All posts by eamelanie.bradley@glow

Children’s Mental Health Week 2021

This week is Children’s Mental Health Week.

Now, more than ever, looking after our mental health is vital.

The theme this year is ‘Express Yourself’

Each day this week we will post videos and pictures sent in from our staff and children, telling us how they have coped with lockdown and the things they do to try and stay mentally healthy.

Also, look out for some games and activities you can try at home to help you express yourself and lift your mood.

Today, we have Mrs Bradley and Lara Ferguson (P5 and Rights Respecting School committee member) telling us about how they try to stay motivated and mentally healthy.


Research shows that people feel more positive after singing to music than they do just listening to music.

Listen and have a sing-a-long to Labrinth ‘Express Yourself’    

Sing out, sing loud!