Important Information

Dear Parent/Carer, 

The Scottish Government are currently consulting on the delivery of Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenting within Scottish schools. 

You can read about the proposed content and delivery via the link shown below, and I would strongly encourage you to do so.   

Delivery of relationships, sexual health and parenthood education in Scottish schools: draft guidance – ( 

In addition, and perhaps of greater accessibility/ease of reading, Parents/Carers may find that the RSHP website provides a clearer insight into the content often recommended for delivery against the above guidance. 

At Primary School age, the curriculum is at Early to Second Level. 

Early Level 

First level 

Second Level    

As a Catholic faith-based school there are elements of the proposed content linked to the guidance that may, depending upon individual perception, sit in direct contrast to the faith dynamic of our provision, which naturally permeates our ethos and delivery.   

We absolutely understand and welcome the fact that not all of our pupils are Catholics, but also recognise strongly that all families sending their children to our school respect and understand our ethos, and the central role that faith plays in the wider life of the school and in our daily practice. 

Given that parents/carers are the first educators of their children, I feel it is imperative that you are fully aware of the above consultation and are encouraged to submit a response. 

The previous version of the guidance was very clear in acknowledging the rights of Catholic schools to deliver Catholic teaching on aspects of human relationship and sexual development. The revised guidance has removed this reference.  

Encouraging parents/carers to do so is also strongly advocated for by the Scottish Catholic Education Service (SCES) and the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland. 

SCES, on behalf of the Bishops’ Conference has produced a briefing paper for the consideration of parents/carers who have elected to send their children to Catholic schools. This briefing paper is attached for your information. 

SCES has also produced a supporting consultation return that you may, if you see fit, elect to refer to prior to making a response. Both of these items have been combined in the attachment provided.

As with any consultation, parents/carers are free to respond in full, in part or not at all. However, parent/carer voice is extremely important and central to the education of children in schools across Scotland. I sincerely and strongly encourage you to try to complete a response prior to the consultation deadline of Thursday 23rd November. Responses can be submitted via this link: 

Consultation Response 

Parents/Carers wishing to make a response by post can do so by submitting a response to: 

RSHP Teaching Guidance Consultation 

Area 2B North 

Victoria Quay 


EH6 6QQ 

It is my understanding that responses need not address every question within the consultation. I am to understand that some parents/carers are electing to respond to questions one and six specifically. It is for individual parents/carers to determine whether or not they wish to respond in full or in part.  

Thank you for your support in this matter. 

Kind regards

Andrea Fergusson

Briefing Paper and Letter Template For RSHP consultation (1).pdf

After School Choir Rehearsals

Free Choir Clipart Pictures - Clipartix

If you received a text message to say you child/children had been successful in gaining a spot in our school choir here are the details of the rehearsal time etc:

Rehearsals begin tomorrow ( 14th November) after school from 3pm-4pm and will run on a Tuesday for the following 3 weeks up to and including 5th December.

If your child is a member of school choir they will be required to sing at our Christmas Fayre on Friday 1st December, more details on that to follow…..


If your child/children had expressed an interest in the school choir and were unsuccessful, we apologise; our numbers were very limited, however, there will be many more exciting  opportunities to take part in activities throughout the coming year. 

Reminder-Pupil Progress Meetings This Week

Parent Info - MargD Teaching Posters

A reminder that our Pupil Progress Meetings are this week on the following days:

Wednesday 15th November @ 5pm-8pm

Thursday 16th November @ 3.30pm-6.30pm

You should by now have received a slip with the date and time of your allocated appointment. If you have not yet had this, please check your child’s schoolbag in the first instance and thereafter contact the school office .

We are delighted that the Book Fair will be available at both our Pupil Progress Meetings and that FOMC will also be there selling raffle tickets for Christmas Fayre prizes.

November Dress Down Days


During November we will have a number of dress down days on Fridays.

Friday 10th November – please bring in a donation for the Christmas Fayre tombola or bottle stall

Friday 17th November – Children in Need Dress Down Day.  Please follow the link on ParentPay to donate

Friday 24th November – please bring in a donation for the Christmas Fayre tombola or bottle stall


Primary 3 Curriculum Overview

Welcome to the P3 curriculum overview for term 2. This will be a busy term with lots of new learning as well as  fun and exciting activities to prepare for Advent and Christmas.


Our focus in term 1 was using our class novel to create descriptive writing by describing the main character, Horton, and using rhyming words and adjectives to describe what he hears and the things he sees. Through descriptive writing, we also have been using our topic about vertebrates and invertebrates when using descriptive bubbles. During term 2 we will now focus on narrative and report writing. As well as talking and listening games and activities such as Show and Tell.

P3 have been participating in reading and spelling activities and children have been working within groups to revisit previous sounds and texts, ready to use their skills and strategies to tackle new and unfamiliar spelling sounds and reading books.  Our writing focus is currently descriptive writing, and these written pieces will come from our class novel and topic of Vertebrates.


Our focus in numeracy has been place value, however, this is something we will regularly revisit with children consolidating previous learning on 2-digit numbers, initially to 99. Then the children moving to three-digit numbers beyond 100.  Children were and will continue to partition these numbers and confidently discuss this in terms of (H) hundreds, tens (T) and units (u), whilst building on their understanding of number and number patterns. In term 2 the focus will be using addition with two-digit numbers before moving to three-digit numbers. Word problems will also continue to be a focus to consolidate our strategies within this operation of number.  Children have been using their ‘Thinking it through’ jotters as the term progresses to develop problem solving skills, applying knowledge of number to new contexts and develop strategies for number problems.

Beyond number, children have been focusing on measurement and using different equipment to measure in cm and metres. Children have been estimating using rulers and metre sticks before measuring objects to see how close their predictions were. For term 2 the focus will be 2D and 3D shape identifying real life examples, comparing the properties of 2D and 3D objects, and creating their own 3D shapes.

Health & Wellbeing

All children have now had the opportunity to be Pupil of the Day and will start to be chosen for the second time in term 2. Our Pupil of the Day has been receiving lots of compliments.  We will continue to explore emotions, and how we recognise these emotions within ourselves and in others and learning how to control them.

In P.E, our sessions will continue to take place on a Tuesday and a Thursday and our focus in term 2 this time will be, Social Dance, Football and Gymnastics. In term 1 children were participating in hockey and badminton.  Children will use their transferrable skills when playing in a team.

Our focus during R.E sessions has been Mary in October, moving to Saints and Remembrance, the routines of the church and the celebration of Mass.  We will also spend some time reading and discussing bible stories relating to friendship and love, whilst considering how each of us are unique and have our own God given talents.


The children will be participating in activities in different areas of the curriculum including social studies and will be focusing on climates and weather around the world.  Children have been exploring and developing an understanding of living things as this was a focus on our topic Vertebrates topic where  children have been sorting and categorising living things into vertebrates and non-vertebrates.

We hope this is the start of a very fun filled successful term and that the children enjoy learning across the curriculum.

Take care,

Miss Grimley


Primary 6 Curriculum Update Term 2

Term 2 is upon us! Primary 6 are making progress in all areas and are showing leadership across the school.


Listening and Talking

Listening and Talking will continue to be a focus across the curriculum. Pupils will participate in a range of activities to allow for this.


The class novel this term is ‘Titanic Detective Agency’ by Lindsay Littleson. The pupils will complete various reading and writing tasks related to this appropriate to their level. This novel study also has links to our Social Studies and Science topic ‘Titanic’.

We will also continue using the ‘Bug Club’ reading resource to aid our comprehension skills.


Spelling will be individualised to groups and will form a focus for homework as well as class tasks.


All groups made great progress last term and will continue with addition and subtraction this term, this will be followed by a topic of multiplication and division, so get practising those tables! Outcomes are determined in groups.

Money will be a focus during beyond number lessons again differentiated across the class. Please discuss financial aspects with children at home; topics could include budgeting, credit and debit and savings.

 Health and Wellbeing

Our focus this term is Health and Wellbeing Champions, pupils will participate in an authority wide topic via ‘Teams’, this will allow participation from P6 classes across the area where they will collaborate in challenges from the comfort of our classroom!

Primary 6 will continue to be PATHs playground leaders; an important responsibility, and one we are more than ready for!

Children will also continue to follow the PATHs resources, this helps pupils to identify their emotions, act accordingly and build resilience.

‘Do be mindful’ strategies and mindful learning blocks will reinforce all that we do.

Religious Education

Children will examine the initial stages of the ‘Pope Francis Faith Award’ this term, this focusses on the gifts of the Holy Spirit and the unique qualities we all possess. We will look at 3 gifts this term and will continue this journey into primary 7. There will be an occasional homework task related to this.


Our French skills are developing and pupils are becoming more confident in this area. We will focus our attention this term on discussing pets and familiarising ourselves with accessing French dictionaries.


Homework will be issued weekly and at primary 6 level children should be able to complete these tasks individually with limited support. Please check that your child is accessing these tasks and is becoming responsible around this. Homework will always be issued to reinforce learning and children will have been taught the area in class. Homework creates routine and independence and will be an expectation at every stage of school life especially secondary school. In developing good habits in the upper primary this will ease that transition when the time comes.

 As always your continued support is appreciated across the school year.

Mrs Crawford and Mrs McIntyre.


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