Our friends at Our Lady of Mount Carmel parish would like to invite you to come along to the church on a Monday night between half past 7 and quarter past 8 to access their food bank. Everyone is welcome and our friends are eager to help everyone in our community.
All posts by Mrs McCreadie
Primary 7 transition to St Joseph’s Academy
Mr Kane (Head Teacher) and Miss Cathie (Principal Teacher of Pastoral Care) of St Joseph’s Academy would like to invite all of our Primary 7 parents to their first transition information evening on the 25th August. This information evening will begin at 6:30pm. The information given by Mr Kane and Miss Cathie will be regarding your child starting St Joseph’s next academic session.
Primary 1
Our fabulous Primary 1 team have had a wonderful day with our brand new Primary 1 pupils. Mrs Duff, Mrs Strachan and Mrs Taylor have been busy playing, painting and getting to know all of our new little faces.
The Mount Carmel family would like to say a great big thank you to the lovely Mrs McLaughlin for the donation of our beautiful balloon arch.
Welcome Back!
We are so excited to welcome our children back to school tomorrow. A few gentle reminders for the beginning of the school year…
All children should be in full school uniform every day. We have our uniform exchange available throughout the school year and everyone is welcome to access it whenever it is required.
All children should bring in a P.E. kit that can be left in the school building. This should be a bag that contains indoor shoes, shorts and a t-shirt. P.E. kits will be sent home at the end of each term for washing.
Please make sure that all items of clothing (uniform and P.E. kits) have your child’s name on them. This will stop anything being lost and enables us to return any item that is misplaced to the correct child.
We are a nut free school. Please do not send in any snacks that contain nuts (for example snickers or nutella).
We are a health promoting school and therefore ensure that the children have access to water whenever they require it throughout the day. That being said, we would like to reiterate that it is only water that should be sent in as a drink for the classroom – not diluting juice. This is a whole school approach to ensure the best dental health for our children.
The staff are in school today getting ready for the children to return tomorrow and we are all extremely excited to see them and welcome them back. Here’s to a brilliant 2022-2023 school year.
P.E kits
We are now asking that children bring a P.E. kit into school in order to change before each P.E. lesson. We ask that the P.E. kit be brought into school in a bag that can be left in school to ensure your child has their P.E. kit for each P.E lesson. Each child should have a pair of indoor shoes ( please make sure these shoes are for indoor use only), a pair of shorts and a t-shirt.
Please ensure that all items of P.E. kit have your child’s name on it as this ensures that no kit is lost.
Thank you so much for your continuing support.
Primary 1
We are so excited to welcome our brand new Primary 1 children into school on Thursday 18th August. Mrs Duff will welcome the children into school for their very first day as their class teacher Monday to Thursday along with Mrs Strachan who will be their teacher every Friday in Primary 1. Both of the ladies are super excited to get to know all of your lovely children.
Uniform Exchange update
In addition to the uniform exchange being open next Wednesday, you are also welcome to come into school tomorrow and Friday (11th and 12th August) between 9 and 12. Please come and help yourself. See you all soon 😊
Uniform Exchange
We are all really excited at Mount Carmel to welcome back all of our pupils next week. Please note our uniform exchange will be open between 12 and 3 on Wednesday 17th August (inservice day). Everyone is welcome to pick up any uniform required for our children. See you all next week 😁💙
Primary 7 Leaver’s Assembly
What a beautiful assembly for our wonderful Primary 7’s. We would like to thank each and every one of our Primary 7 parents and carers who were able to come along today, but also for their support for the past 7 years and the lovely gifts that were given to staff. They are very much appreciated.
For the safety of our children, we kindly ask that you do not share on social media, any videos or photos that you may have taken at today’s assembly.
Thank you again and have a wonderful summer!
Mrs Fergusson
A message from our Head Teacher
Dear Parents/Carers,
As we reach the final school days in June I wanted to get in touch to thank you all for your kindness and support this school year. It has been a challenging year and we are forever grateful for your patience and understanding as we have continued to navigate the changing times.
It is with great sadness that we say goodbye to some members of our staff team. Miss McKenna and Miss Mulhern have been fantastic additions to our school this year and I am sure you will join me in wishing them well with their future careers.
It is with a great sense of pride that we bid farewell to our Primary 7 children as they continue on their educational journey. We wish them well as they take this next step and will continue to keep them in our thoughts and prayers. I look forward to hearing great things about them as they flourish in the future.
School returns at 9am on Thursday 18th August. A reminder that after the holidays we are continuing to encourage the children to have full school uniform each day. Black/Grey trousers or skirt with blue/white shirts and ties or a polo shirt as well as a blue school jumper. On PE days children will get changed in school. A PE kit can be left in school on their peg or brought in on each of their PE days.
We are pleased that our Breakfast Club is now able to return after the holidays. All parent/carers that requested a place were emailed last week detailing if a place was/was not available. We had a high response for this, unfortunately our numbers are limited so a waiting list is now in place. Breakfast Club returns on Monday 22nd August.
We wish you all a happy and enjoyable holiday time and hope that you will enjoy spending some family time together. We look forward to seeing you all again in August.
With love and thanks,
Mrs Fergusson
Our FUN DAY is in full swing!!
What a morning it has been here at MC!! The children are having a brilliant time so far!!
Food parcels
The Saint Vincent de Paul group at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church are keen to help our families. If you feel that a food parcel would benefit you and your family over the summer, and after, please get in contact with them. They are very welcoming to all in our community and are keen to support our families. Everything is confidential and will be handled discreetly. A friendly face awaits…
Fun day reminder!!
Here is some important information regarding our FUN DAY on Friday 24th June…
The children will be taking part in several activities throughout the day. These will include…
Bouncy castles
Obstacle course
Art and craft time
Outdoor learning
Just dance
Bike and scooter time (All children can bring their bikes and scooters into school as well as a helmet.)
Visit to the ice cream van
Friday is also a dress down day. We kindly ask that you make a £1 donation that will go towards our school funds.
The children (and staff) are very excited for our Fun day!!
Please remember you can still purchase our summer raffle tickets on parent pay and the raffle will be drawn on Monday 27th June!!
Primary 4 trip
Well our trip to the Dean park was a complete success. I think you can tell by the children’s faces that they had a great time…
Our newest member to the MC family
We are delighted to introduce to you the newest member of our Mount Carmel family. Mr and Mrs Dunsmore welcomed their beautiful baby girl Zara to the world on the 13th June. She is perfect in every way!! I’m sure you will all agree, she is absolutely gorgeous!!
P7s Bikeability
Primary 7 and Mr Bertoncini have been very busy over the past couple of days completing their bikeability training. Well done everyone!!
FUN DAY important information
Here is some important information regarding our FUN DAY on Friday 24th June…
The children will be taking part in several activities throughout the day. These will include…
Bouncy castles
Obstacle course
Art and craft time
Outdoor learning
Just dance
Bike and scooter time (All children must bring their bikes and scooters into school as well as a helmet.)
Visit to the ice cream van
Friday is also a dress down day. We kindly ask that you make a £1 donation that will go towards our school funds.
The children (and staff) are very excited for our Fun day!!
Please remember you can still purchase our summer raffle tickets on parent pay and the raffle will be drawn on Monday 27th June!!
Dean Park trips
A little reminder of our trips this week…
Monday – Primary 1 & 1/2
Tuesday – Primary 2/3 & 5
Wednesday – Primary 4 & 6
Thursday – Primary 7
If you are providing your child with their packed lunch, please put it in a carrier bag. That way when the children are finished eating, the bags can go in the bin (saves any nice packed lunches being lost or damaged at the park and means the children don’t have to carry it around for the remainder of the day). Also, we kindly ask that no fizzy juice be given to the children for school trips.
Clothing – Please wear school polo shirt and jumper/cardigan on top and comfortable trousers on bottom. Wear sensible shoes and please prepare for the weather (i.e. rain jacket or sun cream)
Thank you!
Summer Raffle!!
Our raffle tickets for the big summer prize giveaway are all ready and waiting. All you have to do is log onto parent pay and buy the tickets. You have to be in it to win it!!
Big Garden clean up day!
A great big thank you to all of our wonderful parents, staff, local councillors and especially pupils (and pupils to be) who came along to help us tidy up the front of the school this afternoon. It looks so much better already. Keep an eye out for our future dates. Your help would be very much appreciated!!
Fun Day!
It’s FUN DAY time here at Mount Carmel Primary School. On Friday 24th June we have lots of amazing activities planned for all the classes. We have bouncy castles, treasure hunts, den building and a visit from the ice cream van planned. We are also asking that children bring in their bikes and scooters as they will be allocated time to play on these with their friends during the day (please ensure that all children have a helmet with them as they will be unable to ride their bikes and scooters without one).
It is a dress down day – you can wear anything you like (as long as it is not football colours).
We are kindly asking for a donation of £1 which will go straight towards our school fund. All donations will receive 1 free entry into the class summer raffle prizes and the raffle will be drawn on Monday 27th June.
Let’s end our school year with a BANG!!
Snack times
We would like to share a kind reminder with everyone that we are a health promoting school. Therefore we ask that the children bring in a healthy snack for playtime. These include fruit, a sandwich, a packet of crisps or a small sweetie. Please DO NOT send your child into school with brain lickers, sugary spray sweeties or anything else with a high sugar content. We would also like to remind you that the children are welcome to bring water into their classes. No juice or flavoured water should be sent into class for during the day. The children are allowed juice and flavoured water at lunchtime.
Thank you for your understanding and support in this matter.
We are super excited to share our summer raffle news with you all.
Our excellent Friends of Mount Carmel team have donated an amazing prize for each class which is full of summer toys. The lucky winner can enjoy themselves and keep busy all summer long!!
The raffle tickets will be available to buy on parent pay as of Monday and the tickets will be £1 each.
Our wonderful P7’s will be taking the prizes around the classes to let the children see what they are trying to win.
P7 Leaver’s Assembly
It has come to our attention that there is an error in our June’s newsletter regarding the Primary 7 Leaver’s assembly. Our assembly will be held on the 28th June at 2pm – NOT the 21st.
Please accept our apologises for the error.
We look forward to seeing all of our P7 parents in school for this very special occasion.
Thank you for your continuing support!
P4 Sacraments
What a year of celebration it has been in Primary 4. The children have been on an exciting journey making three of their sacraments this year and we couldn’t be more proud of them. They began the year with their first Reconciliation, then their Confirmation and more recently they made their first Holy Communion. They have worked extremely hard and showed dedication to their faith and God. Well done everyone!!
Sports day update
Further to our earlier post, we would like to invite our parents in through the front gate when coming into school to see your own child race. A pupil from our wonderful P7 organisers will be there to greet you and take you around to the field at the back of the school where our races will be taking place.
A reminder that school uniform is not required tomorrow and the children can wear comfortable sports wear that is weather appropriate.
Everyone please cross your fingers and toes for a dry day!!
A little reminder of the times for each class race…
9:10 – 9:30 Primary 1
9:35 – 10:00 Primary 1/2
10:05 – 10:30 Primary 2/3
11:00 – 11:40 Nursery children
11:45 – 12:10 Primary 4
1:10 – 1:40 Primary 5
1:45 – 2:15 Primary 6
2:20 – 2:50 Primary 7
Sports day
It is our absolute intention to go ahead with sports day tomorrow (Thursday 9th June). Unfortunately, we cannot predict the weather, so we kindly ask that you send your child into school with sport clothing on (absolutely no football colours) and equipped for the ever changing weather. We will be outside for some of the day; therefore the children will need jumpers and maybe a light raincoat (hopefully not but we do live in Scotland!) or if we are lucky enough for some sunshine, a hat and sun cream.
Can you also make sure that your child has plenty of water for the day as they will be very busy with lots of different activities from races and potted sports to curling and yoga.
The children are very excited for tomorrow (and so are the teachers!). We cannot wait to have our new p1’s in as well as our parents to see us racing. Please see below the timetable for the races (this has been shared previously)
9:10 – 9:30 Primary 1
9:35 – 10:00 Primary 1/2
10:05 – 10:30 Primary 2/3
11:00 – 11:40 Nursery children
11:45 – 12:10 Primary 4
1:10 – 1:40 Primary 5
1:45 – 2:15 Primary 6
2:20 – 2:50 Primary 7
Again, we kindly ask that when your child is finished racing, could you please leave the playground as to allow the next class parents in. to watch their children.
See you all tomorrow!!
The Exchange Counselling Services
Please see below information regarding the counselling service available within East Ayrshire Council.
P4 Communion
A great big well done to all the children in Primary 4 who made their First Holy Communion on Sunday. You were all absolutely beautiful and very smart. We are extremely proud of you at school. The rest of our children making their sacraments will be celebrating this Sunday coming. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.
SPORTS DAY – 9th June 2022
Our sports day has been scheduled for the 9th June this year (weather dependent). We would like to invite our parents and carers in for a short visit to see your child and their class compete in some races. This will take the format of welcoming our adults into the school grounds to watch their child’s class run and then kindly asking them to leave promptly to allow for the next race and set of parents to be invited in. If you are the parent or carer of more than one child then you are invited to come in for each of your child’s race slot. Please find below the timetable for the day and come along to see your child participate in the fun. We are super excited to have you in school on the day to cheer for us and we hope to see you there!!
9:10 – 9:30 Primary 1
9:35 – 10:00 Primary 1/2
10:05 – 10:30 Primary 2/3
11:00 – 11:40 Nursery children
11:45 – 12:10 Primary 4
1:10 – 1:40 Primary 5
1:45 – 2:15 Primary 6
2:20 – 2:50 Primary 7