Best Start Grant

Information from East Ayrshire Health & Social Care Partnership

From today (1st June) applications will be accepted for the Best Start Grant – School Age Payment, worth £250 to eligible families for children about to start school in Primary 1 to help with the costs of a child starting school. This money can be used for anything that families may need at this key stage in a child’s life.

You do not need to take up a place in school after the summer to get this payment but any parent who has deferred entry until August 2021 should also make the application NOW if their child’s birthday falls between 1 March 2015 and 29 February 2016. When to apply for School Age Payment depends on when your child was born, not when they start school so any parent who defers their child’s entry to school to next year may miss out if they don’t apply now. Applications will open on 1 June 2020 until 28 February 2021 for children who were born between 1 March 2015 and 29 February 2016.

To apply, the parent/guardian needs to call a Freephone number 0800 182 2222 and leave their details. They will then receive a call back to make the application.

Full document below:


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