Primary 4 tasks (Thursday 14th January)

Hi Primary 4

Here are your tasks for tomorrow (Thurs 14th Jan).  They have been assigned in our Teams page too, but I have attached a copy here for those who have any issues with Teams.

I’d like you to complete: 1 spelling task, 1 writing task, 1 maths task and 1 mental maths task.


Suns Thurs 14th January

Moon Thurs 14th January

Stars Thurs 14th January

Rainbows Thurs 14th January

Clouds Thurs 14th January


Writing Thurs 14th January

Core Maths

Circles Maths Thurs 14th Jan

Rectangles Task Thur 14th Jan (page 1)

Squares Task Thurs 14th Jan (page 1)

Mental Maths

Thursday 14th January (Circles Rectangles)

Thursday 14th January (Squares)

Good Luck, stay safe and take care!

Mrs Travers



Thursday 14th January

Hi Primary 5,
Well done to all of you who have managed to access the work and have sent it to me today. I know some of your parents are working as well as helping you with school work at home. Please tell them not to worry about uploading the work, this can be done at anytime throughout the day. If it is later on I will check it the next day.
I have uploaded your work for tomorrow onto our class Teams page. Can I ask you all to email me only and not Mrs Crawford as she has other jobs to do in the school just now.
When you are submitting work could please ensure you email it to me and not put it on teams page, everyone else can see your work on teams so it has to be emailed directly to me. If you have not managed to access the work yet could you email me and I will see if the school can help.
My email address
Mrs McGowan

Primary 6 Tasks for Thursday 14th January

Hello Primary 6,

I’m pleased that the majority of you have managed to access all your resources and tasks on Teams. I have posted ALL the resources and activities you need to do under the section Daily Tasks – 14.1.21. Going forward I’ll name all the sections like this but change the date.

I have posted your tasks for tomorrow below, as I know some people are still having issues accessing Teams.

I will be in school all day tomorrow supervising, so I won’t be able to reply to any emails or messages on Teams. I will reply on Friday.

Thank you for all your hard work so far Primary 6!

Miss Mudge

Grammar Lesson – Imperative Verbs

How to Write Instructions writing lesson

Model Text – Instruction Writing

Writing Task – Red Group

Writing Task – Pink Group

Writing Task – Green and Blue Groups

New beginnings topic task


Multiplication Word Problems – Circles

Multiplying by 10,100,1000 – Rectangles

Diamond Numeracy -KMc

8 times table task – triangles

4 times table – Triangles

Primary 1 Home Learning – January 13th

Good Morning Primary 1!

I hope you are all well. Thank you so much for all the wonderful photos you have sent of your learning so far! I love seeing all of your hard work!

Your learning  tasks for today have already been emailed to you last night, but please find them below too.  If you are unsure about which group you are in, please don’t hesitate to email me or follow the individual tasks sent directly to your grown-up’s email.

Missing you all lots but look forward to hearing from you soon!

Lots of Love

Mrs Duff xxx

Home Learning Grids for Gruffaloes/Stick Men 

Home Learning – Wed 13th Jan Gruffaloes & Stick Men

Home Learning Grid for Splats

Home Learning Grid – Wednesday 13th – Splats

Additional files to support grid tasks for all of the above groups.

New Text image for Wednesday January 13th

Prediction worksheet

Home Learning Grid and supporting files for Tabby McTats

Home Learning Grid – 13th Jan – Tabby McTats

New Text image for Wednesday January 13th

Prediction worksheet

SATPIN identification power point

Updated P7 Transition post


***It has been brought to our attention that the links provided to us by the Council yesterday were incorrect. Please find an updated link below ***

As you are no doubt aware. your child is due to transfer from primary to secondary education at the beginning of the new school session (August 2021).

Please complete the online transfer application no later than Wednesday 27th January 2021 at:

P6/7 Daily Tasks – Wednesday 13th Jan

Hi P6/7.  Well done those of you who have been accessing work and keeping in touch with me either by email or through our Teams page.  I have already received lots of your work which is great, so keep it up.

Below you will find the links to the daily tasks.  It will also be uploaded onto the  Teams page.  There are two numeracy activities,  two literacy activities and an IDL task.  If you have any questions or problems, email me or contact me via our Teams page.

Mr Bertoncini

1st Level Rigour Calendar

2nd Level Rigour Calendar

13th Jan Wed Task Grid

Goal Setting IDL 13th Jan

Circles Numeracy 13 Jan

Rectangles Numeracy 13th Jan

Squares Numeracy 13 Jan

Triangles Numeracy 13 Jan

Primary 5 Wednesday 13th January

Hello Primary 5,

Well done to all of you that have been able to access the activities for Monday and Tuesday.  It has been great to see your comments on Teams and to see the work that you have completed.  I can see that you have been trying so keep up the good work.

Your activities for Wednesday 13th January have been added to your Teams page but I have also added them below just incase you cannot acccess Teams.  If you are having difficulties please email me and I will see how I can help you.

Have a lovely day and remember to take some time to go outside and go for a walk or have a play.

Tasks for Wednesday

Literacy         Numeracy         IDL

Mrs McGowan




For literacy today you have two tasks – one for spelling and one for reading.  Please try to complete both of these.

Literacy Tasks Wednesday 13th January

Numeracy Tasks

For Numeracy you have two activities to complete one is Mental Maths and one is a core maths task.  Please look for your group name and try to complete both activities.

Circles and Rectangles

Circles and Rectangles mental maths

Numeracy task instructions Circles and Rectangles


Square group Mental maths Wednesday 13th January 2021

Numeracy task instructions Square Group


Your final task for today is all about New Beginnings – This is an additional activity.  You can complete this is you have some extra time.

IDL Wednesday 13th January




Primary 1/2 Home Learning Wednesday 13th January

Hello everyone!

Thank you to the boys and girls who have already sent me lots of your hard work. I have loved seeing all the amazing efforts, keep up the great work!

Below is attached your home learning resources for tomorrow (Wednesday 13th January). I have also emailed everyone with your individual worksheets to help you complete the tasks.

Primary 1

Primary 1 Home Learning – Wed 13th Jan

New Text image for Wednesday January 13th

Prediction worksheet P1 Wed 13th Jan

P1 and P2 Resolution Leaves

Primary 2

All instructions for tasks are within the attached PowerPoint. Please ensure that the PowerPoint is in presentation mode to access the audio clips throughout. You can access presentation mode by clicking the “Slideshow” tab at the top of the screen and then clicking “From the beginning”.

Home Learning PPT Wednesday 13th Jan

Blue Group Maths HL 13th Jan

Daily Mental Maths Sheet – Blue Group – 13th Jan

Green Group Maths HL 13th Jan

Daily Mental Maths Sheet – Green Group – 13th Jan

Rat and Cat in Lets Jump comprehension

It Is Hot comprehension

Zip and Zap Meet the Sam comprehension

P1 and P2 Resolution Leaves

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me via email.

Mrs Dunsmore x


Primary 4 Daily Teams Tasks

Hello Primary 4.  Well done those of you who have been accessing work and keeping in touch with me either by email or through our Teams page.  The work I have received so far has been of really good quality, so well done to all of you!

From tomorrow (Wednesday 13th January) I will be uploading daily tasks on our Teams page.  It will be presented differently to the grid format you received at the start of the week.  I will post instructions daily on what tasks are to be completed and where to find these tasks.

In case there are any issues with Teams tomorrow, I thought I would upload the tasks to be completed tomorrow, on our Blog so as you can easily access the work needed.

Tomorrow every pupil will complete 1 spelling and 1 reading task.  These will be issued in literacy group tasks, so make sure you know which group you work with.  Books have already been assigned on Bug Club.

You will also complete 1 core maths task and 1 mental maths task.  These will also be issued in maths group tasks, so again make sure you know which group you work with.

There is also a whole class IDL task I’d like you to try if you complete all other maths and literacy tasks.  See below for tasks:


Suns Wed 13th January

Moon Wed 13th January

Stars Wed 13th January

Rainbows Wed 13th January

Clouds Wed 13th January


100 square Square Task Wed 13th Jan (to be used with square group task)

Square Task Wed 13th Jan

Rectangles Maths Task Wed 13th Jan  (page 1 only)

Circles Maths Task Wed 13th Jan  (page 1 only)

Mental Maths 

Wednesday 13th January (Circles Rectangles)

Wednesday 13th January (Squares)


IDL task 1 Wed 13th Jan

I am hoping to send out an email to all children via Glow this evening with a walk through video of how to access Teams and where to find the tasks once you have reached the Teams page.  Please ask children to check Glow later this evening or tomorrow morning and this should support pupils in accessing all materials through our Teams page.

Thank you in advance for your patience as we navigate a new format for daily tasks.  Hopefully there will not be too many teething problems and please contact me via email if you are having any issues at all.

Take care and stay safe

Mrs Travers

Primary 6 Tasks – Wednesday 13th January

Hello Primary 6,

I have put all the tasks into your Teams Class Notebook but just for today, they’ll be posted on here too.

To listen to the audio instructions make sure you put the PowerPoint into presentation mode.

Thank you,

Miss Mudge

Home Learning – Bug Club Core Reader Tasks

P6 Numeracy Daily Tasks

Circles Rounding Task

Rectangles Task

triangles Rounding Task

Topic Task


P7 Transition Information 2021

Dear Parent/Carer,

As you are no doubt aware. your child is due to transfer from primary  to secondary education at the beginning of the new school session (August 2021).

Please complete the online transfer application no later than Wednesday 27th January 2021 at:







Reminder Please access Teams today

A reminder that as of Wednesday 13th January all activities for children in P3-7 will only be accessible through Teams.

Please make sure that your child has logged in to Teams today and is able to access the resources.

Further guidance on how to do this can be found in our dedicated IT issues section.

If you require a password or have a different enquiry please  use the Contact Us form

Primary 1 & 2 Homework Bags

Dear Parents

As previously posted, the Primary 1 and 2 homework bags are now ready for collection. Thank you to those who have already been to collect them.

Please note that new common words and letter sounds have been put in the bags for use over the next 3 weeks of learning. Can you please only use or revise the words or letters highlighted in your daily learning grids.

We will direct you to the new resources as and when we cover them.

Many thanks.

Mrs Duff and Mrs Dunsmore

P1 and P2 Communication

Following national and local authority guidance we will now not be using Glow mail as a means of communication with our P1 and P2 pupils.

Instead we have created group mailing lists for each class using parent email addresses. Class teachers will use these emails to communicate directly with families.

If the email address we have for you has changed or you do not wish this to be used for home learning purposes please contact Mrs McGahon –

Thank you for your ongoing support.

Primary 1 Registration

If your child is due to start school in August 2021 we would be delighted for them to join our Mount Carmel family.

Due to the current situation registration will not take place at individual schools. Registration will be completed online between Monday 11th and Friday 15th January.

Please follow this link to complete Primary 1 registration.

To complete the online registration you will require to upload:

  • a copy of your child’s birth certificate
  • two proofs of your residency within the catchment area, for example, Council Tax Notice and utility bill.

You must register your child in only one school, either the denominational or non-denominational school for your catchment area. If you are unable to register online then please phone your local school who will assist you to register your child.

Access Glow Teams Request

As you are aware Primary 3-7 from Wednesday 13th January will use the Glow app Teams to receive work on a daily basis.  We ask that all children access Glow and Teams on Monday/Tuesday.  When the are on Teams they should see their class Team.  All children should post a message to their teacher.

Please follow this link for a guide to using Teams.  Please be aware that this has not been produced by the school.  The first two minutes is the most helpful.

If you are unsure of this please use the IT issues area of the school website for support.

IT Issues support page

A dedicated support page has been created.  This is available on the main menu.

IT Issues – Guide page

Password Resets

To request a Glow password reset, please contact us using the ‘Contacting Team MC’ form on our website.

Logging Into Glow
Follow this link for details of how to login.

Accessing Teams through Glow


Downloading Microsoft Teams Apps

Where possible, we encourage pupils to download the dedicated App for Microsoft Teams. We also encourage pupils to install Teams on their PC or Laptop if using one to access learning via Teams. Instructions can be found here (page 2 only):

Issue – Can’t open Email, Word, Excel, PowerPoint etc. so can’t complete work issued

All pupils can download office for free and it will work on all devices. You can download Outlook, Word, PowerPoint etc to use on your phone, tablet, laptop or PC. For instructions click here:

Issue– Can’t access Microsoft Teams. 

To find Teams, pupils simply click on the Teams tile in Glow, and they should see any teams they are part of.  For specific and additional guidance, click here:

Issue – I am using a mobile phone, and when I sign in to Glow, I can’t see the tiles for Teams or Google Classrooms

We do not recommend that phones are used.  If this is your only form of accessing content please contact the school directly. If using this for a short time when you sign in, near the top you will see a grey box with ‘My Launch Pad’ and a small grey triangle. Click the triangle, and from the drop down menu, select ‘Mount Carmel Primary’. Once you move to the school launch pad you will see the Teams tile, click on a tile to access content.

Issue– I want to use my Xbox or Playstation to sign in to Glow

It is possible to use your console to access Glow. However, we do not recommend that you do so as some of the features within Glow do not work via Xbox or Playstation. Please contact the school directly if this is your only way of accessing content.

Primary 1/2 Home Learning

Hello Primary 1/2,

I hope you had a very merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year with your lovely families. I know this is not how any of us expected to start the new year and I can’t wait to see you all soon to hear all about your Christmas break. Although, we won’t see each other face to face for now, please remember I am only at the other side of the computer screen to support you.

Primary 2

Please find below your learning grid for Monday (11th January) and Tuesday (12th January). Some of you might need to access both grids to complete the appropriate literacy and numeracy tasks. You know which groups you are in for literacy and numeracy (blue or green). If you have forgotten then please do not hesitate to get in touch with me via email;

Primary 2 Blue Group Mrs Dunsmore Home Learning Grid 11-12 Jan 2020

Daily Mental Maths Sheet – Blue Group

Primary 2 Green Group Mrs Dunsmore Home Learning Grid 11-12 Jan 2020

Daily Mental Maths Sheet – Green Group

Primary 1

Please find below your learning grid for Monday (11th January) and Tuesday (12th January).

Primary 1 Mrs Dunsmore Home Learning Grid 11- 12 Jan 2020

All tasks from Wednesday (13th January) will be posted daily.

Lots of Love, Mrs Dunsmore x

Primary 5 Learning Grid Monday 11th January and Tuesday 12th January

Hi Primary 5.

I hope you have all had a lovely Christmas. I am really looking forward to working with you all again this year. I miss you all so much and wish we could be in class, but unfortunately we’ve got to keep each other safe and work online just now. Enjoy your weekend and I look forward to hearing from you all on Monday.


Mrs McGowan

Please click the links below for the tasks for Monday and Tuesday, these can also be found in the Primary 5 Teams page.  Follow these instructions for how to access this.

Microsoft Teams Guidance for Parents.docx

Primary 5 Mrs McGowan

P5 Mental Maths

P5 Spelling


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