Category Archives: Curriculum

Robert Burns Poetry Competition

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Everyone from P1 to P7 took part in the competition. Children in Primary 1 were learning the Wee Red Motor while children in P5 were learning Ellin’s Spellin’.  The winners of p5 where Amber who came 2nd Cameron came 3rd and Millie came 1st ! They where presented with a certificate at Assembly. There are more certificates to come from the Burn’s Federation but haven’t arrived yet .


Written by Sophie Sutherland

Meet the Blog Group!

Meet our new blog group. We are fun, adventuress, kind and we are always willing to help. We will always be there from 9:00am  to 4:00pm on a Monday taking your ideas and putting them on the school  blog.  We meet Mrs Whalley in the I.C.T room after school. We will be posting all the news about this school. We let the parents and pupils hear about all the good things that are happening.


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Written by Aimee & Emma

Robbie’s One Minute Workout

For many people, New Year brings about a desire to make improvements in our lifestyle.

For Robbie, it has brought about a desire to not only make an improvement to his own life but also to other peoples’ lives.

Robbie’s New Year resolution is to help other people get fit.

He has kick started his resolution by holding a One Minute Workout at our assembly. He created a workout which consisted of six different exercises and he carried out each one for 10 seconds. Robbie even managed to get the staff to take part too!

The children enjoyed their workout and could feel their hearts beating faster after just one minute.

Well done, Robbie!

Robbie (P7) on his stage carrying out one of the exercises.
Our P4-7 classes taking part in the One Minute Workout.

Happy New Year from all of us

Happy New Year!

We hope that this is  wonderful year for everyone at Ellon Primary school and their families.

A number of pupils have started the year off with New Year Resolutions. Here are Sophie, Sean and Kerena from Primary five who have decided to eat more fruit, get better at tidying up and Sean has decided to walk his dog more often. Good luck to everyone who has set themselves a New Year Resolution. We look forward to hearing about how you get on.

Sean's Resolution
Sophie, Sean and Kerena
Sophie's Resolution
Kerena's Resolution

S4L P2-4 Newspaper Group

The Skills for Learning, Life and Work Newspaper Group have been hard at work creating articles for the School Blog and the School Newspaper.

They used their interviewing skills to find out more about our school administrator and they  are learning how to write news reports.

Working hard on our articles for the school newsletter
We had to think carefully about how to work what we were writing
We worked together in the conference room and we helped each orher

Ellon Primary School Christmas Assembly

This year’s Christmas assembly told the real meaning of Christmas while celebrating the amazing talent that the pupils hold.

Our speakers who told the Chritmas story
We played Christmas songs on the cello while our music instructor, Mr Mathieson, played the piano for us.
We were a little bit nervous before we started to play but we really enjoyed it.
I have been working hard to learn the songs.
Just before we played in front of the whole school.
Margaret and Ron have been delivering our religious assemblies this session so it was very nice that they were able to come along and speak at our Christmas assembly too.
Alison helped the P7s learn the songs for their Remembrance Assembly and she played the piano for us today too.
Gene and Maja played extremely well and Maja was brave enough to play a solo too.

The Xmas Factor!

The Xmas Factor!

Well what a show!! Parents, granparents, brothers and sisters, young and old all lined up waiting in anticipation for the P6-P7 Christmas show. The outfits were put on, the last minute adjustments to hair were put in place and then it was time to get going.

We were all feeling a bit nervous but we were looking forward to putting the show on too. The songs were quite hard to learn but we knew we would be able to do them well because we had all tried so hard to learn the words and the actions.

Here are some photos of our concert:

We also have some short video clips of our concert too which will be uploaded very soon. Watch this space!

More Success for the netball team!

Our Netball Team

From left to right.

Lois Jay-Muir, Shanna Kelman, Evie Howells, Sally Hughes, Erin Kelly, Kayla Wotherspoon, Ailbhe O’Sullivan, Esther Morris, Katie Stewart and  Ellie Jaffrey

Ellon Primary School’s P6-7 Netball team played against Auchterellon Primary at Old Meldrum Academy on the 11th of December. The played extremely well and showed off their team working skills and creativity. As a result, they won the game 12-0. Lois-Jay Muir was given the prestigious title of “Player of the Match”  so an extra well done to her too!

This is an amazing achievement for our netball team and we are absolutely delighted with how hard they are working.

Thank you to their coaches who work with them every week and help them to achieve their goals.

Bringing History to Life

Today the Primary Seven class went on a trip to Ellon Library where they carried out tasks related to World War 1. This included looking at what the soldiers wore, looking up soldeirs who died during the war and finding out information by using the iPads.

The feedback from the P7s was all very positive:

Sally –  I liked using the iPads because it was something I had never done before. I also likes seeing the uniform that the soldier wore.

Sam – The iPads were weird but I liked it because it talked and you could move the aeroplane.

Logan – The iPads were really interesting. I have never done something like that before. It was good that it all comes out of the paper.

Romi – I quite liked the computers and how it could search those who died by using the British War Graves Commission website. It’s really good technology.

Maja – The 3D iPads were awesome! It’s amazing what you can do with a printed sheet and an iPad.

Eleanor – I found the soldiers clothes interesting and the helmets must have been very uncomfortable because it looked like a deep frying pan. The iPads were awesome too.

Robbie – I enjoyed all of the facts. I though it was interesting.

Fraser – It was cool.

Shanna – It was awesome, especially the iPads. I liked it because you could look at the 3D things.

Ada – I enjoyed the iPads because you see 3D things.

Callum – My favourite was the iPads as you could see 3D things out of a picture.

Cameron – My favourite part of visiting the library was when we used the iPads and looked at tanks and planes in 3D.

Mark – The library was good, I really enjoyed it.

Ericka – I think going to the library was a good idea. I liked working with the iPads

Alanna – I liked going to the library and learning about the topic. I enjoyed working on the iPads it made our topic more interesting.

Emily – The trip to the library was very good, I really enjoyed the iPads. It was cool seeing the 3d aeroplane.

Chloe – It was great. I liked the iPads the best. I liked that the tanks looked real. It was awesome.

Amber – It was so much fun. I liked the iPads best because I hadn’t seen anything like it before.

James – I enjoyed the library when we got to see all the clothes they wore.

Lucas – I enjoyed the part when we looked at the clothes that the army wore.

Jennifer – I liked the iPads best because the tanks look more real.

Marie – I liked the War Graves Commission website which gave details of how and when the soldiers die and where they were buried. I liked it because you got to find out more information about the soldier.

Brendon – I liked the iPad work because I did not expect it.

Abbie – I liked the army objects, there was a bomber jacket which was pretty cool.

He’s Behind you!!

Today Ellon Primary school had a visit from M and M Productions who showed the story of Beauty and the Beast.
Bell, Gaston, Gorgeous, Mrs. Potty, Casper and the Candle Man were the main characters.

It was all done by one four people though which was very clever. The whole school went to see it over two performances.
I thought the Nursery children might have been scared but they were laughing and thinking it was funny too.

Anya Bramwell said that she liked the performance and that her favourite bit was at the end when the person got made back into a human again.
Ross Macarthur said that he thought Gaston was funny and made him laugh, especially when he said ‘Let’s go’ and then started to sing Let it Go from Frozen.
Ellis Kilgour thought it was hilarious when the characters got their swords out!
Isla McCallum said the panto was amazing. She really liked it when the man started singing, “Let it Go!”. She was singing along to all the music.

As an extra surprise we all went back to our classrooms and found an orange and a chocolate bar for us.  That was yummy!

Written by Jacob Vavangus in P5

P4, P4/5, P5 Christmas Concert 2014

Today we welcomed mums, dads, babies, grannies, granda’s, aunties, uncles and family friends into the school to see the P4, P4/5 and P5 Christmas Concert.

This was the culmination of a lot of hard work from the pupils, their teachers, our janitor, the PSAs and parents at home.

The performance was described as a heart-warmer, a wonderful event and as a tear-jerker.

Here are the P5s singing a song to wish everyone a Happy Christmas from Africa.

Primary 5s also wished everyone a Happy Christmas from Japan.

Our three kings delivered presents.

The P4/5s came from India to wish everyone well.

The dancing from the P4s was super.

Yeeha!! Get your cowboy boots on!

Mission Christmas

For the first few weeks of this term, Primary 5 pupils were on a Christmas mission to raise as much money as they could for Cash for Kids. They took part in a sponsored read and organised guess the teddy’s birthday. They managed to raise an amazing £500! They then spent time researching toys, finding out the best places to buy the toys and working out what they could afford with the money. The classroom was filled with toys that will go to children who may not have received a present this Christmas. Well done to everyone in Primary 5.

P5 with all the toys they managed to buy.

Netball Success

Katie Stewart, Esther Morris, Ailbhe O’Sullivan, Ellie Jaffrey, Kayla Wotherspoon, Erin Kelly, Lois Jay-Muir, Shanna Kelman and Evie Howells took part in their first Garioch Netball League at Old Meldrum Academy with huge success. They won their match 7-0 and Esther won Player of the Match. They are very excited about their next game which will be on the 11th of December. Good Luck to all of you!

Well Done!