All posts by eaannie.scarisbrick@glow

Bump Up Day PE Challenge

Hi everyone, my name is Mrs Scarisbrick.  I will be covering PE sessions for teacher Non Class Contact Time in Session 2021/22. This year I have been covering P1-3 classes for PE, Art and Outdoor Learning as NCCT so these children will already know me fairly well. Most of the pupils in the older classes know me from previous years when I was a class teacher. You may recognise me from the Twitter PE challenges I posted during Lockdown. Here is a great challenge for this lovely weather and it  is also good to get other people joining in when they are out a walk. We did it on the pavement past our house and it was amazing to see lots of passers by having a go on our trail, children and adults! You might find other people add actions to your trail – have fun.

Create an Activity Trail

You can either draw an activity trail with chalk outside or write activities on paper to lay on the floor for an indoor version. Make a trail with different activities for children to follow –for example: leap like a frog, giant steps, baby steps, twirly jumps, follow the line, side to side jumps, hopscotch, walking backwards, sprint finish, do 10 star jumps. 

Here are a few examples.