Edinburgh 2017

More pics from our visit. Thanks to all the parents for your comments, we love reading them out when we are away.



Day 2

Today was awesome we went to Edinburgh Castle , the National Museum Β and Dynamic earth. All is good .πŸ˜„ Β We really liked Dynamic earth: 3D showings and Arctic room. We also liked the fashion area in the museum and the animal area as well. Owen really liked the technology section. (By Aila, Isla and Owen)


Day 1

Good journey down, saw some amazing sights in Deep Sea World.

Settled in to the hostel after a slight change to the rooms

Had a bit of time before dinner then a rush up to the Royal Mile for the ghost tour, which was scarey down in the vaults.

Got back to the hostel just after 9 and straight to bed. Another early start tomorrow!



41 thoughts on “Edinburgh 2017”

  1. Hope you are all having a great time. Looking forward to hearing about tomorrow’s adventures.

  2. Hi Ross delighted to hear you are all having fun and enjoyed deep sea world. You are all brave going on a ghost tour …πŸ‘»def too spooky for mums! Hope everyone sleeps ok, you’ve a busy day ahead. Remember the Edinburgh rock!! 😁Look forward to seeing the pics & hearing all about it. Love mum x

  3. Morning πŸ˜€
    Sounds like you had a great first day!
    Hope you managed to get some sleep! 😴
    Missing you loads ❀️
    Mum, Dad, Niamh and Leia πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘§πŸˆ xxxx

  4. Glad to hear you’ve arrived safely. Very jealous of the ghost walk! Hope you all have a great time πŸ˜€

  5. Busy 1st day, hope you are having fun. Enjoy your day today, hope the weather stays dry. Hope you’ve still got some snacks left πŸ˜œπŸ˜‚. Your brother is missing you & your sisters had to play on the trampoline with him instead of you. Enjoy. Lots of love, Mum, Dad, Alex, Neve & Chloe xx

  6. Hi Mia & friends! Sounds like you had a great day yesterday. Hope the ghost walk wasn’t too scary! Enjoy your busy day today. Can’t wait to hear all about it on Friday.
    Mum, Dad & Finlay x

  7. Sounds like you had a good first day πŸ‘ hope you all had fun at Deep Sea World πŸ‹πŸ™πŸ¦€ and were not too spooked πŸ‘»πŸ‘» after the ghost walk. Enjoy all the things you have planned for today and will look forward to catching up on the news tonight πŸ€— Kathleen (Katie S’s Mum) xx

  8. Sounds like the first day went according to plan.
    Deep Sea World looks exciting and the Ghost
    Tour must have been interesting. Hope that all the children, and adults, got a good night’s rest ready for their second day!

    ps Miller.
    In case you don’t know already it was Barcelona 0 Juventus 0 and Monaco 3 Dortmund 1……..

  9. Wow what a busy day yesterday & another busy day ahead today! Hope everyone slept ok after the ghost tour! Enjoy the castle today πŸ˜„
    From Elaine (Joel’s mum)

  10. Good morning! Wow sounds like a fabulous day! Ghost tour must of been great fun and very scary! Enjoy your day, with your friends.

  11. Have a great time everyone! Looking forward to hearing all the stories tomorrow night ! Aila’s mum xx

  12. Mum, Dad & Jessie miss you loads, hope you are all having a great time & behaving !!!!
    Cant wait to see more pictures of your trip and details of what you have been getting up to.

    Love you loads XXX πŸ™‚
    Mum, Dad & Jessie.

  13. Hope you’re all having a lovely time down there. Patrick, Grace says thank you for her prezzie and Keira says to tell you she’s getting a stick insect kit!

  14. Message from Yasmins Mum ……Sounds like you’re all having a fun time.Hope the ghost tour wasn’t too scarey last night. Can’t wait to hear all about it tomorrow, Love Mum xx

  15. Hiya marley,
    Glad to hear you arrived safely!! I hope you’re enjoying the trip so far, can’t wait to hear all about it when your home!! Missing you loads buddy lots of love mum, dad and kaci xxx

  16. Hi Owen
    The trip sounds like great fun! Have a good day tomorrow, we are looking forward to hearing all about it.
    From Mum, Dad, Ariana & Adam.

  17. Great to hear all went well yesterday. Hope everyone managed to get some sleep last night and had a fun day today.

  18. Hi everyone, hope your all having a fab time! Hope you’ve enjoyed everything, Aimee it’s very quiet and tidy here… so we’ve decided your the untidy and noisy oneπŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚πŸ‘πŸΌ Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow, enjoy the zoo tomorrow, try and not get locked up with the monkeys! πŸ’ πŸ’Missing you lots Mum, Dad & Kayla – licks from Baxter too 🐢🐾

  19. Hi Isla
    Hope you are having lots of fun
    Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow
    Miss you loads
    Love Niamh 😍 xxx

  20. Hey Hafsa.. can’t wait to hear all your tales of Edinburgh… we are missing you !! Safe journey. Love from all of us. Xx

  21. Wow,what a busy day today,sounds fantastic !! Missing you lots Yasmin cant wait to see you tomorrow and hearing all about your adventures..who ll be home first you or Dad?? Xx big hugs from us all,love Mum,Dad,Danny and Lily xxxx

  22. Hi Isla,
    Sounds like you’re all having a great time !!
    Hope the ghost tour wasn’t too scary πŸ‘»
    Enjoy your last day tomorrow πŸ‘πŸ»
    See you soon, Garry & Donna 😘xx

  23. Good to hear you arrived safe and well. Sounds like you have had a fab time so far. Hope the ghost tour wasn’t too scary and you slept okπŸ‘»!! Can’t wait to see you and hear all about it!!

    From Mum, Dad & Emily xxx

  24. Hi skye it’s Alex just wanted to say that I’m missing you lots, hope your having an awesome time in Edinburgh! We all can’t wait for you to come home and start cartwheeling infront of the tv again! Love you loads xx

    Mum, Dad, Alex, Danny and Tegan❀️

  25. What a busy couple of days you’ve all had! Hope you’re all having lots of fun, can’t wait to hear all your stories. See you tomorrow, lots of love Mum, Dad and Eve. Xxxx

  26. Hi Harry! Sounds like you’ve had a busy couple of days. Enjoy the zoo tomorrow and we’re looking forward to hearing all about your trip when you’re home. Hugs from Dad, Niamh, Ethan and me! xx

  27. Sounds like a fantastic trip, looking forward to hearing the stories when Skye gets back, miss you loads

    Love Mum and Dad

  28. Hi everyone sounds like everything is going to plan and you’re having loads of fun. We all miss you Daragh – hope you’re mastering the hi-tech disposable camera πŸ˜‰. Take lots of photos! See you soon xx

  29. Sounds like you are great fun. Make sure you don’t get too close to the monkeys tomorrow Ryan, don’t want them keeping my mini chimp! It’s far too quiet without you. Miss you loads kiddo!

    Love Mum xxx

  30. Hi Katie and friends,
    Sounds like you are all having a fantastic time.
    Can’t wait to hear all about it, when you get home. Also looking forward to seeing your photos.
    We are missing you so much!!!πŸ’™
    Lots of love Mum, Jamie, Anna & Lola xxxx

    P.S Thanks very much Mr Craig, Miss Davidson and Mrs Christie for taking the kids. I feel confident they are in safe hands. Claire

  31. Hi Isla
    Hope you enjoy your last day and the zoo πŸ˜πŸ’ we can’t wait to see you tonight and hear all about your trip. Love you lots, Mum, Dad & Niamh xxx😘

  32. Morning. I hope you’ve all had fun over the past two days and enjoy your day today.
    Safe travels home. There are lots of parents and siblings who have missed you all loads and can’t wait to see you later.
    To Christian; so as not to embarrass you I will just say, it’s not the same without you at home and we are looking forward to seeing you. Meh!!! Oh and WE LOVE YOU 😝 J x

  33. Sounds, and looks, like everyone is having a great time. Hope the last day goes well.
    Looking forward to hearing all about it when you get back later.
    Love from Mum, Dad and Ronan x

  34. Hi Ryan can’t wait to here your stories when we play dominoes tonight whilst eating doritos.

    Love from Alex xx

  35. Delighted to here that you are all having a blast. Rachael is missing you so much Rebecca. We are all looking forward to seeing you later and hearing all about it.
    Lorna (Rebecca’s Mum)

  36. Thank you so much to all staff and helpers for taking care of our children, Lucas had a fantastic time, I have been hearing all about it. Hope you all have a nice relaxing weekend to recover! 🍺

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