All posts by Mr Gardiner

Sports Day

Sports Day will now be held on Thursday 15th of June. This event is weather permitting, the alternative date will be Thursday 22nd of June.

Pupils should wear appropriate sports clothing and an item of clothing that is the colour of their House Team. Please provide sun cream and plenty of fluids for your child.

Each pupil will take part in races in their year groups. Please arrive at the start of the allocated time slot should you wish to spectate. Please see the races timetable below: Morning

Primary 4: 9.15 – 9.45am

Primary 5: 9.45 – 10.15am

Primary 6: 10.30 – 11.00am

Primary 7: 11.00-11.30am


Primary 1: 1.15 – 1.45pm

Primary 2: 1.45 – 2.15pm

Primary 3: 2.15 – 2.45pm Additionally, throughout the day all pupils will also take part in potted sports, tug of war and football to earn points for their House Team.

Please contact the school if you have any further questions. We look forward to seeing you!

Primary 4 Trip to Vikingar

Primary 4 went on their trip to Vikingar in Largs.


The pupils were able to dress up in the original clothing that some Vikings wore, they were also allowed to wear Viking armour like chainmail.

They also explored ways in which the Vikings cooked and what their diet consisted of such as porridge and fish.



Primry 5/6 Trip to Science Centre Glasgow

Primary 5/6 also visited the Science centre,


The pupils explored a 3d house where they walked around moving the house making it difficult for them to stay balanced and on their own feet. They also explored energy and different ways of making energy through renewable ways.


The pupils watched a Tesla coil where the scientist puts a metal rod on top of it creating lightning strike.





P7 Trip to Science Centre Glasgow

Primary 7 went on their school trip recently to the Glasgow Science Centre.


During their trip they explored creating energy with a hamster wheel, The pupils were to run as fast as they can inside the wheel which created energy to fill up a bar all the way to the top before you could stop.

The pupils also completed an activity on an x-ray bike. The pupils were to cycle on a bike whilst it took a x-ray of them showing their bones moving whilst they cycled.

Primary 7 had a great time.


Red Nose Day 2023

On Friday 17th of March Hillhead Primary school celebrated Red Nose Day 2023.

Pupils wore their best red clothing throughout the day and completed some red nose day tasks. All classes followed the Red Nose Day theme of Mr Men and Little Miss by creating their own Mr Men or Little Miss character.

Some classes also completed an additional task of creating their own red nose. All work completed was handed into to Miss Quinn’s classroom where the media committee chose a couple of examples to include in this post.

Finally, as a school we raised a huge £94.83!!

Well done Hillhead Primary School.