Felices Vacaciones – Happy Holidays


Boys and Girls,

Summer holidays are a few days around the corner and the first thing I want to say is congratulations. Congratulations “Felicitaciones” on your hard work, your patience and your positivism to go through all this, you are amazing!

To finish this term and this school year,  I thought we could do something nice and special, by using a few materials and one word or a phrase you have learnt in Spanish during this time; the one that it was stuck in your head the most, the one that sounded funny or the one that reminded you of something. Once you have it, we will do a colour print so you can hung it somewhere and remember for ever!

I chose to do a word that it might be new for you, it is one of my favourites “Vacaciones” which means “Holidays” more similar to “Vacacions”.



-Any markers that you have that are not permanent.

-White paper, hopefully a bit thicker than normal.

-Zipper bag

-Water to spray

-A black marker. permanent if possible.

Step 1

Write the word you chose, use any handwriting you want.

Step 2

Colour the bag with the markers, if you put it on top of your word you will see what parts you want covered.

Step 3

Spray water on it, you can use a brush or even your fingers to spray water in it.

Step 4

Turn it around and let the ink touch the paper, with your fingers move the ink around. Very carefully remove the bag.

Step 5

Let it dry. Once it is dried, stick it to your wall, make a card out of it or put it on a frame. Well done!


Have a wonderful summer holidays, enjoy them as much as you can and make lovely memories with your beloved ones. Well done to you all!




End of Year Reflection

Methlick End of Year Reflection Colour
(PDF link)

This week we won’t be having a Numeracy/Literacy and HWB grid.  Instead, as the school year draws to a close, take some time to reflect upon all that you have experienced over the course of the year.  We would love to hear about the skills you’ve gained, things you’ve felt proud of and memories you’ve shared. Fill in the boxes and send it to your teacher over on Seesaw. (The PDF Links are much more printer friendly)

Here’s a black and white version if you don’t have a colour printer:

Methlick End of Year Reflection Colour black and white
(PDF link)

Feel-Good Friday – Sculpture

This Friday we will be once again visiting the National Galleries of Scotland in Edinburgh for our inspiration.

One of my favourite sculptures in the Gallery of Modern Art is ‘Vulcan’.  He is an enormous figure constructed from steel, measuring 730 cm in height.  He was created by the  Scottish artist, Eduardo Paolozzi

Click on the Sway to find out more about your Feel-Good Friday activity!  I hope you have fun creating it.

Book Club – Reading – Hot – The Ickabog – Chapter 7,8 and 9

Good morning everyone and welcome back to Methlick’s Book Club!

I hope that you have enjoyed your second week of Social Studies fortnight. This week, I have read chapter 7, 8 and 9 of J.K. Rowling’s new book , ‘The Ickabog’. Have you managed to read all three chapters?

Our activities this week:

Chapter 7 – Create a character profile for one of the characters that we have met.

Chapter 8 – Imagine that you live in Cornucopia – What issue would you bring to the king on the Day of Petition?

Chapter 9 – In no more than a paragraph, can you summarise the events of chapter 9?

In the comments below, can you share your response for any of the three tasks?

T-Shirt Tote Bag – Reusing Science Activity


Boys and Girls,

Summer is here and summer holidays just around the corner, isn’t it great? You might be doing more things than before since we are allowed to go out more and meet more people which is fantastic. You might be going for a picnic around your local area or travel a bit further, for a walk on the beach, to visit some relatives, shopping and others.

Our activity for today will be making a tote bag (like on the photo above) that will be very useful for all the activities mentioned before. To make this we will reuse a T-shirt that is not longer being used at home, it can be yours or from anybody at home as long as they don’t need it anymore.

Let’s talk a bit about what it means to reuse.


What does it mean reuse? Reuse is the practice of using something again. Whether for its original purpose or to fulfill a different function. 

When you choose to reuse, you are making a conscious choice to make your life greener and more earth-friendly.

Reusing items helps save money, energy, and resources since it helps keep waste out of landfills and slows down the need for manufacturing new materials. So whenever you have the opportunity to reuse something, don’t think it twice.

Let’s Reuse!

Look at the following Sway to see everything you need and the steps to do you amazing reused T-shirt tote bag.

Go to this Sway

Remember to send a photo to your teacher to see your reused T-shirt tote bag.

Well-Being Wednesday: Mr.Mutch vs Mr.Reid Update

Were getting ready for the final…

Yes we are sadly coming the end of our Ant v Dec Showdown

We decided to make the Methlick Hunt to carry over the two weeks to let us all focus on our Meet the Teacher activities. And for Mr.Mutch and Mr.Reid to put more time into the Final Episode.

We are both working hard to bring it all together.

We would love to get you involved…

You could create a poster or banner for the Final Episode of Mr.Mutch v Mr.Reid and send it in to be feature in the opening.

If you have not completed the Methlick Scavenger Hunt, do not worry you can still take part and find yourself in the leader board during next weeks final!


Sumdog Competition – Spicy/Hot – Numeracy – Term 4 – Week 10

Good morning everyone

If your child has access to their Sumdog account, they can take part in our whole school competition.

The competition starts at 9am today and will finish on Friday at 3.15pm.

The teaching staff will keep an eye on the leaderboard and can offer coins to their class for encouragement!

Congratulations to last week’s winner – Alfie H P6 

Good luck!

Map Skills

Hopefully you have spotted the task on the grid about drawing a map. Map reading and map making are both very important skills to learn. Sometimes the biggest challenge is understanding a map as surprisingly every map is different. So our first challenge is to read and understand the map we plan to use. I found a number of different maps in my house and have added these below for you to look at.

What information do they all have?

What similarities do they have?

Can you spot any major differences?

Is there anything that is unique to each or one map?

See below for some map making and map reading tasks, feel free to do more than one task. I have added some already sent into Seesaw so thank you to those pupils who have shared these.

Task 1 – Describe a journey 

Describe the journey you would normally take to a friend’s house/shop/school or favourite place from your home. If possible, pace it or walk it to help you describe it easily. You could draw it out as a map and add some noticeable buildings or points of interest to your map or you could make a fantastic leaflet or map like the examples below.

Use words such as –  

  • left/right turn 
  • First/Second junction 
  • Walk/drive/run 100m (or relevant)

 Task 2 – Using a map 

Choose 5- 8 cities or towns in Scotland and try and work out how far these are from your home. You could use Google maps, a real map or similar and record the data collected in a table.  See below for an example already posted to Seesaw.

 Answer these questions –  

  • Which city/town is closest? 
  • Which city or town is furthest away? 
  • Can you write any more questions for someone reading your table? 

 Task 3 – Online mapping activities 

Try out the games and activities on this website to learn more about maps. 
