Dean Park – lunch reminder

A reminder that all children are going to Dean Park next week for their class summer trip.  If your child requires a packed lunch and you have not completed the letter for this please contact the school today.

Dean Park visits:

Monday 14th June – Primary 1 and Primary 5
Tuesday 15th June – Primay 1/2, Primary 6 and Primary 7
Wednesday 16th June – Primary 3 and Primary 4

Children should wear school polo shirt/jumper, a suitable jacket, suitable trousers and shoes/trainers.

Sports Day – Wednesday 9th June


A reminder that Sports Day is taking place on Wednesday 9th June.

Children should come to school wearing suitable clothing for PE activities.  This year children can wear any colours as Sports Day is not linked to House Colours.  Please no football tops.

Due to Covid restrictions parents/carers are not able to attend this.  Primary 6 will be filming aspects of this.  This will be shared with parents/carers via a password protected SWAY document.


P1 Celebrate Eid

Primary 1 have been learning all about the Muslim festival of Eid and today we finished our mini-topic by having our very own Eid party!

Dressed in our finest clothes, we decorated the party table with our personal Mendhi designs, danced with our Moon and Star wands, made special Eid cards for our friends and even had some tasty treats. Have a look at all of the fun we had!


School Uniform- August 2021

Due to Covid restrictions up until this point children have been allowed to wear clothing suitable for outdoor activities. From August, we will return to full school uniform each day.


Tesco Uniform Embroidery Service has changed to “My Clothing“. For more information or to order school uniform please visit:

Uniform is also available from :

Walker & Templeton, The Strand , Kilmarnock and the National Schoolwear Shop , Queen Street, Kilmarnock.

Ideally our school uniform should consist of:

Grey/black trousers for boys, grey skirts for girls, blue/white shirt with Mount Carmel school tie or,  alternatively, Mount Carmel polo shirt and royal blue Mount Carmel sweatshirt, jumper or cardigan.

No black jeans or leggings please!

Gym kit should consist of:

Royal blue shorts, pale blue plain round neck t-shirt and and black gym shoes. These should be brought to school in a drawstring back clearly marked with your child’s name.


We also have a selection of used school uniform available. This is always available in our “Uniform Exchange” area in the main foyer.

During the last week of term this we will be place outside for parent/carers to access.

If you are applying for a clothing grant for your child/children please follow the link below:

Apply online · East Ayrshire Council (

Primary 6 update

I hope everyone had a wonderful Bank Holiday weekend and enjoyed the glorious sunshine.

I can’t believe we are coming into June and the final month of Primary 6. This month is going to be busy. Below is information for parents and carers.


We are hopeful that buddying will be able to go ahead in August. Thank you to all the parents and carers who signed the forms allowing the pupils to record videos for their P1 buddies. This week Primary 6 will find out the name of their P1 buddy and will record their ‘Hello’ videos introducing themselves.

God’s Loving Plan

This week we will be commencing our God’s Loving Plan unit. Primary 6 have been notified that this will be happening and have been encouraged to let their parents and carers know. Primary 6 are aware of what is expected of them during this unit. Please be prepared to discuss sensitive issues at home with your child.

Lastly, if the weather stays as it has been this weekend we will be spending a lot more time outdoors. Please ensure children apply suncream before coming to school.

Thank you,

Miss Mudge


East Ayrshire Council Site

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