We have some very exciting news here at Mount Carmel. Our Christmas showcase is ready for your viewing pleasure. We have all worked really hard on this and had great fun making it so we hope you enjoy it.  This production will require a password in order for you to view it which will be sent out to the main contact for each of our children. To ensure the safeguarding of our children we kindly ask that this password is not shared with others.

Here is the link to the programme:

Virtual Christmas Show Programme


Primary 1 Spread a little Festive Cheer 🎅🏻❤️❤️

Father Martin came into Primary 1 this morning for a Christmas prayer service. We talked about the Christmas story and the “gifts of love” we can give this Advent ❤️❤️❤️.

As it was Primary 1’s turn to do a “wave & walk ” at Crossgates Care Home this afternoon, we had the perfect opportunity to show love by spreading some Festive cheer ❤️! The children gladly put their Nativity costumes on to shower the residents and staff with smiles and chants of Merry Christmas!


Primary 6 update

What another busy week in Primary 6!

Over the last couple of weeks, the Primary 6’s have been planning, writing, and illustrating their own Christmas stories for P1-3. The pupils worked collaboratively in pairs and trios. Tymek and Krystian worked together to write their story in Polish!

To help them with this task the pupils first looked at popular children’s Christmas stories to inspire them. The pupils enjoyed reading them too!

Next, they worked together to plan their stories developing a plotline, characters, and an overriding positive Christmas message.

The pupils then typed and illustrated their stories including a front cover and blurb. I am so impressed by the finished results and the pupils cannot wait for the P1-3s to enjoy their stories next week.

This week we continued with our 3D and 2D shape topic. One group learned about the properties of a circle and had plenty of practice drawing circles of different radii with a compass.

Other groups looked at tiling 2D shapes and had the opportunity to take part in lots of practical activities to build on this skill. I was impressed with their tiling creations!

As a class, the pupils looked at identifying the nets of 3D shapes. They used the 3D shapes to help them with follow up tasks.

On Friday the pupils took part in a real-life price comparison task. They had to find the prices of Christmas dinner food items in three different supermarkets. They then totaled the costs of the items in each supermarket to find out which was the cheapest. Some pupils got a shock at the price differences between supermarkets.

Next week is our final week before the Christmas holidays and we are going to be very busy with different activities to make the week special. There is no homework now until after the holidays. I was very happy with the home projects and the effort that was put into them.

Keep your eyes peeled for a VERY special Primary 6 Christmas message 🙂

Thank you to the boys and girls for the very lovely card that was sneakily left on my desk on Friday!

Miss Mudge x


Wow! What a busy few weeks Primary 4 have had. Lots of fabulous Viking topic work, creating shields and writing in Viking runes, our Christmas video preparations, Christmas crafts and Viking long boat presentations. We also had a beautiful class service with Father Martin.

I am so proud of all the hard work and fun we have had. We have been investigating the properties of 3D shape, looking at shapes we can stack and nets to create fabulous Christmas decorations. The creations have been amazing and the pupils have worked their socks off to put together some fabulous models and our Christmas video too. I can’t wait for parents/carers to see all the great work that has been done.

Here is some of the great work that has taken place. Well done Primary 4!

As always, take care and stay safe,

Mrs Travers

All about shape in Primary 6

We have had another busy week in Primary 6! There has been so much excellent work I had to share it with parents and carers.

The pupils started exploring 3D and 2D shapes this week. Some of our pupils were identifying polygons and their properties whilst others explored regular and irregular 2D shapes.

All pupils revised the properties of 3D shapes and the pupils were able to take part in practical activities.

The pupils also created their own tessellations with some pupils opting to use 2D shapes and others challenging themselves by creating their own templates.

The pupils also learned how to draw 3D shapes and I was so impressed with the work they produced!

The pupils also used their problem solving (and patience) skills to try and solve tangrams. These proved challenging but they used their resilience to try and solve them.

What a busy week. I’m so proud of all the Primary 6’s. We’re looking forward to exploring 2D and 3D shape further next week 🙂

Miss Mudge

How to say “Thank You” this year

As we reach December we would like to say that our staff love nothing more than a BIG THANK YOU

We know that some parents/ pupils like to bring gifts, but a thank you is the best gift ever! Instead this year we would be delighted if you could add a donation to Father Martin’s :

“Advent Cycle Fundraiser”

You can sponsor him through his “Just Giving” page here:

Christmas Toy Appeal

This years annual Toy Appeal at the Masonic Hall, 45 London Road, Kilmarnock will be held over 2 days:

  • Wednesday 16th December – 11am till 4pm
  • Thursday 17th December – 11am till 4pm

This event is for families struggling at Christmas who need a little help.

Parents/carers can attend (no questions asked) and choose toys for their children this Christmas.

  Attendance is for adults only this year and masks MUST be worn. Social distancing will be in place, hand sanitising on entry and a one way system will be in operation.


PATHS – Kindness Advent Calendar 2020

As today is the 1st of December, we are planning a PATHS home challenge through use of the PATHS Kindness Advent Calendar!

Try the kindness activities in the calendar above throughout the month of December with your child/children at home . Even if they only manage 1 it is a step of kindness in the right direction!

We would love to see any pictures you take of the children carrying out the kindness activities. Please send them to me at:   

and we will try and post as many as we can on our blog !



MCPS Class Christmas Calendars

Our 2020 school Christmas calendars will be on sale shortly! They will be reasonably priced at £2 per calendar (£4 for 2, £6 for 3 etc).

This year we have used some of the fantastic colourful photographs we took of each class in front of our “Rainbow Wall ”  in the assembly hall. We are really pleased with how the photographs have turned out and hope they will brighten up the calendar in what has been an otherwise dreary year!

The calendars will be available to buy through ParentPay shortly.




Primary 4 make Viking Brooches

Our  Viking activities continued today, with Primary 4 getting busy designing and making their very own Viking brooches.  The children took some time to think about what they wanted their brooch to look like, drawing their design and thinking about colour and pattern.

Later, we made our brooches using card and foil and applying their  design to the brooch.  I think Primary 4 made a fantastic job of their brooches, with lots of wonderful ideas coming to life on their hand made brooch.  Well done, you are stars!!!

Some children have yet to finish their brooch and I will update with more photos once our display is complete.

We had a fabulous Rainbow Reward day with lots of bright clothing and fun activities in class and outside.  Enjoy your weekend and see you all on Monday.

Mrs Travers

Primary 4 Long Houses

Primary 4 have been enjoying our new topic of the Vikings and learning lots about where Vikings came from,  where they travelled to, why they raided British towns and what life was like in a Viking village.

Our focus recently has been looking at the living conditions inside a Viking long house and the children worked in groups to design, plan and build their own long house models.

I think the results are pretty fantastic as you can see from the photographs below.  The team work displayed in class was fantastic too.

I am really looking forward to seeing the results of our homework challenge, to build a Viking Long Boat at home with the family!  Have fun kids and I am sure some of your parents are more excited about this challenge than some of you!!

Take Care ( and remember your rainbow colours tomorrow!)

Mrs Travers

Our First Live Assembly


assembly-clipart-school-assembly-color | Windsor Elementary School

All of the children were able to take part today in our first full Live Assembly.  Mrs McConville and Mrs Fergusson shared our certificate winners from last week and some photographs of things that were happening around the school.  Each class then got to say hello to each of the other classes.  Next time we look forward to showing off our Christmas Tree and have a special message from  Primary 6/7.


Changes to Class Mass

Now that we have moved to Level 4 restrictions, we are no longer able to hold our class masses at the church unfortunately. However, Father Martin has kindly offered to visit each class in the school on the dates below to hold mass with each class individually.
P6/7 – 25/11/20 @ 11am
P6 – 27/11/20 @ 11am
P5 – 30/11/20 @ 11am
P4 – 02/12/20 @ 11am
P3 – 07/12/20 @ 11am
P1/2 – 09/12/20 @ 11am
P1 – 14/12/20 @ 11am

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