P5 Home Learning Grids WB 1st June

Hi everyone,

I hope you’ve enjoyed the short week.  a longer week next week so back to the larger grids.  But remember to only do what you can.  You don’t have to become anxious and worry if you can’t fit in everything.


P5 Numeracy Grid June 1st

Algebra Puzzle


P5 Literacy grid June 1st

Wildlife similes


Rainbow IDL Part 2 Grid P4-7

Breakin Rainbows

Colours 2 P4-7

Here is a suggested timetable to help plan your week’s work.

Suggested Timetable
8:00am Get up and get dressed.  Have a healthy breakfast
9:00am Some exercise Joe Wicks or Cosmic Yoga
10:00am Sumdog or a maths activity
11.00am Break/snack
11.30am Literacy activity or read a book
12.30pm Help make some lunch and try to get outside
1.30pm IDL task

The weather is fab so enjoy your weekend and try get outside to soak up those beautiful rays!

Look after yourselves,

Mr Bertoncini & Mrs McIntyre