P1M 2019-2020 6.9.2019

This week the children have been working really hard on a variety of different tasks.


This week we have used the first 5 sounds we’ve learned so far to start sounding and blending short words like ‘mat’ ‘sat’ ‘at’ etc. The children enjoyed using the magnetic boards with magnetic letters to make the words and used a special pointer (lolly sticks) to read the word. We also did a short piece of writing about some news from home. Some children wrote about playing games at home, going swimming and someone even found a ‘green petalled flower.’

Our first Star Writers of the year are Ivy and Flynn, well done!


This week the children have continued to focus on numbers one at a time. This week it has been the numbers 5, 6 and 7. We have been doing lots of counting as well as forming the shape of each of the numbers.

Health and Wellbeing

As part of the children’s learning based on the story book, ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’ they have been looking at healthy and unhealthy food choices.

We also celebrated Neve’s birthday this week. We enjoyed singing Happy Birthday and hearing all about her special day.

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