Our First Live Assembly


assembly-clipart-school-assembly-color | Windsor Elementary School

All of the children were able to take part today in our first full Live Assembly.  Mrs McConville and Mrs Fergusson shared our certificate winners from last week and some photographs of things that were happening around the school.  Each class then got to say hello to each of the other classes.  Next time we look forward to showing off our Christmas Tree and have a special message from  Primary 6/7.


Changes to Class Mass

Now that we have moved to Level 4 restrictions, we are no longer able to hold our class masses at the church unfortunately. However, Father Martin has kindly offered to visit each class in the school on the dates below to hold mass with each class individually.
P6/7 – 25/11/20 @ 11am
P6 – 27/11/20 @ 11am
P5 – 30/11/20 @ 11am
P4 – 02/12/20 @ 11am
P3 – 07/12/20 @ 11am
P1/2 – 09/12/20 @ 11am
P1 – 14/12/20 @ 11am

PC Dempster visits Primary 1 👮🏻‍♀️🚓

As part of our “People who Help Us” topic, we have interviewed some of the grown ups from our school community. Today it was our campus police offer, PC Dempster who came to see us. Not only did she answer all our questions, she brought along some Police hats and jackets for us to try on! We loved finding out about PC Dempster’s job and we think there may be some budding PC’s among us!

Afterwards we took part in some topic activities, including role play and craft!


Tier 4 Restrictions

Due to yesterday’s Scottish Government announcements regarding Tier 4 restrictions our planned class Masses can no longer go ahead. We hope to be able to reschedule these as soon as guidelines allow.

Also, we now have to revert back to PE taking place outdoors only. Please ensure that pupils are still coming to school appropriately dressed on their PE days.

Thank you.

Class Mass is Resuming

Now that we have moved to Level 4 restrictions, we are no longer able to hold our class masses at the church unfortunately. However, Father Martin has kindly offered to visit each class in the school on the dates below to hold mass with each class individually.

  • P6/7 –  25/11/20 @ 11am
  • P6      –  27/11/20 @ 11am
  • P5      –  30/11/20 @ 11am
  • P4      –  02/12/20 @ 11am
  • P3      –  07/12/20 @ 11am
  • P1/2 –  09/12/20 @ 11am
  • P1      –  14/12/20 @ 11am


Book Week Scotland

This week is Book Week Scotland and children in Primary 1, 2 and 3 are gifted a bag from the Scottish Government.

Primary 2 and 3 will receive a Read, Write and Count bag today.  There are instructions in this, please take some time to look at this with your child.

Primary 1 will receive a Book Bug bag, they will receive this on Friday.

P6/7 Term Overview

Term 2 already!  Won’t be long before the first door of the advent calendar is opened! Here’s an overview of our learning that will take place in our second term (Oct – Dec).


Our literacy focus this term will be on recount writing, using notes to create a plan and inform our writing.  In conjunction with our Digital Literacy topic, we will be doing lots of vlogging and blogging.  So watch this space for updates of what we have been up to.  We will be continuing to work our way through Bug Club books and short novels paying particular attention to non-fiction features.

Spelling groups will continue to use Active Spelling strategies and follow on from previous work. The Suns and Moons spelling groups are developing their knowledge of metalinguistics by looking at prefixed words.  The Stars will further enhance their knowledge of phoneme representations.


The class are enjoying problem solving game day where we have been playing a variety of games aimed at enhance lateral thinking and utilising cognitive thinking.  The introduction of a Daily Riddle has also got many minds whirring.  Mental games such as Countdown and Sink the Ship remain popular!

The Circles numeracy group have progressed onto adding and subtracting decimals and shortly will be tackling multiplication and division including decimalised numbers and fractions.  Similarly, the Rectangles are reinforcing their skills in addition and subtraction to include working with decimals before moving onto fractions.

The Squares have been working on estimating on a given number line and will be investigating different addition and subtraction strategies.

The Triangles will be continuing to work on numbers to 1000.

The class are also working on skills beyond number with Mrs McIntyre and are currently developing their knowledge of coordinates and angles, then focussing on symmetry.

Health and Wellbeing

We will continue with the Pupil of the Day and the PATHS Programme where we look in closer detail at the problem solving steps to resolve conflict.  In addition to our PATHS, as part of our Digital Literacy topic, we will be looking at online abuse, using Social Media safely and knowing how to report content.

We will also be investigating the main nutrient groups and how they benefit our bodies.

A quick reminder that we will be going outside often, therefore, children should bring in appropriate clothes such as wellies or old boots, waterproof jacket and warmer clothes (hat, scarf, gloves) as we move into the winter.

Mr Bertoncini


Interim Report

Due to current regulations we are unable to have parent/carer meetings this term.   Primary 2-7 class teachers will provide a written interim report for each child.  These will be sent home on Friday 4th December.

Primary 1 parent/carers will receive a phonecall from the class teacher the week beginning Monday 30th November.  Further details regarding this and a choice of days and times will be sent to Primary 1 parents/carers in due course.

The Wizard of Oz Production

As we are unable to attend our annual pantomime visit to the Palace Theatre this year, we have arranged for M&M Theatre Company to come to the school for a production of The Wizard of Oz! This will take place on Wednesday 16th December 2020 with performances at 9.15am,10.45am and 1.30pm to allow us to follow safety procedures.

Friends of Mount Carmel are very generously subsidising the shows, enabling us to keep the cost down to £2 per pupil which will be available for payment through your child’s Parentpay account.

Please ensure the total cost is paid in full by Friday 11th December 2020.

(If you require a barcoded letter for payment please contact the school office)


Spare Clothing Request



We are in desperate need of the following items for our “Spare Clothing” collection-

Tights, socks (boys and girls) and leggings in any child sizes please!

If you have any of these items which no longer fit your child/children please  hand them in to a member of staff at the main door or give to your child to bring in with them, thanks.

Please note: We do not need any other form of children’s underwear, clothing or school uniform as we have a plentiful supply just now thank you.

Indoor PE

From Monday 16th November, indoor PE will resume and each class will be allocated a 1 hour slot. Children will not be required to change for PE but we ask that they bring gym/indoor shoes.

Strict hygiene measures will be in place to clean equipment and the hall will  be suitably ventilated. Outdoor PE will continue weather permitting.

Primary 6 News

Primary 6 have been busy these last couple of weeks….

Primary 6 enjoyed the Halloween theme day and looked super all dressed up in their costumes. They took part in some fun Halloween activities including making skeletons using cotton buds.

Primary 6 have been working hard since they returned from the October holiday. In Literacy, they have been writing their own short story over three weeks looking at suspense openers, characterisation, and effective conclusions. This week the pupils will be redrafting and publishing their stories and designing a front and back cover too. Their stories will then be shared with other pupils in the school to enjoy and give feedback on.

The pupils are enjoying the new Rainbow Reward time on a Friday afternoon. This week they chose to go outside and use the ghillie kettle to make hot chocolates. Miss Mudge was a confident individual using the ghillie kettle for the first time herself! There were some ‘bumps’ along the way (not using the ghillie kettle properly and the fire not starting) but everyone eventually enjoyed a lovely hot chocolate.


During our PATHS lessons, Primary 6 has been discussing problems and solutions relevant to their age and stage. This week they took on the role of ‘problem solvers’ and wrote ‘fictional’ problem-solving letters. I was impressed with the strategies they suggested in their letters and the mature responses to the problems presented to them.

The pupils are working on their first Pope Francis Faith Award presentation on their hobby or interest. The pupils are enjoying using PowerPoint and the Internet to make their presentations interesting for their audience. We also watched Father Martin’s ‘Christ the King’ assembly that he kindly recorded for the pupils at Mount Carmel.

We still have lots of work to do before we move into festive activities in the lead up to Christmas. I am very proud of all pupils so far and I am looking forward to celebrating their achievements throughout Primary 6.

Miss Mudge

Primary 4 Term 2 overview

Hello and welcome to our blog post for term 2.  Primary 4 have had a busy first term, looking at our mini topics on animal classifications and deforestation.  Children have been working hard in literacy and numeracy within their group and are ready to move on to our new topics within each curricular area.


Our reading and spelling activities from term 1 will continue as children focus on their Bug Club reading texts, recognising spelling sounds and phonics within these texts and using their awareness and strategies to tackle unfamiliar words.  Reading with expression and fluency will also be a focus whilst using our skills to make appropriate predictions about the text whilst giving reasons for reaching this understanding.

Whilst children have a good grasp of the difference between fiction and non-fiction texts, children will take these skills forward, being able to use key words to locate relevant information from a range of books useful for our topic.  They will be able to find, sort and organise information related to specific tasks within fiction and non-fiction texts and make notes in own words that will be used as the basis for their writing.  In writing our focus will be on extending sentences and paragraph length, whilst using interesting openers and connectives to join sentences and a wide range of descriptive words.


Our focus in maths is number and number processes, focussing on place value and partitioning numbers to understand the column value.  Those working within the circle and rectangle maths groups will be focussing on numbers up to 9,999 and addition and subtraction strategies when dealing with 4 digit numbers. Those in the square group will continue to develop an understanding of 3 digit numbers, whilst making the link between multiplication and division.  Division will be the focus for this group and developing strategies to help with division problems.

Children will regularly use their ‘Thinking It Through’ jotters to develop problem solving skills, applying knowledge of number to new contexts and developing strategies for any number problems.  We will also encourage these skills through our daily number challenges and number target board!


Health & Wellbeing

All children have had the opportunity to be pupil of the day and enjoy wearing the special sticker and privileges that come with this.  We will continue with this so as each child have the opportunity again in term 2. We have been exploring emotions, comfortable and uncomfortable and how we recognise these emotions within ourselves and in others.  We now have a bank of strategies to support us when we feel uncomfortable, and these emotions will continue to be explored as we reach a deeper understanding of how these feelings can impact on us and how to seek help or support.

In P.E, our sessions will continue to take place outside where possible, on a Monday and Wednesday afternoon, however we can now access the hall once per week and indoor sessions will commence soon.  Our focus will be on developing racquet skills further through badminton/tennis and on fitness, building stamina and strength through a variety of exercises.


Our focus during R.E sessions will be the sacraments as children prepare for their Confirmation and First Holy Communion.  We will look at the Sacrament of Baptism and how this is the starting point in our journey with God. The booklets which support First Holy Communion will be issued, later in term 2, to those pupils who are taking part, and there will be activities for parents to complete at home with their child.  This will also be our in-class focus, so children fully understand each of the Sacraments and their importance in their relationship with God.


Our topics for term 2 will be ‘The Vikings in Scotland’ and ‘Food Chains and Webs’ in science.  The focus in our Viking topic will be to look at Viking life, society, and class systems.  We will explore Viking Gods as well as look at the impact of the Vikings in Scotland. In science, understanding food chains and food webs of animals from different environments and ecosystems across the globe, will be the focus.  We will also examine the impacts human beings are having on food chains too.

We hope this is the start of another successful term as we navigate the continued impact of the pandemic on our lives.  Please be assured we will continue to keep things as normal as possible for our children, despite the different restrictions in place.

Take care,

Mrs Travers

East Ayrshire Council Site

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