Category Archives: Outdoor Learning

Map Skills

Hopefully you have spotted the task on the grid about drawing a map. Map reading and map making are both very important skills to learn. Sometimes the biggest challenge is understanding a map as surprisingly every map is different. So our first challenge is to read and understand the map we plan to use. I found a number of different maps in my house and have added these below for you to look at.

What information do they all have?

What similarities do they have?

Can you spot any major differences?

Is there anything that is unique to each or one map?

See below for some map making and map reading tasks, feel free to do more than one task. I have added some already sent into Seesaw so thank you to those pupils who have shared these.

Task 1 – Describe a journey 

Describe the journey you would normally take to a friend’s house/shop/school or favourite place from your home. If possible, pace it or walk it to help you describe it easily. You could draw it out as a map and add some noticeable buildings or points of interest to your map or you could make a fantastic leaflet or map like the examples below.

Use words such as –  

  • left/right turn 
  • First/Second junction 
  • Walk/drive/run 100m (or relevant)

 Task 2 – Using a map 

Choose 5- 8 cities or towns in Scotland and try and work out how far these are from your home. You could use Google maps, a real map or similar and record the data collected in a table.  See below for an example already posted to Seesaw.

 Answer these questions –  

  • Which city/town is closest? 
  • Which city or town is furthest away? 
  • Can you write any more questions for someone reading your table? 

 Task 3 – Online mapping activities 

Try out the games and activities on this website to learn more about maps. 

Virtual Tour Week 2- Aberdeenshire and Aberdeen #FORALL

Hi Everyone,

Welcome to Week 2 of our Virtual Trip Experience, I hope you had a great time at Edinburgh Zoo last week, this week we are going to visit a different tourist attraction around Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire every day!

The sway below shows Monday and Tuesdays visits, on Wednesday I will post a new set of visits for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday to get your hands on.

Feel-Good Friday – National Galleries of Scotland

Today, rather than posting a Sway, I’m going to share some art activities from the National Galleries of Scotland.

Each week, throughout the lockdown, they have been posting ideas for creative projects for children, including mud painting,  spiral finding, map drawing, and bangle making.

Click on the link to find out more.  Don’t forget to take photos of your artwork and tell your teacher how you got on!

Home is where the art is

Have fun!


Methlick Quiz Continued PSA Takeover (Mrs Still)

Happy Friday Everyone 🙂

Mrs Still has continued on her photo Methlick Quiz, how many can you recognise?

Let us know how you get on!

Methlick Streetview Quiz  

Methlick Streetview Quiz Answers

Mild – Literacy – Tiger Tale Beginning

I have loved seeing your pictures of you out on the prowl searching for tigers, feeling leaves, looking at shapes, describing sounds.

I think we are ready to write the beginning of our Tiger Tale!

This is a paper version of the tail sheet.

This is the spelling sheet Mr Mutch and I shared with you for writing with.

Mild – Art and Design – Surprise!!

If you have listened to our book of the fortnight you will know that Nora has an  incredible journey in her Grandma’s garden.

Can you go for a walk and find a garden or wild space to explore?

Look at the shapes, lines and patterns on the leaves.

Nora had a lot of surprises in her Grandma’s garden.

Did anything surprise you?

Henri Rousseau surprised a lot of people when he painted a tiger in this now famous painting.

Find out more about the painting, artist, art elements and techniques to create a collage inspired by Rousseau.

Update – 2nd June @ 14:10

I have been outdoors and have made a collection of leaf patterns. I am about to start drawing the shapes and lines.

I got a surprise when 5 goldfinches landed beside me, just beautiful!!!

How are you getting on?

Mild – Literacy – Reading – There’s a Tiger in the Garden!

Can you find a tiger in your garden?

We will be learning together to write a ‘Tiger Tale’ over the next couple of weeks.

Great writers go out and explore.

They use their senses to take in information to use for story ideas.

When you are out and about can you get your brain to capture what you

  • see,
  • smell,
  • hear,
  • touch
  • and maybe even taste

to help you write an incredible ‘Tiger Tale’? 

This is a paper copy of the reading comprehension questions in the sway.

Thumper Time!

How healthy is Thumper?

Do you know how much Thumper has grown?

How much he is eating now?

What has he been up to?

Here are the answers to some questions that I have been asked about Thumper.


Would you be able to answer these questions now?


Thumper was born on the 29th February.

How old is he now?


Thumper was about 65cm tall when he was born. This measurement was taken from his feet to the top of his back.

Look at the pictures in the Sway to work out how tall he is now.


How he has grown!

When he was born his pen was 3 metres by 1.5 metres in area.

His pen is now 3 metres by 3 metres in area.

What is the area of his pen?


Did you notice that he is quite a milk guzzler!

How much milk does he drink now?


What does he enjoy crunching on?

3,2,1… Go! Let’s get ready for Sports Day!

These extra activities are on the Sports Day grid.

These are my ideas!

Please share your snack recipes with your class teacher and we will create a ‘Sports Day Cookbook’.

One of the activities on the Sports Day grid is to make ‘Sports Day Medals’. We are surrounded by people who help us, love us and want us to succeed. I think some of these individuals deserve a medal! 

Here are some ideas!

What are your ideas?

And finally…