7 blog! I trust you all had an enjoyable holiday/staycation and I am delighted to welcome back the pupils of P6/7 who have settled well into the unusual routine of school.

Here’s an overview of our learning that will take place in our first term (Aug-Oct).


This term we will be focusing on a novel study, The Wilderness War by Julia Green.  As well as reading the book together, the class will participate in activities that relate to other areas of the curriculum including Art, HWB and plenty of outdoor learning.  As a result, children should bring in appropriate clothes such as wellies or old boots, waterproof jacket and warmer clothes (hat, scarf, gloves) as we move into the colder months.

We will also continue to develop our comprehension skills through our use of Bug Club reading books.

For writing, we are concentrating on imaginative pieces focusing particularly on detailed descriptions using similes, alliteration, the senses and metaphors to interest the reader.

Spelling groups will continue to use Active Spelling strategies and follow on from previous work.


All groups this term have begun by looking at place value.  We will soon be moving into addition and subtraction.  The class will continue to take part in daily mental activities such as number talks and Daily 10.  P6/7 are really enjoying these games, especially “Sink the Ship” which (pardon the pun) has went down very well!

The class are also working on skills beyond number with Mrs McIntyre and are currently developing their knowledge of coordinates and angles.

Health and Wellbeing

This year we will continue to use the PATHS programme to shape our HWB learning. P6/7 have already started ‘Pupil of the Day’ and participated in discussions around feelings and how we manage our emotions.  We are also investigating the relationship of diet, rest and sleep upon our mental health and are looking at ways we can relax and improve brain function.


Well done to those who also took time and effort to prepare and present a short speech in applying for the House Captain/Vice Captain role.  It was a nervous experience for most and their involvement is excellent practise for developing vital skills which will benefit them in the future.  Videos will be shown to classes next week (Week Beg 7th Sept) and children will vote for their preferred candidate.  Winning candidates will be announced on Friday 11th Sept.

I look forward to working with P6/7 in the coming year and hope to have lots of enjoyable experiences that will make learning fun and memorable.

Mr Bertoncini

Primary 3 – Term 1

Welcome back to all of our Primary 3 children!  It is fantastic to be back at Mount Carmel and we are all delighted to see our friends and are really looking forward to learning lots of new things this term!



Our class novel this term is ‘The Owl Who was Afraid of the Dark’ by Jill Tomlinson.  We are really enjoying reading this chapter book and finding out how Plop overcomes his fear of the dark.  We are completing comprehension tasks related to the text and enjoying cross-curricular links such as Outdoor Education.

We are also working in our reading groups and continuing to complete tasks linked to our Bug Club books.  In doing this, we are making predictions before reading. We are also looking at the differences between fiction and non-fiction texts.



In writing, we are writing personal accounts and focussing on including capital letters, full stops, fingers spaces and ensuring that our letters are formed correctly.   We are leaning how to write independently, using appropriate punctuation and ordering our sentences to make sure our writing is structured and makes sense.



We are continuing to use the Active Literacy spelling programme.  We are revising our known phonemes  (such as sh, th, wh) and introducing a different phoneme and spelling words each week. We are also practising our common words (words that appear frequently in our writing such as friend, that).  We will use say, make/break, read and write to aid understanding of how words are made.  Also we are beginning to use our knowledge of the alphabet to use a dictionary to locate words.



In numeracy we have been revising our numbers to 100.  We are consolidating our number bonds to 20 using both addition and subtraction strategies.   We are also looking for patterns in the 2, 5 and 10 times tables and moving onto link this with division.  We have been practising skip counting and are starting to transfer these skills to our times tables.  On a Thursday we will work with Mrs McIntrye on Beyond Number concepts such as 3D shapes and information handling.


Health and Wellbeing

As part of our PATHS lessons we have revisited the characters Twiggle, Henrietta, Duke and Daphne.  In doing this we have discussed how to be a good friend and read some of the PATHS story books.  We have also made our own class charter with a Lego theme and discussed our rights and responsibilities. During PATHS lessons we have spoken about the importance of rules and that we have rules to keep us safe.  We have started to introduce our Pupil of the Day and look forward to giving compliments to our classmates and making them feel special.  We will continue to learn more about different emotions and strategies that we can use to calm down.

Primary 3 look forward to working hard and sharing their learning with you!

Thank you for your continued support,

Mrs Strachan  🙂

Primary 1/2 Term 1 Overview

Hello and welcome to the Primary 1/2 blog! We are all so delighted to be back! Primary 1/2 have settled in wonderfully with everyone ready to learn. Here you will be able to find updates from Primary 1/2. You will be able to join us on our journey towards becoming learning superheroes!


Primary 1
This term, Primary 1 will focus on developing their phonological awareness as the first step towards learning their first letter sounds. As Primary 1 begin to work on this, they will learn about rhyme and rhythm by concentrating on Nursery Rhymes. The children will develop their understanding by listening for words that sound the same (rhyme) as well as clapping out syllables. As Primary 1 develop their phonological awareness, they will in turn develop their talking and listening skills; understanding when to listen and when to respond, taking turns and communicating with others.

Another focus for Primary 1 this term will be developing their fine motor skills and pincer grip which will enable them to write their names as well as form letters and numbers in the correct way.

Primary 2
Reading – Primary 2 will be revising and consolidating their tools for reading before beginning to develop their sequencing skills this term. They will be using a variety of resources including, Bug Club books as well as utilising a range of familiar fairy tale stories as they develop this skill.

Writing – This term primary 2 will be developing their tools for writing. Primary 2 will develop their understanding of sentence structure through short pieces of writing. Primary 2 will develop these skills through personal writing. The context for this learning will stem from familiar contexts and situations the children will be able to reflect on.

Spelling – Primary 2 will be revising phonemes already covered as well as learning new phonemes in accordance with the Active Literacy programme. Primary 2 will develop their knowledge of phonemes and spelling strategies through an active approach. They will apply this knowledge alongside the development of their sentence structure skills. Primary 2 will also use the Phonic Bug resource to support and enhance their knowledge of new phonemes.

Grammar – This term primary 2 will be focusing on developing their understanding and use of punctuation such as full stops and capital letters. They will develop this skill through sentence building.

Primary 1/2
Book Study – Primary 1/2’s first topic this year is Fairyland (Traditional Tales). They have already been engaging with a range of traditional tales and have been participating in a range of learning experiences to enhance their understanding of each story including making a gigantic beanstalk after reading Jack and the Beanstalk. They will make a number of cross curricular links during this topic including expressive arts and science.

Numeracy and Mathematics

Primary 1
This term, Primary 1 will be developing their “number sense”. The children will be focusing on identifying number digits to 10 through sequencing as well as counting out quantities and matching these to the correct digit. Primary 1 will have lots of opportunities to practice and consolidate their learning in a range of different ways. As the children become more confident in counting out, they will begin to compare quantities, thinking about “more” and “less”.

Primary 2
Numeracy – This term primary 2 will be focusing on developing their number processes. They have made a great start to the term by consolidating their number stories to 10. They will focus on developing their addition and subtraction skills within 10 before progressing towards number stories within 20. As Primary 2 become more confident when adding and subtracting they will apply this knowledge to money. They will use a variety of active resources to promote independent learning and ensure that all key skills are successfully achieved.

Primary 1/2
Mathematics – Primary 1/2 will be focusing on data handling. They will be using a range of natural resources as well as seeking out opportunities to take their learning outdoors to support their learning experiences. They will develop their understanding of data handling by sorting and organising a range of objects/information.

Health and Wellbeing
Primary 1/2 are officially SUPERHEROES!! They have already created their class charter and made their classroom promise with their rights, needs, and wants in mind. Primary 1/2 chose a superhero theme and created their very own superheroes to remind them to follow the rules and show kindness at all times.
Primary 1/2 will learn all about their emotions through our PATHS programme. The children have already met their new friends; Twiggle, Henrietta, Duke and Daphne. They have really enjoyed engaging with the puppets and love it when they visit our classroom. Most recently, Twiggle introduced the children to “Pupil of the Day”. Each child will have the opportunity to be “Pupil of the Day”, they will receive compliments from their peers on this day as well as have special jobs to do throughout the day such as “line leader” and “prayer leader”. So far, the children have really enjoyed this experience.

Physical Education
This term Primary 1/2 will focus on developmental games. Following instructions and participating in a safe way will be a focus for this learning. In addition to this, Primary 1/2 will have the opportunity to develop their ball skills. At the moment, all PE lessons will take place outdoors.

Religious Education
Primary 1/2 will be focusing on the importance of friendships and showing kindness. This learning will be reinforced through the class charter and classroom rules. In addition to this, Primary 1/2 will develop an understanding of building faith and growing in relationship with God.

Primary 1/2 look forward to sharing their learning and successes with you throughout the term!

Thank you,
Mrs Dunsmore.

Primary 6 – Term 1 overview

Welcome to the Primary 6 blog page!

It’s great to have the Primary 6’s back. They have all settled into their new classroom and have been brilliant remembering all the new routines around the school.

Below is an overview of the Term 1 learning and teaching.



Our class novel and the topic this term is Billionaire Boy by David Walliams. The pupils will complete Active Reading tasks related to this novel. This novel has links to other areas of the curriculum such as Art, Health and Wellbeing, and Drama. We have already begun reading it together and David Walliams’ ‘unique’ humor is engaging all the pupils. We will also continue using the Bug Club reading resource to aid our active comprehension skills. Pupils can access this at home too.


This term Primary 6 will be focussing on Narrative writing and Tools for Writing – VCOP (Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers, and Punctuation). We will focus on a different aspect of grammar/punctuation each week. Our writing day will be on Thursday. The class will be told the focus of their writing in the homework grid sent out on a Monday.


The spelling groups will continue to experience the Active Literacy spelling program, this will introduce common words and focus phonemes pertinent to their stage. The pupils will revise the Active Spelling strategies throughout Term 1.


This term we will be focusing on Place Value (whole number and decimals), Rounding and Estimation, and Addition and Subtraction. Mrs. McIntyre will focus on Beyond Number topics on a Friday. The pupils will experience activities at their stage and level. The revision of multiplication tables will be encouraged across all groups. Sumdog and Topmarks games can help with the rigor of x-tables at home.

Health and Wellbeing

Our focus this term is Growth Mindset and The Compassionate and Caring Classroom. These topics cover themes such as Children’s Rights, Relationships and Friendships, Emotions and Behaviours, and Resilience. These topics tie in nicely with our PATHS lessons. The ‘Pupil of the Day’ is up and running and this year we are complementing each other based on each other’s skills and talents.

Mark Devlin from Active schools will be coming in on Tuesday mornings to lead the Playground Leaders scheme. It is important the P6’s have a change of shoes and a jacket as this will be taking place outdoors.


Throughout Primary 6 the pupils will listen to and engage with stories from the Gospel of Matthew. We have already started looking at The Bible as our sacred text. The pupils have already learned lots of amazing facts about The Bible. Next, we will focus on how Christians use The Bible, explore different text types in The Bible, and discuss what is sacred to the pupils. We will also reflect on people who use their gifts to enhance the world.

Thank you,

Miss Mudge 😊

Access to technology and evaluation of home learning

Due to technical issues this survey has been added to the school website.  If you completed this through survey monkey your results may not have been saved.  Please complete again on this page or on the paper copy provided to your child.

This questionnaire is available online and also as a paper copy.  Please only complete type per child. Please complete all areas of this to allow us to provide the best service possible if a future school closure was to occur.




Welcome to Primary 1 – Term 1 Update

A huge welcome to all our Primary 1 children. They have settled into class beautifully now and are becoming more confident in their surroundings each day.



During term 1 our focus will be to develop the children’s phonological awareness in preparation for them to begin learning their letter sounds and making words. We will be concentrating on the rhyme and rhythm of language by looking at Nursery rhymes and clapping our syllables.

We will also be getting ready to write by improving our fine motor control and perfecting our pencil grip!! Name writing will be a focus too so that we can sign off on all our masterpieces!

Listening and talking will be a huge part of our day too, ensuring we develop our skills in active listening, taking turns and communicating our thoughts to others.



We have already begun to look for numbers all around us in Primary 1 and think of reasons why we need them.

Number time will consist of lots and lots of counting!! We will be developing our “number sense” by counting out and comparing quantities and becoming familiar with the language of mathematics.

We will also be counting aloud and learning the digits which represent our quantities.

As our pencil control improves, we will be learning to write our numbers, enabling us to record our counting.

Pattern will also be a focus, linking in to outdoor learning by looking for patterns of nature in our environment as well as man-made ones in our classroom. We will be creating our own patterns and linking these with number.


Health and Well-being

Our PATHs programme will feature heavily during our HWB time. The children have already met the puppets and have fallen in love with “Twiggle” and his friends already!!! Now that we have met our special puppet friends, they will be helping us to build friendships and learn all about our emotions.

Pupil of the day will also be introduced, where the children pay compliments to a chosen child, making them feel special throughout the day!!


Superheroes – Magic Mount Carmel

On Friday 11th September we will celebrate our first Magic Mount Carmel Time since returning to school. This will be a special day of celebration for all our Superheroes! We have been so impressed with how our children became Superheroes during times when the school building was closed and how they have continued to be Superheroes since their return. On this day children can come to school dressed in their favourite Superhero costumes – please do not purchase anything new for this day, Superheroes can also wear school uniform or other normal clothes if they wish. In school they will have a special day with Superhero activities in their own class and using our school grounds.

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