Parentpay-Nativity Tickets
We are aware of a slight issue only with some users when paying for multiple Nativity Tickets on Parentpay.
If you are having issues please follow this:
- Select your performance (evening/afternoon) and your ticket amount (max of 2 for each performance at the moment).
- If your payment amount shows more than it should be don’t worry, simply continue to add your tickets to your basket and then view basket. You will see your amount has been amended accordingly.
- Continue to payment.😊
Home Baking for Christmas Fayre
If you can possibly hand in any items of home baking for the Christmas Fayre by the end of today.
Thank you
Christmas Fayre-Class Christmas Crafts
All our classes have been working very hard making their Christmas crafts to sell at tomorrow’s Christmas Fayre.
Here is a sneak preview of what each class will be selling:
Christmas Fayre

The countdown is on for our Christmas Fayre tomorrow-
Friday 1st December
Doors open- 6pm
Choir Singing-6.20pm
Stalls open-6.30pm

P4 Missio Champions
P4 have been enjoying their role as ‘Missio Champions’ within the school.
As we all get ready for the beginning of Advent, P4 put together and distributed some fun Advent activities for all the classes.
We also gave everyone a Missio Advent Calendar to remind us all of the importance of keeping Jesus at the centre of our Advent Journey.
We hope that everyone has a wonderful and prayerful Advent.
Learning Journals
This year, we are continuing our use of the Learning Journals platform to allow us to share some of your child’s learning with you.
Click on the link below for some further information on the use of Learning Journals. The link will provide information on how you can sign in.
Change to Tomorrow and Thursday’s Lunch
There will be a change to tomorrow’s lunch as follows:
Lentil Soup, Pepperoni Pizza, Quorn Chow Mein, Gammon and cheese roll.
Thursday’s lunch menu has also been changed as follows:
Vegetable soup, Chicken curry, Vegan sausage roll and beans, Gammon and chees roll.
Dress Down Day Tomorrow!
A reminder that tomorrow is a Dress Down Day.
Please bring with you anything you can manage to donate for our Christmas Fayre which is next week.
Day of Dance 2023
Christmas Activity Trail
Mount Carmel Christmas Crafts
November Raffle
***Raffle Closing Wednesday 29th November and the lucky winner will be announced on Friday 1st December***
Don’t miss out on winning a fabulous prize in our November raffle!
Tickets are £1 for 5 and can be purchased on Parentpay now!
Important Information
The Scottish Government are currently consulting on the delivery of Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenting within Scottish schools.
You can read about the proposed content and delivery via the link shown below, and I would strongly encourage you to do so.
In addition, and perhaps of greater accessibility/ease of reading, Parents/Carers may find that the RSHP website provides a clearer insight into the content often recommended for delivery against the above guidance.
At Primary School age, the curriculum is at Early to Second Level.
As a Catholic faith-based school there are elements of the proposed content linked to the guidance that may, depending upon individual perception, sit in direct contrast to the faith dynamic of our provision, which naturally permeates our ethos and delivery.
We absolutely understand and welcome the fact that not all of our pupils are Catholics, but also recognise strongly that all families sending their children to our school respect and understand our ethos, and the central role that faith plays in the wider life of the school and in our daily practice.
Given that parents/carers are the first educators of their children, I feel it is imperative that you are fully aware of the above consultation and are encouraged to submit a response.
The previous version of the guidance was very clear in acknowledging the rights of Catholic schools to deliver Catholic teaching on aspects of human relationship and sexual development. The revised guidance has removed this reference.
Encouraging parents/carers to do so is also strongly advocated for by the Scottish Catholic Education Service (SCES) and the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland.
SCES, on behalf of the Bishops’ Conference has produced a briefing paper for the consideration of parents/carers who have elected to send their children to Catholic schools. This briefing paper is attached for your information.
SCES has also produced a supporting consultation return that you may, if you see fit, elect to refer to prior to making a response. Both of these items have been combined in the attachment provided.
As with any consultation, parents/carers are free to respond in full, in part or not at all. However, parent/carer voice is extremely important and central to the education of children in schools across Scotland. I sincerely and strongly encourage you to try to complete a response prior to the consultation deadline of Thursday 23rd November. Responses can be submitted via this link:
Parents/Carers wishing to make a response by post can do so by submitting a response to:
RSHP Teaching Guidance Consultation
Area 2B North
Victoria Quay
It is my understanding that responses need not address every question within the consultation. I am to understand that some parents/carers are electing to respond to questions one and six specifically. It is for individual parents/carers to determine whether or not they wish to respond in full or in part.
Thank you for your support in this matter.
Kind regards
Andrea Fergusson
Briefing Paper and Letter Template For RSHP consultation (1).pdf
Dogs On Campus
Reminder that dogs are not allowed to be in school grounds at any time whether they are on a lead or being carried.
Thank you for your continued support with this matter.
Mrs Fergusson
Tempest Photographs
Tempest will be in school on Monday 20th November for individual and family photographs (if requested) to be taken.
Class Christmas Calendar Photos
Our classes are having their photographs taken this week for our “Class Christmas Calendars”. We will be taking orders for these at our Christmas Fayre on 1st December. If you do not wish your child to be in their class photograph, please contact the school office asap.
Thank you
Christmas Fayre-Home Baking Donations
As you are aware, our Christmas Fayre takes place on Friday 1st December. We are kindly asking for donations of home baking for the Fayre.
If you are able to donate any baking, please hand it into the school no later than Thursday 30th November. If you require any tins/tubs/tupperware back, please make sure your child’s name is clearly marked on it.
Thank you
MCPS-Learning Visit
MCPS-Learning Visit
Please find attached the outcome of the schools recent Learning Visit. This will also be posted on the school app and a copy sent via email to parents/carers.
After School Choir Rehearsals
If you received a text message to say you child/children had been successful in gaining a spot in our school choir here are the details of the rehearsal time etc:
Rehearsals begin tomorrow ( 14th November) after school from 3pm-4pm and will run on a Tuesday for the following 3 weeks up to and including 5th December.
If your child is a member of school choir they will be required to sing at our Christmas Fayre on Friday 1st December, more details on that to follow…..
If your child/children had expressed an interest in the school choir and were unsuccessful, we apologise; our numbers were very limited, however, there will be many more exciting opportunities to take part in activities throughout the coming year.
Reminder-Pupil Progress Meetings This Week
A reminder that our Pupil Progress Meetings are this week on the following days:
Wednesday 15th November @ 5pm-8pm
Thursday 16th November @ 3.30pm-6.30pm
You should by now have received a slip with the date and time of your allocated appointment. If you have not yet had this, please check your child’s schoolbag in the first instance and thereafter contact the school office .
We are delighted that the Book Fair will be available at both our Pupil Progress Meetings and that FOMC will also be there selling raffle tickets for Christmas Fayre prizes.
What’s on in December…..
Christmas Jumpers
We will be holding our Christmas Jumper Day on Friday 15th of December this year. If you have any children’s Christmas jumpers at home that no longer fit or you no longer need, please hand them into the school and we can use them for our jumper exchange.
Thank you!
Dress Down-Children In Need
A reminder that this Friday (17th ) is a dress down day for Children In Need.
Please do not bring any donations into school. You can make any donations for Children in Need through a direct link which is now live on Parentpay.
Thank you
Pantomime 2023
Gentle Reminder that payment for this years trip to the Pantomime is now overdue, payment can be made using your childs Parentpay account or if you require a barcoded letter please contact the school office
What’s on in November…….
Pupil Progress Meetings
Reminder that our Pupil Progress Meetings will take place next week on the following days:
Wednesday 15th November 5pm-8pm
Thursday 16th November 3.30pm-6.30pm
P1-3 Book Week Scotland
Next week is Book Week Scotland
On Wednesday next week (15th November), P1-3 will be gifted their celebration bags, and can bring pyjamas to change into in school in the afternoon and will enjoy milk and cookies.
Dress Down Day Tomorrow- 10/11
A reminder that tomorrow (Friday 10th Nov) is a dress down day!
We are kindly asking for pupils to bring in donations tomorrow for our tombola and bottle stall for our Christmas Fayre which is being held on 1st December.
***Please note that any alcohol must be handed straight into a member of staff at the school by an adult***
Swimming Lessons P5
Please note thar due to unforseen circumstances swimming lessons for P5 are cancelled today and will now commence on Thursday 23rd November.
Sorry for any inconvenience caused