Category Archives: Languages

World Book Day 2015

World Book Day
World Book Day was organised by the Kids’ Council who worked with their classes to decide on some fun activities for the school to work together on. The costumes were excellent and it was great to see so many book characters around the school. Well done to Erin, Keeley, Dregan and Calum Souter who won the “Design a superhero” competition created very well thought out book covers. The Kids’ Council had a hard time narrowing the entries down to just two. Thank you to everyone who sent in photos of their children reading in an unusual place. These are now all up on the wall for everyone to see.


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K’Nex Challenge


Our P6 and P7 pupils all had the opportunity to take part in a K’Nex Challenge.

The K’Nex workshops employ active learning to develop problem solving, communication, teamwork, planning and critical thinking skills. The pupils were all thoroughly engaged in the team activities and gave very positive feedback. Here are some of our P7 pupils working together.

Robert Burns Poetry Competition

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Everyone from P1 to P7 took part in the competition. Children in Primary 1 were learning the Wee Red Motor while children in P5 were learning Ellin’s Spellin’.  The winners of p5 where Amber who came 2nd Cameron came 3rd and Millie came 1st ! They where presented with a certificate at Assembly. There are more certificates to come from the Burn’s Federation but haven’t arrived yet .


Written by Sophie Sutherland

Happy New Year from all of us

Happy New Year!

We hope that this is  wonderful year for everyone at Ellon Primary school and their families.

A number of pupils have started the year off with New Year Resolutions. Here are Sophie, Sean and Kerena from Primary five who have decided to eat more fruit, get better at tidying up and Sean has decided to walk his dog more often. Good luck to everyone who has set themselves a New Year Resolution. We look forward to hearing about how you get on.

Sean's Resolution
Sophie, Sean and Kerena
Sophie's Resolution
Kerena's Resolution

S4L P2-4 Newspaper Group

The Skills for Learning, Life and Work Newspaper Group have been hard at work creating articles for the School Blog and the School Newspaper.

They used their interviewing skills to find out more about our school administrator and they  are learning how to write news reports.

Working hard on our articles for the school newsletter
We had to think carefully about how to work what we were writing
We worked together in the conference room and we helped each orher

shape, topic, art, Romans, Celts, Alec caravan

The P2s were making symmetrical t-shirts and shorts with patterns on them for maths.  We looked at shapes for maths.  The P2s and P3s were making different patterns with shapes. 

 At story writing we were writing a postcard from a roman soldier.  We made Celt torcs.

We were learning about the body inside the ALEC caravan.  We touched parts on Tammy and when we touched them they lit up. We learned that our heart keeps us alive.  There was a fancy dress party for Harold. 

At art, we were drawing a picture of roman soldiers.  We folded the paper and in each part we had to draw a part of the body.  Some of the parts had two parts of the body in them.

Romans and Celts, Story Writing, Archaeology

We have been painting Romans and Celts.  Some people have been painting shields and swords.   In Art we have been painting Mount Vesuvius which is a famous volcano.  We are writing stories about a time machine.  Our story about the time machine is in chapters.  We have written one chapter. 

We have been learning about time.  The P3s have been learning quarter to and quarter past.  The P2s have been learning about o’clock and half past.  We went to cooperative learning groups to  learn the months of the year and make a paper chain of them.  Some people knew all of the months and some people didn’t.

Some people have been digging for finds in the playground!  Some people think that they have found things from the Roman times or a long time ago!  We have put them in our Roman museum.

The Magic Bike stories, games, leaving

We wrote stories at Big Writing about a magic bike.  Some of the stories were really long.  We have enjoyed doing our stories for Big Writing. 

We made board games because our topic is toys.  It was really, really fun.  Some of the games were hard to make.  Then we had to make our counters and make dice.  They were hard to make. We did them in our home building teams and we have 4 people in our teams.  Most of the home building teams worked well.  Today one of our class is leaving.   She is happy and sad to be going.

Red Nose Day, subtraction, story writing

We are doing lots of subtracting and some people are enjoying it!  We have been stuck with a kind of take away – the one with the missing number at the start! Yesterday we played a game of subtraction bingo on the computer and a few people missed out some numbers!

We all  came to school in red clothes and red hair because it is Red Nose Day.  We also wore our red noses. All the red noses are dinosaur themed.

We have been writing stories about a magic paint brush.  First we  heard the story called The Magic Brush and it was a good story.  Some of us have written really long ones!  We had to follow a plan to write the stories.

Mother’s Day cards, verbs

We were making Mother’s Day cards for Mother’s Day. We enjoyed making the cards.  We made hearts for the front of the cards and wrote in gel pens.  Some of them were sparkly!  We can’t wait to give them to the mums on Sunday!

We were learning how to play a game called Vigorous Verbs.  To play Vigorous Verbs someone gave you a card.  You weren’t allowed to look at the card until it was your turn.  On your turn you would look at the card and if it was a verb. You would act it out in the middle and if it wasn’t you took another card. We drew our Vigorous Verbs.

The Magic Toy Maker, drawing, toy talks

The Toymaker gave us 3 letters.  The first one was about making toys out of junk, the second one was to say that we did use our imagination to make a toy.  The third one was that he had run out of ideas and he wants us to help.  We made toys out of junk which were fantastic!  We drew pictures of toys like Noah’s Ark, a fire engine, a fire station, a farm and a car park.  We are in the middle of talks about our toys.  We had to take in one of our favourite toys and we had to talk all about it to the rest of the class.  The class had some questions to ask at the end of every talk.  The talks are excellent.

BAKING BUDDIES – Christmas treats to share

Over the last three weeks the baking buddies have been getting into the spirit of Christmas by making a variety of festive goodies to take home and share with their families.Following each Christmas baking sessions the children have discussed Christmas and shared stories. Some of the buddies have then had the opportunity to create craft related to those discussions. All the results can be seen in the photo selection below.

Christmas Tarts

One of our buddies had requested that we bake jam tarts. To give these a more festive feel we adapted the recipe and filled our tarts with mincemeat and decorated them with a star. The children made their own short crust pastry and used cutters to make the tart base and cutters for the star shaped decoration.

Cinnamon and Vanilla Stars

This recipe was for a basic biscuit recipe that we adapted slightly by adding cinnamon and vanilla to the ingredients.

When we introduce our recipe each week we spend time looking at all the ingredients and talking about them. The children are encouraged to smell the ingredients before we use them describing what they notice or if they like it.  Some of the buddies recognised the smell of vanilla from ice cream and sweets they had before.

As we made star shapes we discussed where we see the star and how relates to Christmas. This week we were very lucky to get invited along to see the nursery nativity as our biscuits cooked in the oven.

Reindeer Cake Pops

This recipe is called a cake pop because a lollipop stick is used to stick onto the end of a ball of cake to create a lollipop cake. The buddies decorated the cake pops with melted chocolate and cake decorations to make a reindeers face.

For this recipe the children had to crumble up a ready bought Christmas cake. We added a vanilla flavoured butter icing which is mixed in together and dough is made. The buddies rolled the dough into smaller balls and they were put in the freezer to harden slightly. The cake pops were then dipped into the chocolate and decorations added.


Whilst we waited for the cake pops to harden in the freezer the children used a selection of marshmallows, melted chocolate, fruit string chews and cake decorations to make their own snowmen lollipops.

Fireworks and spooky story writing

We did a firework problem solving activity.  We counted rockets with 3 or 4 stars and we had to make numbers 10, 15, 25, 60 and 70 by using cubes to count them.  It was quite hard for some of us!  We  watched and read a story for firework safety on the smartboard.  We found out about the firework code.   We read out all of the code and we learned about how to stay well back from fireworks. We found out that when you are finished with your sparklers you need to put them in a bucket with cold water.  We learned not to do dangerous things with fireworks. 

We read a story about a Hallowe’en party and had to finish it off.  We had to put in capital letters and full stops and we had to make sure we put in some connectives.  We had to use spooky wow words!


We have heard about Nintendogs and played them on the DS. We had to look at dogs and then buy them.  We had to teach them their names.  Some people thought it was easy and some people thought it was hard! We had to teach them to sit but some were stubborn, wouldn’t listen and wouldn’t sit! We made some fabulous profiles for our pets.  We have enjoyed playing with our faithful pets.  We started making a dog animation on the computer.  We had to work with a partner. We are thinking about making a pet shop in the corner of the classroom.