Curriculum Update Primary 5- May

Curriculum Update Primary 5 May – June 2021

The children have been wonderful settling back into school life. They have adapted well again to the new rules and handwashing/sanitising throughout the day.
Here is an update on our learning that will take place in term 4.

The class will be focusing on explanation writing as part of our literacy tasks. Key features
of the genre are chronological order, note-taking and structure.
Children will continue to access Bug Club as our school reading resource using texts to enhance their comprehension. I will allocate independent readers onto each child’s Bug Club
account to help with further reading to improve their fluency and expression.

Groups will continue to experience the active literacy spelling programme; this will introduce common words and focus on phonemes pertinent to their stage.

This term the children will experience time and shape as their beyond number topics.
Our number process topics will be division and fractions for the circles, rectangles will focus
on multiplication then progress to division and begin to look at fractions. The squares groups
will look at multiplication and begin to look at division. All groups will focus on recalling the 2,3,4,5,6, 7,8, 9- and 10-times tables. The triangle group will work on repeated addition progressing onto multiplication using SHM 2.
At home children will benefit from timetables revision and looking at analogue clocks at home.

Health & Wellbeing
The PATHS programme will continue to shape our HWB learning. P5 have been picking a ‘pupil of the day’ since we returned in August giving compliments to their classmates daily.
We have had excellent discussions about feelings and emotions and how we can manage them. P5 will look at friendship as well as mental and emotional wellbeing appropriate to
their age and stage.

Our focus on PE this term will be Tennis the children will participate in this non-contact sport
This term the class will focus on Mary during the month of May. We will be learning new
prayers – Glory be to the Father, The Angelus, The Joyful Mysteries, The Sorrowful
Mysteries and Eternal Rest. We will look at the Rosary including how to use a Rosary bead.
Homework will continue to be issued online every Monday and returned every Thursday via
email. Please contact us if you require any support with this.
As always, thank you for your ongoing support.
Mrs McGowan