Mauchline Primary School & ECC Baking Recipe Book

Calling all Bakers!!

The Parent Council are creating a Mauchline Primary School & ECC Baking Recipe Book as part of our fundraising for 2021 and are inviting you to send us your favourite baking recipe’s to include in it!

For your recipe to be included all we need you to do is to write down your favourite cake, tray bake, desert or pie recipe on paper or in an email and post in the Baking Recipe Box located within the initial door at the school reception or email us at

Please ensure you include your recipe title, ingredients, instructions on how to make, your name and Primary/ ECC class!

All recipes must be submitted by Thursday 1st April 2021 to be included and we ask that you only submit 2 per person due to available space within the book.

Recipe books will be available to order and we will let you know soon how to do so!

The Mauchline & ECC Parent Council

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