All posts by eamelanie.bradley@glow

Rights Respecting Schools Article of the Week – World Book Day

This week we celebrate World Book on the 4th March.

There are lots of connections between World Book Day and your rights, especially your rights to access reliable information, the right to develop your talents and abilities and the right to relax and play.

Have a look at the PowerPoint link below. It explains the links between articles 17, 29, 31 and World Book Day.

Try out the activities in class or at home.

RRS Article of the Week – World Book Day

Celebrating Diversity and Inclusion

Celebrating diversity and inclusion is hugely important at Drongan Primary School. Inclusion is at the heart of our school values and we aim to provide a learning environment that allows all pupils and staff to celebrate their differences and to embrace who they are without judgement or prejudice.

This week we are celebrating this by engaging in some simple activities that help to raise our awareness of what diversity and inclusion mean.

Please complete the activities in the SWAY below. (Click on the picture) There are different stories and activities for certain stages but feel free to try out any of these.

Celebrating Diversity and Inclusion SWAY

Link to SWAY

P4-7 remember to send your completed work to your teacher.

Rights of the Child

Article 2 – Non-Discrimination

Article 13 – Freedom of Expression


Internet Safety Day

Today is Internet Safety Day

We learned a lot about Online Safety last term in Health & Well-being.  As it it Internet Safety Day today, let’s  remind ourselves about how we can stay safe online.

We all know the Internet can be wonderful for children and young people and they are using it more and more whether at home, in school, on their mobile phones or on a games console. But online access also comes with risks, like inappropriate content, cyberbullying and online predators.

With this in mind, Internet safety and knowing how to help protect children and young people online is essential. Just as we want to keep our child safe in the ‘real’ offline world, we will want to do the same in the virtual online world. It is important that we understand enough about the Internet to keep our children safe from harm but it is equally important that we equip our children with the skills they need to keep themselves safe so they can experience the Internet positively and responsibly.

Have a look at some of the useful advice and information in the link below. It also contains some fun activities to do as a family.

Children’s Mental Health Week (Day 4)

Today is our final post for Children’s Mental Health Week. We hope you have enjoyed the daily videos and pictures from our staff and children .

Our last videos come from Mr Maddocks and Millie Hogg P5, telling us about how they try to stay positive during lockdown.


Have a listen to the story In My Heart: A Book of Feelings. These are feelings that I am sure we have all experienced at some point in our life. Can you relate to these feelings? Think about a time you have experienced one of these feelings. How did you manage that feeling? Who helped you?


Have a go at the Squiggle Game (double click to download) Escape into an imaginary world, let your feelings out and your imagination run wild!

Children’s Mental Health Week (Day 3)

Pin on The Future Ms. Frizzle

Today we have videos from Mrs Mitchell, Mrs Brown and Abigail McAdam P5/6 telling us about things that help cheer them up and how they keep themselves feeling positive right now.


These are poems written by children of their experiences of lockdown. We all have our good days and our bad days. It’s about remembering the things that make us happy.

Creative writing is a great way to express how you are feeling. Why not have a go at writing your own?


Here are my boys playing the Help, We’re Running Out of Toilet Paper Game

Get together with your family and play too. Relax, chat and explore your emotions. 😃 (click on link above to download)





Children’s Mental Health Week (Day 2)

Today we have videos from Mrs Brady, Jake Young P6 and Megan Watkins P5 talking about how they maintain a positive mindset during lockdown. Have a look!😊


Take some time today to watch this virtual assembly made by Children’s Mental Health Charity  – Place2be

It has plenty of familiar faces talking about their mental health and how they express themselves through art, music, drama and other activities to help stay mentally healthy.                                                 Perhaps try some out yourself.


Squeeze away any negative feelings – If you haven’t already done so, have a go at making your very own Ninja Stress Ball

Try this game with your family at home (click to download).                It’s fun, tasty and gets you talking about your feelings and emotions. Win, win!😊

Sweet Talk

Children’s Mental Health Week 2021

This week is Children’s Mental Health Week.

Now, more than ever, looking after our mental health is vital.

The theme this year is ‘Express Yourself’

Each day this week we will post videos and pictures sent in from our staff and children, telling us how they have coped with lockdown and the things they do to try and stay mentally healthy.

Also, look out for some games and activities you can try at home to help you express yourself and lift your mood.

Today, we have Mrs Bradley and Lara Ferguson (P5 and Rights Respecting School committee member) telling us about how they try to stay motivated and mentally healthy.


Research shows that people feel more positive after singing to music than they do just listening to music.

Listen and have a sing-a-long to Labrinth ‘Express Yourself’    

Sing out, sing loud!  

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