Back at school!!!

Hi there! Now we are all back at school working hard as normal! We all enjoyed our Christmas! We hope you enjoyed yours. This week we are doing a project on the weather. We have built a weather station that has a compass, a thermometer and  a rain measure. We have built it to record the weather. We have made a DOMO animation >>>click here<<< to watch. >>>Click here<<< to watch one of our class mates animations!Here is a photo of DOMO edited in any making! Domo is a fun website where you can make fun and silly animations! You can also make slide shows! Our teacher has given us weather related homework. We have to watch two weather forecasts and write down what our regions weather should be. We are bringing our homework back on Friday and we will discuss if the weather forecast was correct or not!Thanks for reading our post!

7 thoughts on “Back at school!!!”

  1. I am very impressed with your blog page and I’ve been picking up some top tips! You have obviously all been very busy learning about extreme weather conditions and I was interested to read about your weather station. Your domo animations are fab! I’ll definitely be back, at a later date, to visit your blog again.

  2. Thanks! We have all been working very hard to get our blog up and running! DOMO is really fun and easy to do! Now we have finished our weather topic and it turns out that the most rain we got in 24 hours was 125ml on Tuesday! DOMO after the dentist is great and we all hope you enjoyed reading our blog post! 😀

  3. This is good a post. I actually like being back at school I hope its good for all the time we have left together.

  4. I love to be back at school. The thing I love the most to be back at school is doing my new topic the magic castle!!! 😛

  5. I like being back at school because I like to see my friends again and I like to see my little buddy again !!!!! 😛

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