Mild – Art and Design – Surprise!!

If you have listened to our book of the fortnight you will know that Nora has an  incredible journey in her Grandma’s garden.

Can you go for a walk and find a garden or wild space to explore?

Look at the shapes, lines and patterns on the leaves.

Nora had a lot of surprises in her Grandma’s garden.

Did anything surprise you?

Henri Rousseau surprised a lot of people when he painted a tiger in this now famous painting.

Find out more about the painting, artist, art elements and techniques to create a collage inspired by Rousseau.

Update – 2nd June @ 14:10

I have been outdoors and have made a collection of leaf patterns. I am about to start drawing the shapes and lines.

I got a surprise when 5 goldfinches landed beside me, just beautiful!!!

How are you getting on?

2 thoughts on “Mild – Art and Design – Surprise!!”

  1. You must have had great fun exploring the old building Ms Rossvoll and seeing what wonderful plants had come to live there. It really looked like a jungle. I will have fun thinking what could live there. Do you think you could have elves living there or faeries? Did you see any signs that they could have been there?

    1. Hello Mrs Still, we did have fun. It is an absolute jungle! I took a video but sadly it won’t upload, it would have given everyone a much better idea about how it feels to be there. Well I have been doing some research and understand that holes cut in leaves are messages but I need to find a way to understand them to know who has been there. There were some tiny creatures shimmering in the sunlight but they were so small I couldn’t make out what they were. I think we disturbed them!

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