Goodbye From The Bloggers

On Friday 3rd of July, it is the P7s last day in Primary School. That also means that this is our last post on the Gordon Primary School blog! We are very sad to leave because for some of us, we have been blogging for the school since P4 and the others since P5. We have loved spending time doing this and Mrs Sell has been brilliant because she has managed to put up with us. Today, we gave Mrs Sell a very well deserved present! We will miss doing this every Monday and hope that the blog carries on. It would be amazing if some more people started blogging. We are going to try to set up a blog in Secondary school. So, goodbye for now!

By Amy, Sophie, Ellie and Fiona

P7 (nearly S1) bloggers

PARTY TIME !!!!!!!!!

There is a disco on Wednesday night from 7:15pm to 8:30. It will be held in the big hall like all the previous ones were. we think that enteries are £2.50 which include a bottle of water and a bag of crisps. We hope you have a blast and enjoy it the primary sevens will hopefully enjoy it as it will be their last ever disco and they won’t be back as they will be in the big school 🙁  so this will be my last ever post on the gordon primary blog so goodbye from…..


Ellie p7 blogger