Image result for winterfest

The Parent Council will be holding a

 Winterfest Party …

on Thursday 5th March

 for P1-4       5.45-7pm

for p5-7           7.15-8.15pm

Lots of dancing, games, craft, refreshments and FUN!

                                               Tickets on sale NOW

                                                                 price £3

in the Infant Play Area every day from 1pm

Dress code :

Image result for snowflakeDress like your favourite wintry character – Olaf, Elsa,Image result for elsa

the Snow Queen, Jack Frost etc.Image result for jack frost

Image result for snowflakeDress in COOL colours such as WHITE, BLUE, SILVER, PURPLE, GREEN etc.Image result for cool colours that go together

ECC Registration for Session 2020-2021

Registration for Early Learning and Childcare places for session 2020-2021 will open from 17th February 2020 to 28th February 2020.   PLEASE SEE ATTACHED POSTER FOR DAYS/TIMES TO REGISTER.  Registration is for children born between 1st March 2016 and 28th February 2018.  Birth certificates must be shown at time of registration.  Please contact the school office if you require further assistance.     POSTER ECC Registration



Image result for photograph clipartTEMPEST PHOTOGRAPHY will be in school and ECC on Monday 16th and Tuesday 17th March.  They will be taking individual photographs as well as family photographs for those who wish.  TEMPEST no longer issue consent forms, therefore if you do not wish for your child/children to be photographed you must inform the school before these dates.


Our nursery is taking part in the NAP SACC UK research study

Our nursery has been selected to take part in a national research study which is looking at ways to support nurseries in the work they do to support children’s health.  This study will test a programme from the United States, called ‘NAP SACC’. You can view our short film about the study, here:

If your child is aged 2 years or older, is not yet attending school, and is attending the nursery for 12 hours per week across the year or 15 hours per week during term time you will receive an invitation for them to take part.  If you would like to speak to someone before you make up your mind, a researcher will be visiting the nursery to answer questions on Wednesday, 5th February 2020 – look out for the ‘NAP SACC UK’ posters. You can also contact the research team by email or telephone: or 0800 389 2129.

School Values Poster

The children have been revising the School Values of Friendship, Respect, Honesty and Kindness at the assemblies over the last few weeks. We have designed a voluntary homework competition and invited the children to design a poster for one of the Values.

Homework Task: To design and make a poster about one of our School Values (or you can make a poster for all of them if you choose). We have already talked about Friendship and Respect and we are now going on to talk about Honesty.
Design a poster about what Honesty means to you.
Colour, paint, decorate your poster in any way you choose.
If you need paper, please ask Ms Dougan, your class teacher or Mrs Cross for some.
Hand your Honesty poster in to the school office by Friday 31st January.
Make sure your name and class are on the front of your poster.
After we have completed all of the School Values everyone who has created a poster will get an extra playtime.

Week beginning 3rd February will be Kindness.

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