Rights Poster Task

Just a reminder of the optional poster task that your child received before the October Holiday. . . .

Choose a right and draw a picture to represent it! Your picture must be A4, colourful & have the article number on it.

Hand your entry in to Miss Millar by Friday 25th October to receive house points & an extra break (article 31).

You will find the articles on the school blog (on the Rights Respecting Schools page) or on the following website;  https://www.unicef.org.uk



Halloween Disco – Wednesday 23rd October

Image result for halloween clipartA reminder the Parent Council have organised and are running a Halloween Disco in school on Wednesday 23rd October.  Tickets are on sale during school day, send £3 with your child to purchase their ticket, or they can pay at the door!

P1 – P4 children 5.45 pm – 7.00 pm

P5 – P7 children 7.15 pm – 8.15 pm

I’m sure they will have a “spooktacular” time ! Image result for halloween clipart

Uganda Charity Work in Schools – collection

Following a recent visit from Elizabeth Higton, former Mauchline Pupil, who is going to Uganda to do some charity work in schools we are collecting the following items, which can be deposited at the school office:

Note books / pencils/ rubbers / sharpeners / small new toys / small sweets are all useful

Craft materials

Small knitted blankets for babies

Toothbrushes and toothpaste

Thank you kindly !













Big Book Boost

The Book People are launching Big Book Boost, a fundraising scheme to help schools earn free books.

If you place an order worth over £10 online, The Book People will donate £1 to the school to spend on books. Further information can be found at www.thebookpeople.co.uk/bigbookboost.


Sponsored Book Character Treasure Hunt

12 characters from famous children’s books are hiding in the shops of Mauchline!

Can you find them all?

Please return completed sheets to Mauchline Primary School and ECC by Friday 1st November 2019.


Sponsor monies should not be returned to school but paid via ParentPay. Look for “Sponsored Treasure Hunt” and pay in the total collected. 

Have fun!  

Hallowe’en Party

Spooktacular News

     Tickets on sale

from Wednesday 9th October


Infant Open Area

Cost £3

                                         You can, of course, pay at the door.

East Ayrshire site

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