All posts by ealyndsey.millar@glow

Rights Poster Task

Just a reminder of the optional poster task that your child received before the October Holiday. . . .

Choose a right and draw a picture to represent it! Your picture must be A4, colourful & have the article number on it.

Hand your entry in to Miss Millar by Friday 25th October to receive house points & an extra break (article 31).

You will find the articles on the school blog (on the Rights Respecting Schools page) or on the following website;




Miss Millar is starting a netball club for pupils in Primary 6 & 7 on Monday nights from 3.05pm – 4pm and adults (parents of pupils at Mauchline Primary) are welcome along to play too! You are still welcome along even if your child isn’t attending the club.

So get your trainers ready and come along to our first session on the 10th of September!

Image result for netball


Pupils from P6 & P7 took part in the Bill Shankly football tournament today at Auchinleck Academy & only went & won!! Massive well done to the boys who took part, we are super proud!