Tag Archives: New Year

Robbie’s One Minute Workout

For many people, New Year brings about a desire to make improvements in our lifestyle.

For Robbie, it has brought about a desire to not only make an improvement to his own life but also to other peoples’ lives.

Robbie’s New Year resolution is to help other people get fit.

He has kick started his resolution by holding a One Minute Workout at our assembly. He created a workout which consisted of six different exercises and he carried out each one for 10 seconds. Robbie even managed to get the staff to take part too!

The children enjoyed their workout and could feel their hearts beating faster after just one minute.

Well done, Robbie!

Robbie (P7) on his stage carrying out one of the exercises.
Our P4-7 classes taking part in the One Minute Workout.

Happy New Year from all of us

Happy New Year!

We hope that this isĀ  wonderful year for everyone at Ellon Primary school and their families.

A number of pupils have started the year off with New Year Resolutions. Here are Sophie, Sean and Kerena from Primary five who have decided to eat more fruit, get better at tidying up and Sean has decided to walk his dog more often. Good luck to everyone who has set themselves a New Year Resolution. We look forward to hearing about how you get on.

Sean's Resolution
Sophie, Sean and Kerena
Sophie's Resolution
Kerena's Resolution