Red Nose Day 2021

Red Nose Day

The Children’s Leadership Committee (CLC) would like the children and young people of Mauchline Primary and ECC to participate in Red Nose Day 2021, which falls on Friday 19th March.

The theme is ‘Funny is Power’.

Parent Pay will be set up to receive a minimum donation of £1 for those who wish to donate.

The CLC are promoting  the following activities to fundraise for RND:

  • In school sale of red noses at a cost of £1.50. There are limited number. These will be sold at lunchtimes.
  •  Children to share funny  jokes which we will tweet across the day.
  • Children to make a red nose out of red collage materials or items to show that everyone is different, unique and special. Teachers please encourage this on your blog or in class. Entries should be posted onto the school twitter page using the @MauchlineC tag line. The CLC will choose 6 winners from across the school who will receive a certificate.
  • Dress in red or wear a red item on Friday 19th March.

Class teachers will also be using the  the ‘Comic Relief’ resources in school to promote Red Nose Day.

Thank you for your support.


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