Kirkcolm Primary School

– what have we been up to?

May 24, 2024
by Mrs McHarg

Operation Safety

Our Primary 6 pupils headed off to Stair Park today to participate in Operation Safety – a whole day session involving different workshops provided by various agencies, including the emergency services.

Pupils had inputs from –

  • Police Scotland, learning about drug and alcohol awareness and vandalism
  • Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, learning about home safety
  • Youth Work on internet safety
  • Coastguard on water safety
  • Scottish Ambulance Service on First Aid
  • Community Safety Team, learning about anti-social behaviour
  • and SP Energy Networks, learning about electrical safety

They learned a range of life skills to help keep them safe and healthy and had a brilliant time! Thank-you to everyone who helped to organise this very worthwhile day!

UNCRC Article 2 – Survival; Article 16 – Protection of Privacy; Article 17 – Access to Information; and Article 33 – Harmful Drugs

May 17, 2024
by Miss Douglas

New Minister Marlene

A huge welcome to the lovely Marlene Cash who will be both Kirkcolm and Leswalt’s minister! She popped in this afternoon to meet all of the boys and girls and explain her job.
She told a very interesting story which taught the lesson of not judging a book by its cover. She pointed out that the term “silly goose” is actually incorrect! Geese fly in a V shape to be more aerodynamic as well as supporting each other in the air when they’re tired – so it’s actually good to be a goose ๐Ÿ™‚ #BeMoreGoose
Cannot wait to get to know our new minister and have her join in on all the fun we get up to!ย 
#Aricle14 – The right to believe in a religion of your choice!

May 16, 2024
by Miss Douglas

Logan Botanic Gardens

After the luck we had with the weather for our Mini Walk last week, we didn’t expect to be as fortunate this week for our trip to Logan Gardens but thankfully we were so, very wrong!! ๐ŸŒž We hopped on the bus just after 9am with our sun, hats, sunglasses, t-shirts and shorts arriving at the beautiful Logan Gardens with the sun shining in the sky! ๐Ÿ˜Ž
We ate our snacks in the walled garden and shortly after were met by the two rangers. Primary 1-4 were bursting with excitement to find out what the mysterious title “The Secrets of Trees” entailed. Before the boys and girls could get anywhere near the trees to ask them ourselves we took a short jaunt through the gardens where we stopped to find out about the inner workings of these amazing plants. We created a human representation of a tree, complete with its trunk, roots, xylem, phloem and bark – finding out about all of the important jobs they do! We learned about how trees get food from sunlight and how trees can create food. It was only right that we tasted some of the tree sap.. please do not be alarmed there was no licking that occurred.. instead we tasted some Maple syrup from a bottle (a cleaner and tastier alterative I think).๐ŸŒฒ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ˜‚
We then walked around using our senses to describe the roots and bark of trees which have originated all around the world – we were very impressed by the bag and shoes made completely out of tree bark. Unfortunately, Mrs MacPherson was very disappointed to hear these were not for sale in the gift shop! ๐Ÿ‘œ
We then carried on our journey after looking at the bottom of the tree and the middle to look at the leaves of the tree. Using a mirror we looked up at the different shapes and variations of leaves in the sky before finding our own special leaves and discussed what made them unique.๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿšถโ€โ™€๏ธ
We finished off our workshop by using natural materials from the gardens to create a picture (complete with a frame) to represent the different parts of the tree – this was a lot of fun!ย 
P5-7 were also busy on their “mapping our World” – we started by talking about the purpose of maps and the different kinds that we use in our lives.ย  We created our own compasses using natural materials as well as a small-scale map of our surroundings – these looked very cool! ๐Ÿ—บ ๐Ÿ“Œ
After that we made a sound map; the boys and girls closed their eyes and using only their sense of hearing, mapped out themselves and the sounds they could hear in relation to where they were on their own little maps. Things they heard included: birds singing, leaves rustling, branches moving, the wind whistling..ย  and randomly the sound of African drumming (which did make for some peaceful listening when we retuned briefly to the walled garden for our lunch)! ๐Ÿ‘‚
A huge thank you to the team from Logan Gardens for making our visit as fun and enjoyable as it was ๐Ÿ™‚


May 10, 2024
by Miss Douglas

Kirkcolm’s Annual Mini Walk

Its that time of the year again… the annual Kirkcolm Primary Mini Walk – and what a cracking afternoon of weather we had too, the sun was shining, the kids were smiling and most importantly the vibes were good! ๐ŸŒž

The little class set off first, getting a slight head start (not that they needed it) followed closely behind by the older class. They tore up through the village, tackling the dreaded hill before making their way around the Corsewall route, finishing with a jaunt up Fishers Lane and along the Scar. Some ran, some jogged and some took it easy with a lovely walk, taking in the fabulous views – but everyone took part and that what counts! ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿƒโ€โ™€๏ธ ๐Ÿƒโ€โ™‚๏ธย 

Many parents and friends of the school came to join in and help with this event, walking with their little person, marshalling the route and cheering everyone on! We had some four-legged friends and even had our youngest ever competitor join the race – little James Morrison ๐Ÿ‘ถ

As the boys and girls made it around the course they were met with smiles from the marshals and a rewarding ice-lolly from Sara (these went down a treat) followed by a certificate and medal organised by the parent council at the finishing line! ๐Ÿ…

At the finishing line Miss McMorran and Sheila McGrory had the very difficult job of keeping note of the times and this year there were some great ones!! But with an absolutely outstanding time, this year’s winner was no other than… Mr Ivan Turtle!! ๐Ÿ‘The results are as follows:

1st – Ivanย (P6) – 41:21

2ndย Freddieย (P3)- 47:05

3rd Ian (P3)- 47:49


1stย – Phoebe (P6) – 53:47

2ndย – Lydia (P7) + Sally D(P7) -57:45

3rdย – Sally W (P2) – 61:01

A huge thank you to our Parent Council for all of the time and effort that went into organising the school fundraiser event; all our fabulous marshals for their words of encouragement; the parents and friends of the school who took parent and anyone who kindly donated to the event, we can’t thank you enough for your support ๐Ÿ™‚

A massive well done to all of the boys and girls for taking part in the walk/jog/run – you can take 2 days off now as a reward for your efforts! ๐Ÿ˜‚ Same again next year?ย 

May 9, 2024
by Mrs McHarg

Chicken Run!

Our wonderful gardening club, headed up by the fantastic Mrs Richardson, introduced chickens to the school garden yesterday. Don’t worry, our feathered friends are not running around the playground freely – Mrs Richardson received some funding to purchase a chick coop, and some kind community volunteers (Mark & Dave) offered to build it for us.

We now have a total of 4 chickens in the school garden and, only 1 day in, we have already collected 3 eggs! We plan to setup a rota to ensure that the chickens are looked after, including an egg collection rota. The eggs will be sold as a little enterprise project, with the money going towards the cost of feeding and caring for the chickens.

We are running a competition to name our new chickens – watch this space! Also, if you have any spare egg boxes at home, please send them into the school. Thank-you!

May 9, 2024
by Miss Douglas

Bicycle Brainstorm!

This afternoon we all had a lovely visit from the very lovely Janet Jones from Creative Stranraer. She came to pick the brains of our fantastically creative little bunch on what they would like to see/do at the Cycling Festival which will be happening on the 22ndย of June. She explained there will be a new statue of a bike to have a look at to commemorate Kirkpatrick McMillian from Dumfries – the inventor of the bicycle with a chain!
The boys are girls well and truly blew Janet away with their very innovative, creative and somewhat whacky ideas including:
-‘pimp my bike’
-a bike race around Agnew Park
-biscuit decorating contest
-bike tig
-bike modelling
The list goes on and on..
A big thank you to Janet for her visit and a big thank you to the pupils for all of their great ideas!
#Article12 the right to have an opinion

April 25, 2024
by Mrs Baillie

Garden Guardians

Here is a run down of what our wonderful garden volunteers have been up to after school and at weekends. Thank you to Mrs Richardson for leading them all and her hard work in this.

18 Aprilย  – What a lovely evening for gardening club, we planted our sunflower seeds and started weeding, in-between exploring the new chicken hut!

20 April – A great day was hadย  building the school chicken run and coop along with gardening. We had a lovely team of parent helpers and invaluable help from locals Mark and Dave.. we couldnโ€™t of done it without you, thank you to everyone

24 April – The weather was ideal for gardening club today ๐ŸŒž.. we split in to groups and finished off what the school started in the afternoon. This was checking on all the hedgerow plants that were planted nearly 2 years ago. We put a cardboard base around them ( to stop weeds etc) then mulched them my adding cut grass on to the cardboard. This was very popular!

We then planted up some strawberry plants, added some red onions to the garlic patch and planted some flower seeds. We also inspected the new chicken area.

April 15, 2024
by Mrs Baillie

Guess who?!

Miss Douglas and Primary 1-4 had a real life game of “guess who” today.ย 

This afternoon the class were set the task of working in groups to describe people in class and the others had to guess who was who.ย  ย This was part of their science learning and teaching all about physical attributes.ย  BUT, without telling the class the REAL Miss Douglas left the classroom and was replaced by the OTHER Miss Douglas – her identical twin sister!ย  The other Miss Douglas is also a Primary teacher and was talking the class for this activity this afternoon.ย  The other Miss Douglas is currently teaching in Australia but paid a visit to the class at Kirkcolm this afternoon.

Mrs Baillie and Mrs Macpherson were in on this trick and kept a close eye on proceedings as some of the more observant pupils began to question if there had been a change of teacher.ย 

Both Miss Douglas’ were wearing exactly the same outfit and hairstyles.ย  But some children spotted a slight change in the voice of Miss Douglas (the second).ย  Others were oblivious to the fact that their temporary class teacher was a completely different person!

The big reveal came as one pupil described Miss Douglas their class teacher, and others had to guess who it was.ย  Miss Douglas, the Kirkcolm teacher, then jumped into the room saying “it’s me!” – to which many pupils were confused doing a double take- looking at them both!

Have a look at the photographs – can you tell which one is the Miss Douglas you have all of the time at Kirkcolm?

Which Miss Douglas is which?

Is the real Miss Douglas on the the right, or on the left?!

March 22, 2024
by Miss Douglas

From Searching for Easter Eggs to Searching for Litter!

This afternoon we swapped egg searching for litter searching! We ventured out into the community on a little litter pick along with some kind parents who joined us.ย  ๐Ÿšฎ ๐Ÿšฏ
We split into two groups. One group went up towards the top of the village and the other stayed at the bottom. We kept a keen eye out of rubbish and found some litter hot spots, collecting 5 bags worth! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
Although I would have said Kirkcolm was a beautiful and clean community before this afternoon, its just become even more sparkly clean thanks to the boys and girls of Kirkcolm School!
A huge thank you to Kerry, Louise, Jodie, Sara and Mrs Richardson for accompanying us on our litter pick!
Keep an eye out for our litter posters which Andrew Hay our Community Safety Officer will be displaying around our wee village! ๐Ÿ‘

March 22, 2024
by Miss Douglas

Our Easter Egg-Stravagnza!!

We carrot believe how busy this week had been!! ๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿฅ•After all of the excitement of the show this week the boys and girls managed to muster up the last of their energy to have a fun-filled final day of term! The house captains had lots of Easter activities planned, including an Easter egg competition. We have lots of creative and imaginative entries which made judges decision a very tricky one indeed! ๐Ÿฅš๐Ÿฃ You could tell how much time and effort had gone into designing and creating these egg-cellent boiled eggs, so a big well done must go to everyone who took part! After a close inspection and much deliberation the winners were…
P1-4 James Johnstone
P5-7 Ruby McMillan
We took advantage of the nice weather while it was here and headed outside for an Easter egg hunt, organised by our very own Easter bunnies a.k.a the house captains!ย ๐Ÿฐย This proved a lot more difficult than first imagined and after finding most off the eggs (and even some mysterious empty wrappers ๐Ÿ˜‚)ย we decided to call it a day! So, if you are looking for anything to do tonight and you’re feeling up to the challenge, there are still 3 eggs somewhere in the playground..ย ๐Ÿซ๐Ÿฅš
There were two large, golden eggs up for grabs, these were located by Arran and Ivan, and as the saying goes “finders keepers”. The rest of the eggs were shared out in the classroom while both classes took part in some Easter art!ย 
A big thank you to our house captains for organising a great day for everybunny ๐Ÿฐ
An egg-cellent end to an egg-cellent term!
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