If you have yet to complete our Access to Devices Survey (paper copy or online). Please complete this as soon as possible. The survey link will now be available until midnight on Sunday 12th December.
Today all of the children in the Water House have had a fantastic time watching a Christmas movie as well as decorating some special treats with Stephanie.
Thank you to Mrs Jeffers, Mrs Mackenzie and Mrs Henderson for helping with this. Thank you also to Stephanie and the rest of the kitchen staff too.
Well done to everyone in the Water House! All the children in the Water house will be having a Movie morning with popcorn and then cooking with Stephanie in the afternoon . This will be on Thursday 9th December.
The film the children will be watching is Elf, which is a PG rated . If your child is in the Water house and you would rather they did not watch this film please contact the school office.
We are delighted to announce that we will soon be able to share our filming of the Primary 1-3 Nativity as well as Primary 4-7 singing Christmas songs. This will be shared via a password protected SWAY link. The password will be texted to the main contact for each child.
If you do not wish your child to be featured in this filming please contact the school as soon as possible.
We are now taking orders for our Primary 7 Leavers’ Hoodies . They can be paid for now through Parentpay at a cost of £10 each . The full cost should be £19.50 but this has kindly been subsidised by Friends of Mount Carmel.
We will be posting pictures of each of our classes’ Christmas Crafts as and when they have a sample ready. Here is a sample of Primary 5’s Christmas Cottages which they will be making, aren’t they beautiful?……..
Do your children have any Christmas jumpers they no longer need or that no longer fit them? If so we would love to recycle them at Mount Carmel ! Please hand them into the school by Monday . If your child or a child you know needs a Christmas jumper please come to the school on Wednesday and Thursday next week to pick one from our donations.
Our very talented Janitor, Mr. Leslie, is working hard on creating the backdrop for our Infant Nativity !…we thought you might like to have a sneak preview….
Parents/carers should collect pupils via their own door at the end of the school day. Pupils should only be collected via the main door in exceptional circumstances or as a result of a prior arrangement.
Recently we had a visit from our new Paths Co-Ordinator from the Barnardo’s support team and she has had the chance to visit all classes across the school, meet our staff and pupils and see how our Paths programme is being implemented school wide. Our Paths programme is going well throughout the school and children can confidently talk about comfortable and uncomfortable feelings and strategies for dealing with uncomfortable feelings or how to work through a conflict situation.
Our Primary 6 pupils were also given the chance to take part in ‘Buddy Training’ through our partnership with Barnardo’s, and develop the skills necessary to support younger pupils in the playground. Our Barnardo Buddies were asked to submit an application, take part in a formal interview and complete training to help them train younger pupils in playground games.
The Barnardo’s Buddies recruitment has been very successful, with almost all primary 6 pupils successfully passing the training and soon receiving their certificate of achievement. The primary 6 pupils are now supporting pupils in the playground and enjoying the process of working alongside the younger pupils and teaching fun playground games. Well done to our Primary 6 pupils in this fantastic achievement!
Due to the current Covid situation we are continuing to keep the school well ventilated by keeping as many windows as possible open throughout the school. We understand that this becomes more difficult during the winter months and dropping temperatures.
You may wish to have your child/children wear an extra layer of clothing underneath their school uniform to keep them warm.
FOMC are kindly organising a Mount Carmel Class Christmas Raffle this year! Tickets will be £1 per strip of 5 and will shortly be available through Parentpay. There will be a prize for each class PLUS an overall prize!
The Raffle will be drawn on Monday 20th December !
Our Christmas lunch this year will be onWednesday 8th December. The cost is £2.15 for 2 courses which should be paid through Parentpay. Children who have free school meals do not need to pay for this. There will be no other lunch option available that day, however, packed lunches will operate as normal.
A letter has gone out to all children already will all the information and menu. Please complete the tear off portion of the letter andreturn to school no later thanFriday 3rd December.
Each of our classes will be making Christmas crafts again this year which parents and carers will be able to purchase through Parentpay. There will be one item for sale per child and we are politely asking for a minimum donation of £2 to purchase this.
We will be uploading pictures of the chosen craft for each class to let you see it before ordering