Primary 2 Curriculum Update Term 3
Welcome to our curriculum update for term 3. I hope all our pupils and their families/carers had a wonderful festive period and a lovely new year. Term two was busy as we prepared for all the fun and exciting Christmas activities and the Nativity Show!
Last term, our focus had been summarising what happened in our books and thinking about sequencing parts of a story we’d read in order of what came first and next or at the beginning, middle, and end. In term three, the focus will be answering both literal and inferential questions orally and in written responses whilst beginning to find and identify key features of non-fiction books like the index, contents and labels, which may be helpful for fact-finding for our new topic. We will continue our usual spelling and common word activities that help pupils retain and recognise their spelling sounds/phonemes and common words when reading books.
In writing, children will focus on report writing, building on their knowledge of fact-based information and sharing it in a report, including a title, heading, subheadings, and pictures. Our new topic will allow us to explore report writing while building a knowledge bank for our topic (IDL). Children will continue to enhance their understanding of nouns, verbs, and adjectives, identifying these in texts we are accessing in class while recognising and using speech marks and speech bubbles in texts and written pieces.
During term 3, we will also participate in listening and talking games and activities to help children develop the key skills needed in whole-class or group discussions. These skills will be further developed when we begin weekly information sharing, sharing our topic reports and receiving feedback from our peers.
Our focus in numeracy during term three will be to complete subtraction and understand how addition and subtraction link through fact families. Money will continue through January to revisit giving change and to develop a good understanding of subtraction when using coins.
Children will spend time mentally counting in 2s, 5s, and 10s and developing mental strategies for the skills we have worked on. They will continue to recite numbers up to 100 while developing knowledge of number patterns. Children will then use this knowledge of counting in 2s, 5s, and 10s to expose them to an early introduction to multiplication, exploring the symbol and what concrete materials can support us when building up groups/sets of numbers. The strategies we will explore are repeated addition and groupings.
In beyond number, we will build on our knowledge of halves and quarters, and this will support pupils when the idea of half past and quarter past is introduced with time, both in analogue and digital formats. Pupils will grow their knowledge by looking at minutes in an hour, ½ hour and how many hours in a day. They will also consider the time an hour was before and an hour after. Children will regularly use their ‘Busy Bee’ jotters to develop problem-solving skills, apply knowledge of numbers to new contexts and develop strategies for any number problems.
Health & Wellbeing
All children will have the opportunity to be pupil of the day again in term three. They will continue to explore emotions, comfortable and uncomfortable, and how we recognise these emotions within ourselves and in others. We will also look at strategies for helping us deal with conflict with friends or in the playground.
In P.E., our sessions will continue to be on Tuesdays and Thursdays. In term 3, our focus will be gymnastics, using more extensive apparatus, fitness and taking care of the body, and racquet skills like tennis and badminton. Children will also have the opportunity to partake in some fun activities that support teamwork while focusing on developing their listening skills and awareness of space.
Our focus during R.E. sessions will be on Jesus’s life, where he lived and grew up, and where he went to pray as part of a faith community. We will also look at Jesus the Teacher and reflect on his words and teachings.
Topic (IDL)
In term three, the focus of our topic (IDL) will be on science and living things in the form of ‘minibeasts’. This will include insects, arachnids, and mollusks, to name a few. We will explore different body types, whether they have a spine, shell, or armour for protection. This will extend to studying their habitats and food chains associated with each minibeast.
French (Modern Languages)
Children continue to familiarise themselves with basic greetings and expand their number knowledge by increasing this to 20. Pupils will become more familiar with questions they can ask to learn someone’s name or age. We will also look at days of the week and months of the year.
We continue to refer to the articles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in class by looking at our class charter and reminding pupils that we have the right to play (31), to learn (28) and to be healthy (24). We formed our class rules around this charter to allow all pupils to have the best positive experience in school. As a school, we will focus on the articles/themes of Safer Internet Day (articles 17, 19), Holocaust Memorial Day (2. 9, 37, 38) and World Water Day (24.27).
We hope this is the start of another very successful term and that the pupils will continue to enjoy learning new topics across the curriculum.
Take care,
Mrs Travers