Category Archives: uncategorized

Primary 4 Health Week Activities!

Primary 4 have had a very busy week with all the exciting activities that have been on offer during health week.  We had lots of fun on Tuesday and Wednesday  with football,  basketball, rugby,  meditation, yoga,  making fruit kebabs, discussing the dangers of smoking and a special visit from PC Dempster about the necessity to keep yourself safe online.

Today, Friday, we were busy boxing with the coach from North West club, building outdoor houses for small wildlife with the staff from Dumfries House and had an input from the staff from the local Tae Kwon Do club.  We also discussed the different drugs we may need to help us feel better and those which are illegal and dangerous. We finished the day with reward play, where the children chose to use their new skills outdoors in the afternoon.

It has been a fabulous week and we would like to thank Mrs McGowan and P5 for all the hard work that went in to organising this fabulous health week.  Enjoy your weekend!

P1/2 and P5 -Visit to Dean Park

Our Primary 1/2 and Primary 5 classes are excited to be having their rescheduled visit to the Dean Park next Wednesday, 5th May. The children will be leaving the school at approx. 9.15am and walking to the park. They will be back at school in time for lunch. 

Children should wear appropriate footwear, a waterproof jacket and bring a snack with them to have at the park.

Permission forms were given to the children yesterday and should be returned as soon as possible.

Thank you.


Primary 4 PE days!

Primary 4 have had a great first week back.  The children have started a new topic all about magnets and have enjoyed some of the experiments we have carried out so far.

I have made a change to PE days.  These will be on a Monday and Thursday so children should come dressed for PE on these days.

Homework is now being attached to our TEAMS page so be sure to check for updated homework tasks/activities for the week on a Monday.  Reading books will be attached on Bug Club.  There will be no hard copy of the text being sent home.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Travers

Primary 4 Movie Choice!

The primary 4 children had a vote in class today, for the movie they would like to watch tomorrow during our movie/PJ day and have chosen the live action version of Aladdin!  This is a PG, so if any parent would not like their child to watch the above movie, contact the school and we can make other arrangements for your child during our movie time.

Check back later for some photos from Dean Park today

Writing parental views sessions

Currently within Mount Carmel Primary we are looking to improve our current writing provision.  We are keen to hear the opinions of all within the school community about writing and how we can take this forward.

If you would be interested in sharing your views there will be a parent/carers session on Tuesday 9th March at 2:00pm.  This will take place using vscene.

Please complete the form below and details of how to access this writing discussion group will then be sent to you.


Mrs Fergusson

Primary 1 and Primary 2 HWB Tasks WB 18th January

Hello Boys and Girls,

Please find attached below your HWB tasks and PowerPoint for this week. Please complete these tasks whenever you have time to do so, there is no set day for these tasks to be completed. Once completed, email your hard work to your teacher.

Primary 1 & 2 HWB PPT

HWB P1and P2 tasks 18.1.21

PE 18.1.21

Keep up the great work!

Missing you all lots,

Mrs Dunsmore and Mrs Duff x

Primary 3 – work 15.1.21

Hello Primary 3,

I hope you are all well and looking forward to the weekend!   Here is your work for tomorrow.

P3 – Home Learning 15.1.21 P3 Chinese New Year Story -The Zodiac P3 New Year Animal Mindful Colouring

I have been sent lots of emails with your wonderful work and i cannot wait to read them all and see what you have been getting up to today.  Keep up the great work!

Mrs Strachan

Primary 1/2 Home Learning Wednesday 13th January

Hello everyone!

Thank you to the boys and girls who have already sent me lots of your hard work. I have loved seeing all the amazing efforts, keep up the great work!

Below is attached your home learning resources for tomorrow (Wednesday 13th January). I have also emailed everyone with your individual worksheets to help you complete the tasks.

Primary 1

Primary 1 Home Learning – Wed 13th Jan

New Text image for Wednesday January 13th

Prediction worksheet P1 Wed 13th Jan

P1 and P2 Resolution Leaves

Primary 2

All instructions for tasks are within the attached PowerPoint. Please ensure that the PowerPoint is in presentation mode to access the audio clips throughout. You can access presentation mode by clicking the “Slideshow” tab at the top of the screen and then clicking “From the beginning”.

Home Learning PPT Wednesday 13th Jan

Blue Group Maths HL 13th Jan

Daily Mental Maths Sheet – Blue Group – 13th Jan

Green Group Maths HL 13th Jan

Daily Mental Maths Sheet – Green Group – 13th Jan

Rat and Cat in Lets Jump comprehension

It Is Hot comprehension

Zip and Zap Meet the Sam comprehension

P1 and P2 Resolution Leaves

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me via email.

Mrs Dunsmore x


Home Learning Primary 6 – wb 11th January

Hello Primary 6,

Happy New Year! It’s not the start to the school year we expected but hopefully, we’ll all be safely back in school soon. Until then I have created home learning tasks for Monday and Tuesday. I have posted the tasks below but I will also post them on Microsoft TEAMS. Going forward TEAMS will be the place where all home learning tasks will be posted. I’ll also be able to communicate with you via the chat feature on TEAMS throughout the school day.

I’ll also post ‘a beginning of the week check-in’ form on TEAMS which will replace our class feelings books and feelings box whilst at home. There’s no obligation to fill this in (just like in class) but it’s there if you do want to share how you’re feeling during this strange time.

If you need to contact me you can email or go onto the TEAMS chat page during school hours.

Hopefully, this won’t be for too long and we’ll be back in our class soon. Until then stay safe and I’ll speak to you soon.

Miss Mudge

Monday and Tuesday Home Learning Grid – wb 11th January P6

Spelling Words

Circles Mental Maths Grid

Rectangles Mental Maths Grid

Triangles Mental Maths grid 

Party Time in P6/7

P6/7 had great fun at their Christmas party yesterday.  Lots of joy was had playing games, dancing and stuffing faces with Domino’s pizza!!  We’ve also had our Panto and craft activities this week too.

It has been a very difficult and unusual year but the class have worked very hard and deserve their well earned break.  Well done everyone.  Relax, switch off the alarm clocks and enjoy the Christmas holidays.

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and I will see you all raring to go in the new year.

Mr Bertoncini

Primary 1 Spread a little Festive Cheer 🎅🏻❤️❤️

Father Martin came into Primary 1 this morning for a Christmas prayer service. We talked about the Christmas story and the “gifts of love” we can give this Advent ❤️❤️❤️.

As it was Primary 1’s turn to do a “wave & walk ” at Crossgates Care Home this afternoon, we had the perfect opportunity to show love by spreading some Festive cheer ❤️! The children gladly put their Nativity costumes on to shower the residents and staff with smiles and chants of Merry Christmas!


Book Week Scotland

This week is Book Week Scotland and children in Primary 1, 2 and 3 are gifted a bag from the Scottish Government.

Primary 2 and 3 will receive a Read, Write and Count bag today.  There are instructions in this, please take some time to look at this with your child.

Primary 1 will receive a Book Bug bag, they will receive this on Friday.

P6/7 Term Overview

Term 2 already!  Won’t be long before the first door of the advent calendar is opened! Here’s an overview of our learning that will take place in our second term (Oct – Dec).


Our literacy focus this term will be on recount writing, using notes to create a plan and inform our writing.  In conjunction with our Digital Literacy topic, we will be doing lots of vlogging and blogging.  So watch this space for updates of what we have been up to.  We will be continuing to work our way through Bug Club books and short novels paying particular attention to non-fiction features.

Spelling groups will continue to use Active Spelling strategies and follow on from previous work. The Suns and Moons spelling groups are developing their knowledge of metalinguistics by looking at prefixed words.  The Stars will further enhance their knowledge of phoneme representations.


The class are enjoying problem solving game day where we have been playing a variety of games aimed at enhance lateral thinking and utilising cognitive thinking.  The introduction of a Daily Riddle has also got many minds whirring.  Mental games such as Countdown and Sink the Ship remain popular!

The Circles numeracy group have progressed onto adding and subtracting decimals and shortly will be tackling multiplication and division including decimalised numbers and fractions.  Similarly, the Rectangles are reinforcing their skills in addition and subtraction to include working with decimals before moving onto fractions.

The Squares have been working on estimating on a given number line and will be investigating different addition and subtraction strategies.

The Triangles will be continuing to work on numbers to 1000.

The class are also working on skills beyond number with Mrs McIntyre and are currently developing their knowledge of coordinates and angles, then focussing on symmetry.

Health and Wellbeing

We will continue with the Pupil of the Day and the PATHS Programme where we look in closer detail at the problem solving steps to resolve conflict.  In addition to our PATHS, as part of our Digital Literacy topic, we will be looking at online abuse, using Social Media safely and knowing how to report content.

We will also be investigating the main nutrient groups and how they benefit our bodies.

A quick reminder that we will be going outside often, therefore, children should bring in appropriate clothes such as wellies or old boots, waterproof jacket and warmer clothes (hat, scarf, gloves) as we move into the winter.

Mr Bertoncini


Primary 5 Term 2 Update

Curriculum Update Primary 5                         October – December 2020

The children have been wonderful settling back into school life. They have adapted well to the new rules and handwashing throughout the day.

Here is an update on our learning that will take place in term 2.


The class will be focusing on report and personal writing as part of our literacy tasks. Key features of the genre are categorising, note-taking and formal presentation.

Children will continue to access Bug Club as our school reading resource using texts to enhance their comprehension.


This term the children will experience measurement as their beyond number topics. This will involve length, volume and mass. We will be working outdoors for this so please ensure suitable clothing for outdoor learning is worn daily.

Our number process topics will be estimating and rounding and place value for the circles, rectangles and squares groups and addition and subtraction for the triangle group.

At home children will benefit from timetables revision and everyday life measuring e.g. time taken for filling a bath, weighing food items etc.

Health & Well-being

The PATHS programme will continue to shape our HWB learning. P5 have been picking a ‘pupil of the day’ since we returned in August giving compliments to their classmates daily. We have had excellent discussions about feelings and emotions and how we can manage them. P5 will look at friendship as well as mental and emotional wellbeing appropriate to their age and stage.


Our focus on PE this term will be rugby the children will participate in this non-contact sport outside. We will also participate in outdoor games.


We have worked as a class to support the children who are making their First Holy Communion. (Some having already made it) Booklets should be almost finished with the final task completed after the child has made their First Holy Communion. As a class we found this a special time for all the children as we have celebrated this Sacrament as a class.

This term the class will focus on Mary and Her significance within the Catholic tradition. There will also be a focus on Advent as the term continues.

Interdisciplinary Learning

Our topic for this term will be The Victorians in Scotland. We will look at many areas within this including Queen Victoria, Alexander Graham Bell and Industry. The children will use their ICT skills throughout to improve their research and presentation skills. We will read ‘The Lottie Project’ by Jaqueline Wilson together in class as a shared text.

Homework will continue to be issued every Monday and returned every Thursday. Please contact us if you require any support with this.

As always, thank you for your ongoing support.


Mrs McGowan and Mrs Crawford.

Primary 1 and Primary 1/2 Homework

From Monday 28th September, Primary 1 will be receiving weekly homework.  Your child will receive their homework folder each Monday and should return it to class on the Thursday.

In your child’s folder will be a homework grid which will outline the tasks to be completed.  These tasks will be based around the new learning taking place in class each week and will include:

Jolly phonics Sound sheet(s) reinforcing the action and rhyme for our new letter “sound” as well as giving the children an opportunity to practise forming their new letter correctly.

Bottle top lid with new letter sound. These will be added to each week until every child has the full alphabet, allowing for revision of each letter sound and eventually word building.

Common Word Flashcards (these will be included in coming weeks and should be practised every night once introduced.)

Number formation sheets.

Reading task.

There will be specific guidance for completing each task on the grid but please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries.

The reinforcement of your child’s literacy skills at this stage is crucial so your ongoing support with the homework is hugely appreciated and will prove very beneficial to your child’s progress.

The children are very excited to be finally starting “grown up” homework and we are sure their wonderful enthusiasm towards it will continue.

Many thanks

Mrs Duff and Mrs Dunsmore



Primary 4 Class Novel Activities

Primary 4 have recently finished studying our class novel ‘Horton Hears a Who’.  The pupils discussed the setting, the characters, and the message the novel was giving to its readers.  They began to appreciate and understand that ‘a person’s a person, no matter how small.’  This was considered in relation to all of God’s living things.

The pupils created their own pieces of writing, imagining what a visit to Who-Ville would be like, considering carefully how they would shrink small enough to visit and describing well what they saw and who they met on ‘the tiny speck of dust.’

The learning continued outside, through outdoor learning opportunities, where pupils searched to identify the smallest living thing they could find in and around the school grounds.  They also created their own transient art pieces, using natural materials to make beautiful scenes from Who-Ville!

Primary 6 Playground Leaders

Mr. Devlin from Active Schools has been coming to support Primary 6 to becoming Playground Leaders. They have been focussing on athletics and team games that can be done safely outside. Mr. Devlin has commented on how hard the pupils work during these sessions and how sweaty they are at the end (proof of hard work!).

I delighted at how well the pupils support and encourage each other during these sessions.

Well done Primary 6!

Miss Mudge