Christmas, Light and dark

We are making origami Christmas trees  to put on cards and give to other people.  We made Christmas cards with our handprints on them with Mr Cordiner.  We had a Christmas party in the hall on Tuesday afternoon and we ate some snacks.  We played lots of games at the Christmas party.  We have two advent calendars in the classroom.  One is chocolate and one is pictures.

We put cress seeds on wet cotton wool and we put one tub in some light and put one tub in the dark cupboard.  We were put into groups to do it.  We talked about whether the seeds would grow in the dark or in the light and we are going to look at them this afternoon.  We had to work out what would grow in the dark and what wouldn’t.    We are wondering which will grow and which will not.

Christmas Extravaganza

Christmas Extravaganza at Ellon Primary

Stallkeepers wait for customers
Last Saturday Ellon Primary School held a hugely successful Christmas Extravaganza to raise money for school funds. There were cakes, sweets, jewellery, hair accessories, chocolate and many more stalls for people to visit and purchase their Christmas presents. The P1, P2 , P2/3 and P3 also had fantastic enterprise stalls selling cakes, Christmas pudding lolly pops, Christmas decorations, present tags and food for the birds. Children and teachers came along to sell what they made. Any profit that the classes made will be spent by the class and the teachers and children can decide what to buy.
There was a cafe where you could have soup, biscuits, mince pies, coffee or tea. Mums and dads liked that.
The arts and craft room was really popular and lots of children made Christmas decorations and other things. In the crafty room you could also play a game and buya raffle.
For lots of children the highlight was a visit to Santas Grotto.
The day was a fantastic success and we all enjoyed it.
Go to the gallery page to see a link to more photos from the Extravaganza.

Cinderella and Rockerfella

Everyone is really enjoying the rehearsals for the Cinderella  Rockerfella Pantomime and we can’t wait to perform infront of an audience. All we need to do is practice a little more to ensure we all know our lines and come in at the right time. The scenery crew are working hard on the backdrop and the props. We are all very excited about performing on the 19th of December to family and friends.

Here is a sneek preview of the ugly sisters practicing their routine.

The ugly sisters are having a great time!

Noctural animals, Hanukka

We have been learning about nocturnal animals and have been using the computer for researching the animals.  We had to find out where the animals live, what they eat,what type they are and how they get around in the dark. 

We looked at the story of Hanukka because it is another celebration about light.  We learned abut the menorah which is a big lamp with 9 candles.  Jewish people celebrate Hanukka for 8 days because the oil miracle lasted for 8 days.


Enterprise Part 2

We finished making the popcorn strings for the enterprise and put them in bags.  We made labels for them.  We were talking about how much they will cost.  The popcorn strings are 25p.  We made bird food too and we were making shapes with the bird food.  We have been making mars bar crispies to sell.  We put the spare bird food into bags to sell.  We are going to the Christmas fair on the 1st of December and that’s when we are going to sell the stuff that we made.  We are hoping to make money for the school.


The baking buddies have been finding out about the change of season and how it makes food scarce for the birds.  During our baking session today the children got the opportunity to make ‘cakes’ for the birds. Each buddy made one feeder to take home and an extra one for school – this will hopefully encourage birds to visit. We gave the extra feeders to the nursery for their garden, so hopefully the children in nursery will get watch the birds from their window.

The bird cakes were fun to make but very messy as the children used their hands to mix the lard and dry ingredients together. The lard was useful to bind the mix however the buddies did not like its smell! The children used a mixture of oranges and yoghurt pots to hold the bird cake. To use the orange the buddies had to remove the juice and scoop out the rest of the orange leaving just the skin. The buddies got the opportunity to taste the orange juice at snack. After our baking was finished some of the buddies made robin pictures.

enterprise, money

We are threading popcorn with sharp needles and thread to make strings of popcorn.  We have to be very careful we don’t stab ourselves! We are doing it for the enterprise.  We got to pop the corn.  We stirred it with a spoon until it started popping and it looked like fireworks when it popped out of the pan!!! Next week we are going to be pricing them.  Some people are being sneaky and eating the profits!

We have been counting money to make different amounts so we can give change at the enterprise and to count up the money that we get. P3s have been doing harder amounts than the P2s.  The P2s that were more confident were allowed to do the P3s and the other way round.

Road Safety Blog

P6/7’s Blog on Road Safety

Over the past few weeks, P6/7 has been focusing on launching a campaign to promote the use of seat belts on school buses and general road safety awareness for Road Safety Week. They have been doing and making lots of things, this blog one of them. Why don’t you have a look at it and tell us what you think?

At this assembly, we’re going to be talking about staying safe on the road and school buses. When you get on the bus, the first thing you need to do after you’ve had your ticket stamped is to find a seat, sit down and put on your seatbelt. There is no point in taking off your seatbelts the moment the bus starts moving, as this is one of the most dangerous things you could do on a school bus. Most of the fatal casualties in vehicle crashes can be avoided, if only the people involved had put on their seatbelts.

In 2007, there were approximately 2,682 road related casualties:

873 were pedestrian casualties
632 were people in car crashes
174 were people on bicycles
75 were people on buses and coaches that crashed
55 accidents were on other vehicles

All in all, about:

155 were seriously injured
And 9 were killed

All in one year.

Of course no one wants to be one of those people that were injured and even killed, but there are lots of simple things that you can do to reduce your chance of being hurt if the bus had a collision or braked suddenly. The most simple, easiest way to stay safe in vehicles is to wear your seatbelt, something that is already expected of everyone. A lot of people don’t, and they are normally the people fatally injured.

On a more cheery note, we have jingles, a play and posters for you to look at.

You can also log on to or to find out more.

If you are interested in becoming a junior road safety officer speak to Mrs Lindsay.

We hope you understand the importance of staying safe.

(The blog was written by Aisling O’Sullivan, Jay Skivington, Jason Canning, Fergus Hughes)

P1s Mrs Trahern Blog!!!

Jay,Rory and Danny went on a tour,and came across Mrs Traherns class,they thought “lets make a blog about p1s!” So,they got Jonson and Milly to answer a few questions! They said “numbers and letters are our favourite subjects,we are also making christmas tags for chrismas!”they did very well on there first interview!

by Jay,Danny and Rory


The Baking Buddies agreed to create some cakes to sell at interval time and give money raised to Children In Need charity. This meant the buddies had a very busy morning as they only had one session to prepare all the cakes ready to sell for 10.45am!

The buddies split into two teams. Mrs McBride helped one group of buddies make TOPHAT cakes using chocolate, marshmallows and smarties. The rest of the buddies worked with Mrs Wilson and Mrs Reynolds to make gluten free SHORTBREAD.

Once the shortbread was cooked all the baking buddies worked really well together to decorate the shortbread with Pudsey Bear yellow icing and coloured spots.

The Baking buddies went round some of the classrooms to tell their classmates about their project and to encourage children to visit their stall. Two buddies kindly gave up their play-time to sell the cakes at the tuck shop. The cakes were very popular and they managed to sell all cakes and raise £16.10 for Children in Need!

The cakes are ready to sell!


Earlier this session the Baking Buddies spent time looking through books and recipe cards to find things the children wanted to make during our baking slot.  Rock cakes was one of the recipes selected that day.

Rock cakes allowed the children to get messy hands again as they tried the rubbing in technique that they had enjoyed doing whilst making shortbread.  The rest of the dried ingredients were mixed in with a wooden spoon and then the egg added to make a dough. The children had to share out the dough as a group and then used their dough to make small balls.  These were put on baking tray ready to go into the oven. At this point we adapted the recipe and added silver balls as decoration.  The silver balls melted slightly in the heat of the oven and made our Rock cakes sparkle.  We decided to change the name of the cakes to MOON ROCKS! Following on from our ‘Moon Rock’ baking some of the group decided to use construction sets available to create their own rockets to fly to the moon.

Diwali, Phases of the moon

We learned a story about Rama and Sita because it is Diwali this week.  We made little diva lamps because at Diwali everyone has a party about light and dark.

For our homework we have to look out to see the moon for 2 weeks.  We are looking to see what shape the moon is.  We will look at the moon and if it is cloudy we have to draw a cloud and if it is a clear night and you can still not see the moon you write moon not visible.  It takes almost a month for the moon to orbit the Earth.

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