Earlier this session the Baking Buddies spent time looking through books and recipe cards to find things the children wanted to make during our baking slot.  Rock cakes was one of the recipes selected that day.

Rock cakes allowed the children to get messy hands again as they tried the rubbing in technique that they had enjoyed doing whilst making shortbread.  The rest of the dried ingredients were mixed in with a wooden spoon and then the egg added to make a dough. The children had to share out the dough as a group and then used their dough to make small balls.  These were put on baking tray ready to go into the oven. At this point we adapted the recipe and added silver balls as decoration.  The silver balls melted slightly in the heat of the oven and made our Rock cakes sparkle.  We decided to change the name of the cakes to MOON ROCKS! Following on from our ‘Moon Rock’ baking some of the group decided to use construction sets available to create their own rockets to fly to the moon.

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