We would like to remind parents/carers that the school car park is for Staff only. Children should not be getting dropped off in the car park if they are either late for school or being picked up early.
Can we remind parents/carers that if your child/children are going to be late or absent from school for any reason, to please contact the school prior to 9.15am . You can also contact the school prior to this and leave an absence message on our answering machine.
Please take the time to complete the survey below in relation to devices that your child is able to access at home. We will use this to update our records.
This survey will close on Friday 3rd December at midnight.
We would be delighted if you could donate any non perishable foods, toiletries or any of the items listed above. We will collect these items in school and they will be collected later in the month by Father Martin to be distributed at the foodbank .
On Wednesday children in Primary 1-3 had a fantastic afternoon sharing their favourite books and completing some lovely activities. Everyone also enjoyed a glass of milk and cookie. Thank you to Primary 7 who were brilliant helpers.
We look forward to sharing our pictures of this great afternoon.
A reminder that children should be in their line for school starting at 9am.
Increasingly we are seeing more children arriving to school after 9am and coming in via the main entrance. This means that children are missing the initial items that are taking place first thing in the morning. Going forward it is important that children arrive to school on time unless prior arrangements have been put in place.
We are delighted to let you know that our each of our classes will be attending Advent Services at Our lady of Mount Carmel church during December. We have really missed attending church in recent times and are looking forward to the forthcoming services with Father Martin.
The Sisters will also be completing services in school during this time.
We are delighted to say that we will be running our
“Reverse Advent Calendar”
appeal this year.
As of week beginning Monday 29th November, we will be accepting foodbank donations into the school .
Please ensure that all food donations are non perishable.
We know from previous years that donations of male/female toiletries are also very much appreciated and tend to be in shorter supply at local food banks.
Tomorrow (24th November), following on from Book Week(Scotland), the Primary 1-3’s will be having a pyjama and story afternoon. Children in P 1-3- only, are invited to come to school in their pyjamas if they wish and can also bring a book with them .
Location – Kilmarnock Masonic Hall, London Road, Kilmarnock
Dates – Wednesday 8th December and Thursday 9th December
Times – 11am till 4pm
If you or any families you know are in need of assistance or help with Christmas presents for any children please go along to the Masonic Hall on the above dates where you will be able to choose from a huge selection of toys/games etc, for children of all ages.
We are in the process of organising our annual class festive calendars. These will be available to order as of today through Parentpay at a cost of £2 per each. Orders will be handed out to pupils week beginning 20th December.
We have tried our very best to include every pupil in our class calendar but this has proven tricky this year due to the number of children currently off throughout the school. We appreciate your understanding.
The last day for ordering your calendar is Friday 10th December!
If you have been sent a letter from the NHS regarding sending your child for a PCR test we kindly request that you send a copy of a negative result before your child returns to school. This can be emailed to:
Primary 2/3 have been looking at ‘Energy Around Us’ as part of our new topics. We have been focussing on toys that need to be ‘pushed’ or ‘pulled’ to move. This week we made our very own ‘Penny Spinners’ which require a pushing twist action to get it to move. We moved into the open area to find a large smooth surface to test our spinners. Have a look at our wonderful designs and finished spinners…
Primary 1, 2 and 3 have been doing some quiet reading this week and had a lovely end to Book Week Scotland, by being gifted their Book Bag. Activities will carry on into next week when we will have a special activity afternoon on Wednesday, based on the books in each of the Book Bags!
Have you ordered your school photos yet? A polite reminder that the closing date for free delivery back to school is Monday 22nd November. Order through the Tempest website using your unique link or visit www.tempest-orders.co.uk
If you need any assistance in ordering your photos, feel free to contact Tempest on 01736 751555 (option 3).
We are delighted that our class films are in their final stages and will soon be ready to share with you all. Keep looking at our blog this week for the SWAY links. Passwords to access these will be sent to the main contact for children.
Thank you to our excellent Primary 7 editors and camera operators as well as Mr Bertoncini.