
Take Away

We read a story called ‘Pete the Cat and his Four Groovy Buttons’ to help introduce take away calculations to us. We took part in lots of take away activities to help us work on this new concept.


We enjoyed putting butter and jam on pancakes and eating them! They were delicious!😋

Story of 5

We have been taking our addition work to the next level and learning all about number stories. Here we are working on the ‘Story of 5’


P1 have been learning to add using concrete materials and pictures. We have been working independently and with learning partners to reinforce what we have been working on. Look at how successful we have been!

P1 have been learning about ‘The Body’ during their science lessons. We looked at real x-rays of humans and animals. We will be soon be looking at the whole human skeleton before we draw skeletons of our own.

Number Formation and Quantities

We went outside with P1/2 and used chalk and natural materials for form numbers and make quantities.


We went outside to find different items around the school grounds to sort by our own criteria. Some of us sorted items by colour, shape etc. We loved taking our learning outdoors.

Missing Numbers

We played games on the laptops and used magnetic numbers to fill in the missing numbers on our number lines.

Learning about the phoneme ‘t’ 

Today we were learning about  the phoneme (sound) ‘t’. We did lots of different activities, including making some toast to eat with our friends.

Exploring the Outdoor Environment

We went outside today (17/9/24) to explore the tyre play area and the wild garden called ‘The Happy Habitat’.
We loved climbing, jumping and looking for fairies!


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