posted by Rhonda McFarlane, Funding Officer, Chief Executive’s Department
We’ve teamed up with IBM to launch Longitude Explorer, a £10k competition for secondary school pupils aged 11-16, which aims to develop science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) skills. We’re calling on young people to come up with practical solutions to healthcare challenges using the Internet of Things. Find out more.
Latest blogs
Truth and the media: a modest proposal
How the power of the internet could be harnessed to promote truth across the medial
Geoff Mulgan, 6 January 2017
Who’s responsible for building trust with personal data?
Why individuals, businesses and government must all play their part in building trust.
Eric Copeland, 6 January 2017
Project Updates
Rocket Fund: the first 10 projects
Three weeks ago we launched a pilot crowdfunding platform just for schools, on a mission to reduce educational inequality and empower teachers to innovate in the classroom. Check out our first 10 pioneering schools and a few lessons we’ve learned so far. Read more.
Model of the Month: Fast Idea Design in the public sector, an
Generator interactive map
Explore the third of ten modules in DIY Our new interactive map shows organisations
Learn, our online learning programme using design-led innovation in the public sector
in innovation, created with the Open created with La 27e Region Find out more.
University. Find out more.
Jobs at Nest
We’re looking for an Executive Director of Research, Analysis and Policy; a Programme Manager for Y Lab, a collaboration between Nesta and Cardiff University; an Operations Co-ordinator (part-time) for our Impact Investments team; a Digital Transformation Project Manager; and a Social Media Officer. Browse all jobs.
The Long + Short
Participatory budgeting, explained
2017 looks set to be a big year for partcipatory budgeting, as governments attempt to get more savvy in meeting the needs and desires of citizens. So, what is it? Find out more in our digital magazine, The Long + Short.
Work with us
We’re inviting proposals from candidates for a one-year research project for the Give More Get More Fund, and expressions of interest for delivery partners for the Open Up Challenge Prize. Browse all current opportunities.
Latest blogs
Sharing personal data for public service reform – ethically, legally responsibly
Public service reform requires timely decisions about privacy and infromation sharing. Here are some tips to build confidence.
Hilary Simpson, 15 December 2015
WorkerTech; fighting for better work through technology
How is technology supporting workers? We’ve grouped innovative solutions from around the world into four categories.
Toby Baker, 22 December 2016
How can public and social innovation build a more inclusive economy?
27 January 2017 – Join us for an event exploring how social innovation policy can better address inequality and marginalisation, in partnership with University of Oxford. Register your interest.
European Social Innovation Competition 2017 launch
28 February 2017 – Join us in Athens for the launch of the 2017 European Social Innovation Competition, where we’ll be introducing our brand new theme. Sign up here.