All posts by Mrs McGahon

Primary 1 Curriculum Overview – Term 4

Welcome back to the P1 blog where you can read all about the learning taking place this term!


Reading and Phonics

P1 are becoming more and more confident when using their initial sounds to word build. This term we will further develop our word building skills, including CVCC and CCVC words (e.g. park, drum). We will continue to use the Active Literacy strategy “say, make, break, read and write” to support this new learning. We will also continue to learn new ‘look and say’ common words every week.

In class, we are using our guided Bug Club texts to develop our skills in prediction, reading aloud and reading for understanding. At home, we are enjoying a range of independent texts on Bug Club at the same level.


We will focus during this last term on using our knowledge of word building and common words to build sentences independently. The children will have many opportunities to develop their independent writing skills through weekly news, free writing and sentence tasks linked to their spelling sounds and reading books.

In addition to this, P1 will be developing their description writing skills. We will focus on describing number, colour, texture and size for familiar people and objects.

Letter formation will be developed through regular handwriting lesson and fine motor skill activities.

Talking and Listening

Through a range of activities across the curriculum, P1 will continue to develop their talking and listening skills; understanding when to listen and when to respond, taking turns and communicating with others.


This term, P1 will consolidate their understanding of the concept of addition within 10. They will focus on increasing their mental accuracy of number bonds to 10. The children will have many opportunities to develop their mental accuracy through our daily Fast 10 and Big Maths Beat That. We will also be applying our knowledge of addition within 10 when working on missing number calculations using the ‘Lock in and Count On’ strategy.

When P1 are confident in their addition skills they will begin to focus on subtraction within 10. The children will transfer their skills to answer subtraction calculations and word problems. In addition to this we will consolidate our knowledge of numbers to 20 and beyond, including recognising number names.

Beyond Number

We will continue to develop our knowledge of measure, using familiar objects in our environment both at school and at home. We will explore mathematical language such as tallest/smallest, heavier/lighter to compare items. We will also use different non-standard units of measure (e.g cubes, hands) to estimate and then measure the length and weight of items.

We will also have a focus on money. P1 will learn to recognise and identify coins up to £2. They will also learn to differentiate between and use the language “pence” and “pound”. The children will use their knowledge of addition and subtraction to add to find totals within 10p as well as subtract to find change.

Health and Wellbeing

P1 will continue to develop their social and emotional skills through our whole school PATHS programme. The children continue to enjoy engaging with the puppets and love it when they visit our classroom. P1 love giving and receiving compliments each day as part of “Pupil of the Day”.

We will continue to develop our knowledge of ways to keep our bodies and minds healthy with a focus on making healthy choice every day and exploring mindfulness techniques.

Physical Education

This term P1 will focus on Athletics. The children will practice running, jumping, and throwing both independently as well as part of a team. Once we have developed our running, jumping, and throwing skills we will compete against each other in friendly relay races. Later in the term, P1 will also have a weekly session of Fun Fitness with our Active Schools co-ordinator Mark Devlin.

P.E. days will be Monday and Thursday. Please ensure your child comes to school dressed appropriately with either joggers or leggings and trainers. Your child must continue to wear their school jumper as part of their uniform on PE days.

 Religious Education

This term P1 will think about Our Lady. The children will reflect on Mary as the mother of Jesus and the mother of all of us.  We will create a special altar to Mary in our classroom and learn to pray the “Hail Mary”.

Through the use of God’s Loving Plan, we will explore the beauty of God’s creation and how we recognise this in others and ourselves. We will talk about our own skills and talents, focusing on how God has made us all individual and unique.


Growing Up – We have explored the timeline of human life from baby through to adult and particularly focused on the needs of babies. We looked at photographs of ourselves as babies and explored how we had changed since then identifying how many different skills we learned at nursery and in P1.

My Senses – Through a variety of sensory experiences, indoors and outdoors, P1 will learn about each of the five senses and their uses to explore our surroundings. We will also develop our knowledge of parts of the body and what they do, showing an understanding of our own health and wellbeing.



P1 and P2 Communication

Following national and local authority guidance we will now not be using Glow mail as a means of communication with our P1 and P2 pupils.

Instead we have created group mailing lists for each class using parent email addresses. Class teachers will use these emails to communicate directly with families.

If the email address we have for you has changed or you do not wish this to be used for home learning purposes please contact Mrs McGahon –

Thank you for your ongoing support.

Tier 4 Restrictions

Due to yesterday’s Scottish Government announcements regarding Tier 4 restrictions our planned class Masses can no longer go ahead. We hope to be able to reschedule these as soon as guidelines allow.

Also, we now have to revert back to PE taking place outdoors only. Please ensure that pupils are still coming to school appropriately dressed on their PE days.

Thank you.

Face Coverings

As of tomorrow, following reviewed national guidance, all staff are now required to wear face coverings more often during the school day.

We know that this might be upsetting for some children. Staff will ensure that pupils are supported in adapting to this change and will reassure them that it not something to worry about. We would appreciate if you could also discuss this at home.

Thank you, as always, for your support.


A Final Message

Hello boys and girls!

Thank you so much for taking part in our transition activities over the past few months. We have loved getting to know you more and tell you and your families all about our wonderful school!

We hope you enjoyed coming to collect your extra special MC welcome bags on Wednesday. If you didn’t manage to come along don’t worry, Marty will look after your bags for you over the holidays and you can get them on your first day at school.

Have a fantastic summer with your families. Hopefully we get some more hot days like yesterday! We can’t wait to see you all in August, so until then here are some final messages just for you…


Lots of love Mrs Duff, Mrs Dunsmore and Mrs McGahon xxx


Say Hello to your Buddies

Two more of your buddies would like to say hello!


Hi there! My name is May, I’m in P7. I hope to see you all soon, and I hope you enjoy your stay here as much as I have.






Hi my name is Michael John I am in Primary 6. I’m really looking forward to meeting you. Mount Carmel is a great school and you will have lots of fun!!





Our School Community

This week we have special messages from members of our wider school community.  #teammc

Father Martin

Hello Boys and girls.  I am Father Martin Chambers. I am the priest at Mount Carmel School.

I am sure you will find that our school is a very happy place. When I come to Mount Carmel School, I normally talk to the boys and girls about God. In the school, we always remember how good God is to us.

God sends us his peace and his love. With the peace and love that God sends us, we will make sure Mount Carmel School is a very happy place.

Parent Council

Hello.  Our names are Amanda and Neil. Together with other parents and carers, we run the Parent Council. Our role as parents is really important. We all want the school to be successful as it has such a big impact on our kids. Our views matter so it’s important that there is some way that the school’s management, staff and the Council know what our views are, while we give support and encouragement when it’s required.

So, for a couple of hours every 3 months, we all get together with the Head Teacher and Deputy Head Teacher for a cuppa and a chat, to find out what’s going on and how we, the parents, can help.

If you’re interested, then feel free to pop along to our meetings (they are ‘virtual’ just now due to COVID19, so you don’t even need to leave the house). You can find the dates and times on our Facebook page. We know it can be awkward joining, so please feel free to contact us beforehand, we can have a chat then introduce you to the rest of the group. They don’t bite, honest!

We hope to be saying “hello” to you very soon!

The Friends of Mount Carmel

Hello to all the new P1 Parents

The Friends of Mount Carmel (FOMC) is a fundraising group comprising of a group of parents and carers of the young people within our school. Our aim is to plan and co-ordinate various fundraising events such as School Discos, Fun Days and a Christmas Fayre along with any other activities associated with the staff and pupils of Mount Carmel Primary School that require our help.

The money we raise is used to benefit all the pupils of Mount Carmel Primary. This may be in the form of purchasing items for the schools e.g. books/equipment, facilitating transport to events e.g. covering the cost of buses for trips, providing gifts/prizes for pupils or to cover the cost of facilitating events e.g. paying for venues.

We aim to meet up face to face approximately 4 times throughout the school year so we can share ideas and plan for future fundraising events.

If this is something that you would be interested in and would like to be part of our group you are very welcome to contact us at and we will add you to our mailing list and welcome you at our next meeting when we return in august.

Look forward to meeting you all.

Deborah Boyd (Chairperson)




Scavenger Hunt

Hi boys and girls!

We hope you are all well and have had a lovely week!

Marty and Colin have been loving going on adventures outdoors as the weather has been lovely and warm. As they love being outside so much they have decided to set you an outdoor task this week – a Scavenger Hunt!!!

All you have to do is get outdoors, maybe in your garden, local park or while out on a walk and find each of the things on their list! Are you up for the challenge? We are sure you are!

Can you find:

  • something round
  • something smooth
  • something jaggy
  • 3 different types of leaf
  • 2 sticks
  • something yellow
  • something pretty
  • something that could be treasure!!!

Marty and Colin have started theirs already! Can you see which items they have found so far?!!!

Good luck everyone!! We hope you have fun on the hunt!!!

Mrs Duff and Mrs Dunsmore (Marty and Colin) xxxx

Sports Day Challenge

Have a go at our Sports Day challenge and let us see how much fun you have! You are all in Team Murray with your P6 buddies! How many points do you think Marty will score?

  • Star Jumps – 1 point for every jump completed.
  • Speed Bounce – 1 point for every bounce completed.
  • Press Ups – 5 points for every press up completed.
  • Burpees – 2 points for every burpee completed.
  • Keep Ups – football / tennis / ping pong – 2 points for every keep up
  • Balance on one leg – 1 point for 10 seconds or less, 2 for 11- 20 seconds, 3 for 21-30 seconds, 4 for 31-40 seconds, 5 for 41-50 seconds or 6 for 51-60 seconds.

Have fun everyone!!

Say Hello to your Buddies

This week you have been sent very special messages from some of the boys and girls who will be your buddies when you start school in August! They all loved meeting you when you came for your visits and we will do the best that we can to make sure you get to know them even more when you are in Primary 1.



Hi my name is Erin Gibson. I’ll be in P6 when we go back to school and you’ll be a new P1. I remember how nervous I felt when I was a P1, it soon turned into excitement when I started having so much fun in the class and meeting my new friends. I will support you and make you feel safe and welcomed in our school. We will have fun together and I will show you all the best parts of Mount Carmel Primary school. I like Gymnastics and Drama, I wonder what you will enjoy at school?


Hi Primary 1!  I’m Luke and I’m in P7. Looking forward to seeing you after the summer holidays. I hope you are as excited to start Mount Carmel as I am to be a buddy! I have seriously been waiting on this for years.





Hello P1! 

My name is Poppy and l am in P6. I am really looking forward to meeting you all in August and l am excited about all the adventures we will have together. If you are feeling nervous or afraid please don’t worry as there are lots of friendly people there to help you.






Hi Primary 1,

My name is Evie and I’m in P7. I’m really looking forward to meeting you all in August. Everyone will have a lot of fun at Mount Carmel! And remember not to get worried because your buddies will help you settle in great. Have fun!




Hi P1.

My name is Regan and I am in P6.

I can’t wait to see you all again!






Hi boys and girls. I am Aimee Thomson. I am going in to Primary 7 and can’t wait to become your buddy when you start Primary 1.





Hi! I’m Lucy! I like pink and I like helping people!





Hi my name is Callum. I’m in P6 and I can’t wait to see you. You will love Mount Carmel and do not be worried, it is a lovely place to learn and have fun.







Hello P1s,

My name is Tymek and I am in P6. I like to play football. I also love to play video games. I hope you will have a great time in P1. I will support you when you will be starting school. I can’t wait to see you guys in August.




Hello P1’s my name is Jamila and I am in Primary 7. I am so excited for you to join the school in August. I joined the school last year and it was amazing. Do not be worried. The teachers and staff are so nice. It is so fun when you get used to it. There is always someone to talk to and help you every day. I cannot wait to see your smiley faces


My name is Aidan.

I am 10 years old. I really hope you are all having fun in the sun.  I can’t wait to meet when we go back to school.  Everyone gets nervous when they start school but don’t worry as we will be there to help you. See you all soon!





Hey everyone!

My name is Nicole and I am looking forward to meeting you all and becoming one of your buddies!


Hi boys and girls. My name is Magda and  I am in P6. I can’t wait to see you all in August. Don’t be stressed or nervous because everything is going to be great. If you will need help or you will be left alone remember I will always be there  to help.




I am Tilly and I am in P6. Welcome to Mount Carmel. Hope to see you all soon!





Hi P1s. I’m Sophie and I’m in P6. Can’t wait to meet you and know you all!






Sports Day

This year, Sports Day has to be a little bit different, but we can still enjoy some fun competition and keep fit!

As part of Health Week our virtual Sports Day will take place Monday 8th– Friday 12th June and the winners will be announced on Friday 20th June.

There are four teams, named after famous Scottish Olympic medal winners:

Team Hoy – P1 & P7                      Team Doyle – P2 & P4

Team Grainger – P3 & P5           Team Murray – New P1s & P6

You have 60 seconds per exercise. How many of these can you do?

  • Burpees – 5 points for every burpee completed.
  • Star Jumps – 1 point for every jump completed.
  • Step Ups – 1 point for every step up completed.
  • Sit Ups – 2 points for every sit up completed.
  • Keep Ups – football/tennis – 2 points for every keep up completed.
  • Balance on one leg – 1 point for 10 seconds or less, 2 for 11- 20 seconds, 3 for 21-30 seconds, 4 for 31-40 seconds, 5 for 41-50 seconds or 6 for 51-60 seconds.
  • Speed Bounce – 1 point for every bounce completed.
  • Egg and spoon – 2 points for every lap completed (place two markers four large strides apart) Double points for this one if you can get a grown up to join in and video it!

If you are unsure of how to do any of these exercises then take a look at our handy demonstration guide –

Try a few of the challenges each day and ask someone at home to video your efforts! Then email them along with a note of your points  to Mrs McGahon – (Please limit videos to 33MB and make sure you have permission from an adult for it to be shared.)

Remember as with everything, do what you can, when you can. Most importantly it’s about having fun!

Let the games begin!   #TEAMMC


(All rights reserved to the original artist of the song used in this video. Eye of the Tiger – Survivor. No copyright infringements intended under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976; fair use for non-profit, educational purposes.)




Story Time with Mrs Dunsmore

Hello boys and girls,

We hope you enjoyed today’s story.

Cody the caterpillar felt a bit unsure about becoming a butterfly, she wanted to stay a caterpillar forever. Her friends told her it would be great and they were right. Marty knows you might be feeling a bit unsure about becoming a big P1 but he also knows you will be great too!!

Now that you have finished the story, do you think you could make your very own butterfly?? Use the butterfly template to make the most bright and beautiful butterfly ever!! Keep your butterfly safe and on our very first day together in school, bring it with you.

We can’t wait to see you all becoming beautiful P1 butterflies!

 Lots of Love

Mrs Duff and Mrs Dunsmore xxx

Meet the Team

Hi boys and girls. I am Mrs Rodger and I work in the office with Mrs Gallacher. I hope you are exited about coming to Mount Carmel in August. I can’t wait to meet you!

Hello. My name is Mrs Gallacher and I work in the school office with Mrs Rodger. I’m really looking forward to meeting you all when you start in August. x

Hello boys and girls. My name is Mrs Templeton and you will see me in your playground at break and lunchtime. I will look after you if you hurt yourself or if you aren’t feeling very well. I am looking forward to seeing you all very soon. x

Home Learning Assembly

Hello boys and girls! Welcome to our third Home Learning Assembly.

We hope you are all well and continuing to enjoy the tasks and activities from your teachers. We have loved hearing from you and seeing all the great things you are doing at home. Remember just do what you can, when you can and know that we are here to help you.

We will begin our assembly by taking a moment to speak to God-

Dear God,

Thank you for our homes and our families. Please continue to help us and keep us safe. May we live like Jesus and show others your love in all that we do.

Lord in your mercy, Hear our Prayer.

A few weeks ago Bishop Nolan asked for pictures of our priests to be sent to him and we know that many of you had great fun drawing pictures of Father Martin! This week Bishop Nolan has a new challenge for you – he would like you to paint or draw a picture of your family. These will then be used to fill the Cathedral at a time when it cannot be filled with people. Ask a grown up to send your pictures via Facebook Messenger to the RC Ayr Page or you can email them to Mrs McGahon on Glow.

On the Wellbeing blog you will see lots of top tips on how to stay positive and have a healthy mind. This week for Mental Health Awareness Week we are asked to think about how kindness can make us all feel better.

Over the last few months we have seen many wonderful acts of kindness. From Captain Tom’s pledge to raise money for the NHS to each and every one of our amazing Key Workers who have put patients, customers and others before themselves. Kindness is spreading everywhere!

What does kindness look like for us? How can we feel better by helping others? Click on the link below and we can watch this short video together –  

“Kindness is a gift everyone can afford to give”. Here are some ideas of ways that you can show kindness from home –

  • Send a friend a card to let them know you’re missing them.
  • Invite a friend to play a safe online game with you.
  • Sort through your old clothes or toys and choose a few things to donate to charity.
  • Give a compliment to someone at home – this could be yourself!Remember all the wonderful compliments your friends and teachers at school gave you.
  • Help a younger brother or sister with something they don’t understand.
  • Set the table for dinner and help to clear up afterwards.
  • Leave a thank you note for your postman/woman or your bin collectors.
  • Clap to thank the NHS and put a rainbow in your window.

We know that lots of you will be doing these things already and it would be lovely if you could share some of your acts of kindness with us! Let us know what you did and how it made you feel. You can email them to your class teacher or to Mrs McGahon.

We have so many reasons to be proud of ourselves and others during these unusual times. This week Mrs Duff and Mrs McIntyre would like to share their Proud Clouds with you!


Thank you also this week to Jessica (P1), Hannah (P3) and Olivia (P7) for sending in their Proud Clouds, check them out on the Wellbeing blog! Remember you can send yours to Mrs Crawford at We are so proud of all of you!

This Sunday would have been the celebration of First Holy Communion for our boys and girls in P4 who have been preparing for their sacraments –

Maia, Kinga, Megan, Lexi, Marcie, Harry, Oliver, Chloe, Annalise, Ethan, Emily, Damon, Zak and Indigo we are thinking of you and sending our love and prayers.

There will be a special Mass streamed live by Father Martin at 10.00am from St.Matthew’s Church. Just search for ‘Kilmarnock St Matthew’ on You Tube and you will be able to take part.

Let us now finish our assembly with a prayer sent to us by Father Martin –

Father of kindness and of all calm, help us to find peace in you.

You showed your friends how to find happiness through love.

Touch our hearts that we will always know that you are with us and that we are not alone.

Teach us that we can find your love in our brothers and sisters, in our family and friends. 

Help us to find you and your love every day of our lives.

This prayer we ask through Christ our Lord.


Continue to stay safe boys and girls. We love and miss you all very much.

Together we are #Team MC



Thank you so much to all of the boys and girls who entered the competition to design a new t-shirt for Marty.

There were so many wonderful designs that Marty had to ask Mrs McConville to help him choose! We are very pleased to announce that the winner is Katie MacKinnon. Well done!

Mrs Taylor has her sewing machine at the ready to turn your design into a real t-shirt for our favourite bear!






Hi boys and girls,

We hope you enjoyed today’s story. It is one of our favourites as it has lots of numbers and things to count!!

Why don’t you watch and listen to the story again and point to the numbers you see. Do you recognise them? Perhaps you could count the animals/birds on each of the pages.

Now that you have finished the story, do you think you could go on a number hunt around your house or when you are out on a walk?? Look out for any of the numbers you saw in the story today! Where do you think you might find numbers?

Here are some that Marty has spied already!



We would love you to take a photograph of any numbers you do find, and if possible, could you send them in to Mrs McGahon?

Happy Number Hunting!!

Lots of love,

Mrs Duff and Mrs Dunsmore xxx


Meet the Team

Hi boys and girls. My name is Mrs Webb. I love working in the infant department and cannot wait to see your smiling faces. We have a fabulous school and wonderful teachers.


Hello boys and girls. My name is Mrs Jeffers. I like to paint, dance and play lots of playground games. I’m excited to meet you all and hear all about what you enjoy. See you soon. x


Fun in the Sun

Hello boys and girls!

We hope you have all been having lots of fun in the sun this week! Marty has been playing in the garden with his friend Colin.  They were playing on the slide and the scooter! Mrs Duff had to make sure they played nicely with each other and took turns.


Marty is still feeling a bit warm so it would be fantastic if a few more of you could send in your t-shirt designs for him to choose from. It would also be lovely to see any more pictures of yourselves that you have drawn!  Remember you can email them to Mrs McGahon at

Lots of love,

Mrs Duff and Mrs Dunsmore xx

Weekly Challenge

Hello boys and girls,

It has been lovely to see all of your fabulous photos coming in. Marty has been so excited to see all of your drawings that he decided he would draw a picture of himself too!

Like all of you, Marty has been enjoying his time in the sun. He has his sunglasses and his sun hat but he has been getting awfully warm when he is outside playing with his ball. His lovely Mount Carmel jumper is perfect for school time but he would love a t-shirt for having fun in the sun!

Do you think you could help Marty stay cool by designing a t-shirt for him? What do you think he would like it to look like? Which colours do you think he would like? Would he like a picture or pattern on it?

We would love for you to use your imagination to create Marty a t-shirt and then send it to Mrs McGahon. We will let Marty pick which one he likes best and our very talented Mrs Taylor is going to make it for him to wear!! Marty will then be able to model it for you all to see!

We really hope you can help us and we can’t wait to see what fantastic t-shirt designs you come up with.

Have fun getting creative everyone!

Lots of love,

Mrs Duff and Mrs Dunsmore xxx

Virtual Tour

Hello boys and girls!

As you won’t be able to visit us again for a while we thought we would create a special tour of our school that you can watch at home. You will be able to see all of the places where you will learn, play and enjoy being part of our Mount Carmel family.

Happy watching! #togetherweareteammc




Hello boys and girls,

Mrs Duff and Mrs Dunsmore are so excited to be able to keep in touch with you!!! We know Marty bear is missing seeing you all in our school so he will be delighted too!!!!

We hope you have all been having lots of fun at home with your families, especially during the lovely sunny weather.

We have been busy drawing pictures of ourselves so that you can see us on your screens anytime you like! We would also love to be able to see all of you………so do you think you could you do a very special job for us? 

Could you draw a fantastic picture of yourself and ask a grown up to take a photograph of you holding it, just like we did? Then you could send it in to Mrs McGahon and we can put all the photographs of our new Primary 1 friends together. 

We can’t wait to see all of your lovely faces again!

Love Mrs Duff and Mrs Dunsmore xxxx